
KDE 巨型釋出 6

KDE 的下一個巨型釋出來臨!

KDE 社群很榮幸宣佈 Plasma 6、Frameworks 6 與 Gear 24.02 的釋出

發布於 2024 年 2 月 28 日,星期三

Plasma 6

KDE Plasma 是提供基於 Linux 的系統所用的現代化、功能強大的桌面環境。 它以時尚的設計、可隨意自訂的介面與完整的應用程式知名,同時是開源軟體、沒有廣告,並重視您的隱私和個人資料的保護。

在您的電腦上安裝 Plasma 來享受最先進的電腦環境 — 即使您的硬體不被 Windows 11 所支援。您也可以購買預先安裝 Plasma 的各種典雅裝置,例如 Steam Deck 或是許多筆電和輕薄筆電。


在 Plasma 6,我們的科技基底進行了兩大更新:轉移到我們所使用的應用程式框架 Qt 的最新版本,以及遷移到現代的 Linux 圖形平台 Wayland。我們盡全力確保這些變更對於使用者的影響降到最低,因此當您安裝此更新時,只會看到同一個您所熟悉且喜愛的桌面環境。不過這些底層更新能夠為 Plasma 帶來更好的安全性、效能以及效率,並且改善對現代硬體的支援。如此,Plasma 帶來總體更加可靠的使用者體驗,同時為未來更多的改善打下基礎。

我們會持續提供舊式 X11 工作階段的支援給希望目前先不要改變的使用者。




Plasma 使用 Wayland 時現在提供 HDR 的部分支援。在支援的螢幕和軟體上,這會提供您的遊戲、影片與視覺創作更豐富、更深的色彩。

為各個螢幕設定 ICC 設定檔,然後 Plasma 便會依其調整色彩。應用程式目前仍然只能使用 sRGB 色彩空間,而我們在努力支援更多色彩空間。

我們新增了色盲修正濾鏡來改善 Plasma 的無障礙可用性。這對紅色弱 (protanopia)、綠色弱 (deuteranopia) 及藍-黃色盲 (tritanopia) 有幫助。


Transform your desktop with the mesmerizing 'Scarlet Tree' wallpaper by axo1otl. Capture the dynamic interplay between the sun's vibrant energy and the comet's celestial dance.



在 Plasma 6,面板現在預設是浮動的。




Plasma 6.0 是一個大版本更新,因此我們決定是變更一些預設值讓它更好用的時候了。Plasma 仍然可以隨意自訂,您喜歡的話也可以將這些設定調整成在 Plasma 5 的時候的樣子。

煥然一新的 Breeze

Breeze 已大幅改善,讓它的外觀與感覺更現代化,降低框架的數量並使用更一致的間隔。

舊版 新版
舊版 新版
舊版 新版




您現在可以選擇要使用哪個音效主題,我們也帶來了名為 "Ocean" 的新音效主題,取代舊的 "Oxygen" 音效主題。



兩年前,KWin 當中的大型結構改善使得我們必須暫時移除知名的立體方塊效果 — 但今天它回來了!這個效果適合用來以視覺方式呈現虛擬桌面的概念……或是拿來向親友炫耀 Plasma 有多酷!

Plasma 搜尋

Plasma 搜尋現在讓您自訂搜尋結果的排序。

Plasma 搜尋現在也讓您在時區間轉換時間。如果您經常旅行或是需要與住在世界上別處的同事、親友聯絡時,這個功能會很有幫助。 更多 KDE 能夠在您旅行時幫助您的方式,請見此處

Due to some refactoring and profiling, Plasma Search is generally faster, and in particular searching for applications and settings pages is a lot faster while also using fewer CPU resources.

More than200% fasterto search through recent documents
Up to60% fasterto search for an application
Up to30% lessCPU cycles

以及更多 Plasma


在先前的版本,鎖定螢幕驗證方式只能選擇要用密碼還是指紋。在 Plasma 6,兩種方式可以同時使用。


We now support the Astronomical and Umm al-Qura Calendar in the calendar applet. This is in addition to the already existing Julian, Milankovic, Chinese Lunar, Indian, Hebrew, Persian and Islamic Civil calendars.

Plasma 行動

行動版 Plasma 獲得了許多改善。新的預設主畫面讓使用者利用格線管理偏好使用的應用程式或將它們放入群組。

我們加入了初次啟動時的歡迎畫面。這個畫面會帶領您設定 Wi-Fi、時區、裝置縮放與行動連線選項。


KDE Gear 24.02 將許多應用程式帶到 Qt 6 上。除了 Breeze 本身的變更以外,許多應用程式也改用了較少框線的外觀。


The Kontact suite received a lot of improvements related to security and privacy.

The KMail email viewer removes ads and tracking code from your emails using a more powerful ad blocker written in Rust. The email composer now directly shows the validity and the trust level of the OpenPGP keys of your recipients and warns you when one of their keys is almost or currently expired.

KOrganizer now lets you send encrypted and signed email invitations — important if your work requires confidentiality.

Kleopatra, the GnuPG frontend, now lets you view encrypted emails downloaded from web clients like Gmail that don't support OpenPGP. This will also benefit the many Windows users of Gpg4win, as Kleopatra is an important part of this set of security tools.

