關於 KDE
KDE 是一個國際團隊,合作進行桌面與行動運算用的自由、開源軟體的開發與發行。我們的社群開發了各式各樣的應用程式,涵蓋了通訊、工作、教育與娛樂等等領域。我們注重為各種問題提供創新的解決方法,以建立並維持開放、有活力且有實驗性精神的環境。
What makes KDE so exciting?
The best thing about KDE is our amazing community! We are open to new members, offering help and allowing them to experiment, learn and grow. Our products are used by millions of home and office workers, and are being deployed in schools around the world - Brazil alone has over 50 million school children using KDE-based software to browse, learn and communicate!
不會!每天都有更多人加入我們的貢獻者行列。KDE 有完善的基礎建設,提供網路資源、論壇、郵件論壇、IRC 等等溝通服務。我們能夠提供程式碼的回饋與其他貢獻來幫助您學習。主動積極的態度與友善的個性也很有幫助。
KDE 有做出什麼?
對於 Linux 與 Unix 的使用者,KDE 提供使用者工作空間的完整軟體套組,讓您使用現代化圖形介面與這些作業系統互動。這包含 Plasma 桌面:KDE 的創新桌面介面。其他工作空間應用程式也包含在其中,來幫助進行系統設定、執行應用程式,或是使用硬體裝置。雖然完整整合的 KDE 工作空間只支援 Linux 與 Unix,這些功能的一部分也支援其他平台。
除了工作空間以外,KDE 也提供一些關鍵的應用程式,像是 Konqueror 網頁瀏覽器、Dolphin 檔案管理員,與 Kontact 個人資料管理工具。我們的應用程式也包含更多範疇,像是教育、多媒體、辦公室生產力、網路、遊戲等等。大部分應用程式都支援所有 KDE 開發支援的平台。
KDE also brings to the forefront many innovations for application developers. An entire infrastructure has been designed and implemented to help programmers create robust and comprehensive applications in the most efficient manner, eliminating the complexity and tediousness of creating highly functional applications.
It is our hope and continued ambition that the KDE team will bring open, reliable, stable and monopoly-free computing to the everyday user.
KDE is about freedom
All of the software that KDE produces is a Free and Open Source Software. KDE brings together hundreds of artists, designers, programmers, translators, users, writers and other contributors from across the globe. The team is committed to the development and spirit of free software. Every single line of KDE source code is made available under an open source license. The current licensing policy is also available online. This effectively means that everyone is free to modify and distribute source code written by KDE. Implications of this are several, in particular KDE software is available free of charge to anyone, and will always be so.
Legal Bodies
- KDE e.V. is the foundation which oversees the community for financial and legal representation.
- KDE Free Qt Foundation governs our agreement with Qt Group.