
KDE Plasma 5.10,預設簡潔,需要時足夠強大

Plasma 5.10 的圖片

KDE Plasma 5.10

2017 年 5 月 30 日,星期二

Today KDE has made a new feature release of our desktop Plasma 5.10 with new features across the suite to give users an experience which lives up to our tagline: simple by default, powerful when needed.



Task Manager, the list of applications in the panel, has gained options for middle mouse click such as grouping and ungrouping applications.

Several other improvements here include:




After some years shunning icons on the desktop we have accepted the inevitable and changed to Folder View as the default desktop which brings some icons by default and allows users to put whatever files or folders they want easy access to. Many other improvements have been made to the Folder View include:

New Features Everywhere

Lock Screen Now Has Music Controls

Lock Screen Now Has Music Controls

軟體中心 Plasma 搜尋

軟體中心 Plasma 搜尋元件提供安裝應用程式的選項



There are so many other improvements throughout the desktop, here's a sample:




Touch Screen Support has improved in several ways:

Working for the Future with Wayland

We have put a lot of work into porting to new graphics layer Wayland, the switch is coming but we won't recommend it until it is completely transparent to the user. There will be improved features too such as KWin now supports scaling displays by different levels if you have a HiDPI monitor and a normal DPI screen. Keyboard layout support in Wayland now has all the features of X11:

Plymouth Boot Splash Selection

Plymouth KControl Module

Plymouth KControl Module

A new System Settings module lets you download and select boot time splashes.

Bundle Packages

Flatpak integration with xdg-desktop-portal-kde: selecting a file using file chooser portal, invoking openURI portal and notification portal

Flatpak integration with xdg-desktop-portal-kde: selecting a file using file chooser portal, invoking openURI portal and notification portal

Experimental support for forthcoming new bundle package formats has been implemented. Discover software centre has gained provisional backends for Flatpak and Snappy. New plugin xdg-desktop-portal-kde has added KDE integration into Flatpak packaged applications.

Support for GNOME’s Open Desktop Ratings, replacing old Ubuntu popularity contest with tons of already existing reviews and comments.






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