Live 映像檔
嘗試使用 Plasma 的最簡單的方式是用 live 映像檔製作一個 live USB 開機隨身碟。使用 Docker 映像檔也是一個測試 Plasma 的快速又簡單的方式。
下載有 Plasma 的 live 映像檔 下載有 Plasma 的 Docker 映像Plasma 5.25 brings new features and concepts to the desktop environment.
2022 年 6 月 14 日,星期二
Gestures on touchpads and touchscreens put Plasma at your fingertips
看膩灰色了嗎?Plasma 給您一整個彩虹供選擇
Customizing your desktop has never been easier... or more fun!
KDE Plasma 5.25 重新設計並改善瀏覽視窗和工作空間的方式。
您可以用 KRunner 或 應用程式啟動器 來搜尋應用程式、文件或瀏覽器分頁。
You can configure swipes from the screen edge to open Overview, Desktop Grid, Present Windows, and Show Desktop as they directly follow your finger.
Tint all colors of any color scheme using the accent color and adapt the color of elements of every window to the background. You can also choose how much tint you'd like to see mixed in with your normal color scheme.
While configuring your color scheme, you can also make the header area or titlebar use the accent color.
**啟用觸控模式的方式:**將螢幕與鍵盤分離、將它旋轉 360°,或是手動啟用它。
The Task Manager and the System Tray become bigger when in Touch Mode making it easier on your fingers. You can customize the size of the icons when Touch Mode is disabled, too.
Titlebars of KDE apps become taller when in Touch Mode, making it easier to press, drag, and close windows with touch. Context menu items become taller when in Touch Mode, giving you more space to tap the correct one.
Floating Panels add a margin all around the panel to make it float, while animating it back to look normal when a window is maximized.
Blend Effects gracefully animate the transition when color schemes are changed.
Move your entire desktop, with folders, widgets and panels, from one monitor to another with the Containment Management window.
... And there's much more going on. If you would like to see the full list of changes, check out the changelog for Plasma 5.25.
嘗試使用 Plasma 的最簡單的方式是用 live 映像檔製作一個 live USB 開機隨身碟。使用 Docker 映像檔也是一個測試 Plasma 的快速又簡單的方式。
下載有 Plasma 的 live 映像檔 下載有 Plasma 的 Docker 映像發行版已建立(或正在建立)在我們的維基頁面上有列出的軟體包。
軟體包下載維基頁面您可以直接從原始碼安裝 Plasma。
來自社群的編譯說明 原始碼資訊頁面您可以透過我們的社群頻道提供給我們回饋或是獲得新資訊的更新:
在 KDE 論壇 上討論 KDE。
您可以透過 #Plasma Matrix 頻道) 或是 Plasma-devel 郵件論壇 直接向開發者們提供回饋,也可以透過 Bugzilla 回報問題。如果您喜歡團隊所做的事,請讓他們知道!
KDE 是歸功於許多志工捐獻時間與努力才存在並成長的自由軟體社群。KDE 總是歡迎新的志工與貢獻,不論是幫助寫程式、修正臭蟲或回報臭蟲、撰寫說明文件、進行翻譯、宣傳或是金錢貢獻。我們十分感謝且積極接受所有貢獻。請閱讀支持 KDE頁面以取得更多資訊,或是響應 Join the Game 行動成為 KDE e.V. 贊助成員。
KDE is an international technology team that creates free and open source software for desktop and portable computing. Among KDE’s products are a modern desktop system for Linux and UNIX platforms, comprehensive office productivity and groupware suites and hundreds of software titles in many categories including Internet and web applications, multimedia, entertainment, educational, graphics and software development. KDE software is translated into more than 60 languages and is built with ease of use and modern accessibility principles in mind. KDE’s full-featured applications run natively on Linux, BSD, Windows, Haiku, and macOS.
KDE® 和 K Desktop Environment® 圖示是 KDE e.V. 的註冊商標。
Linux 是 Linus Torvalds 的註冊商標。 UNIX 是 The Open Group 在美國和其他國家的註冊商標。