In addition of a variety of pre-existing online services, KMail now supports a few offline and open source AI features. Translations can be configured to use the Bergamot translation model, also used by Firefox. It can also use the vosk-api engine to convert speech to text.

Note that by default, all these AI features are disabled and you need to explicitly enable them in the KMail settings.


    Itinerary is KDE's travel assistant.

    We improved the usability of Itinerary on phones by making common actions available on a bottom navigation bar, which makes it easy to switch to your passes and your current trip.

    The main timeline was redesigned and now entries can be expanded inline to show the intermediate stops and ongoing delays and disruptions. Speaking of events, it is now possible to manually add and edit entries and to share entire trips or single reservations to your phone via KDE Connect.

    The indoor map in Itinerary now lists all amenities in the building or area you are currently looking at. This helps with things like finding a place to grab a coffee in a big train station, or searching for a place to get food in the vicinity of your hotel. This feature is powered by OpenStreetMap, works without the need to connect to the internet and no search terms ever leave your device.

    When viewing a trip details, in addition to being able to consult the list of stops, it can look at a map of the trip.

    KDE 教育

    數個 KDE 教育應用程式更新到了 Qt 6,在此過程中它們的介面也重新設計以符合現在 KDE 的標準。

    Hangman 遊戲 電腦版 KHangMan 已移植使用 Kirigami。日語學習應用程式 Kiten 在漢字瀏覽器中現在有搜尋對話框了。閃卡應用程式 KWordQuiz 現在包含音效檔案的音效控制。Kalzium 不再使用漸層,而元素週期表的元素色彩與您的配色方案有更好的對比。


    The big news for KDE's powerful video editor is support for replacing the audio or the video of a clip in a timeline. This new feature allows you to extract the audio of a clip, modify it in another program and then update the existing clip with the new audio.

    Kdenlive has further enhanced its subtitle feature, allowing you to incorporate multiple subtitles onto a single track. This is especially useful for videos that demand subtitles in several languages. You also have the option to import and export subtitles.

    Kdenlive will automatically let you know when there is an update available without even requiring an internet connection.

    The clip monitor will list the recently opened clips, and the document checker dialog that appears when opening a project with missing clips has been completely rewritten.

    Missing clip dialog in Kdenlive


    Dolphin is KDE's file and folder explorer... That can do much more.

    Apart from Dolphin's overall redesign, the settings received some special care and were reorganized to make them easier to navigate.

    Accessibility improvements are also present in this new version. Toolbar buttons and the disk space in the status bar are now keyboard-accessible. You can press F10 to open the main menu and Shift+F10 to open context menus. Some of these improvements were also applied to many other applications.

    Right-clicking on a folder will now show an option to open the folder in a split view.


    Spectacle is KDE's screenshot utility.

    The recently-introduced recording features in Spectacle have been improved and now show a system tray icon while recording. You can hover over the icon to see the time recorded. Click the icon, and the recording will finish.

    Apart from recording the whole screen or an application window, you can now also record any arbitrary part of the screen.

    New recording shortcuts:

    • Meta+R or Meta+Shift+R for capturing a region
    • Meta+Alt+R for a screen
    • Meta+Ctrl+R for a window

    Note that we changed the default location for saving screenshots and screencasts. You can now find them in ~/Pictures/Screenshots and ~/Videos/Screencasts, respectively.


    KDE 的 Matrix 用戶端

    NeoChat is a chat app that lets you take full advantage of the Matrix network.

    In the newest version, when launching the app, you will get a welcome page that lets you choose which account you want to use and lets you log in to other accounts. The welcome screen will now warn you when NeoChat cannot load an account.

    NeoChat will let you register a new Matrix account directly from the app itself. Deactivating your account is also possible from within NeoChat.

    Spaces are a relatively new feature of Matrix that let you group chat channels together. This is used to improve the discoverability of rooms, manage large communities, or just tidy all the channels you are in. You can now do all this without leaving NeoChat.

    NeoChat won't let you miss any new notifications anymore. We added a new page that includes all your recent notifications. When NeoChat's Android app is closed, you will still be able to receive push notifications. The main timeline will let you know when more messages are loading and when you reach the end of it.


    PlasmaTube is a YouTube client using Invidious. This new version supports syncing your watch history with your Invidious account and searching for channels and playlists. It also comes with a new queue system for playlists.

    PlasmaTube 24.02 introduces a Picture-in-Picture (PiP) mode, which allows you to watch videos in a floating window which stays on top of all the others, so you can keep an eye on what you’re watching while working on other tasks.

    We added limited support for videos from Peertube and Piped too.

    Screenshot of Plasmatube Picture in Picture mode


    Tokodon brings the Mastodon federated social media platform to your fingertips. With Tokodon you can read, post, and message easily. In this release, writing new posts is even easier. You can set the focal points that your followers will see when viewing your post in their timeline. Images can be copy-pasted or dropped in the composer. When discarding your draft, a configuration popup will prevent you from deleting your post by mistake.

    We give you more control over what you see in Mastodon. You can hide boosts and replies in your main timeline. Reporting and muting accounts is now more accessible, with these actions directly available from the timeline. You can also leave comments when you report an offending account.

    我們完全重新設計了初次啟動的體驗,提供您關於 Mastodon 的知識、登入現有帳號以及選擇伺服器並註冊帳號的選項。另外,Tokodon 也會在登入發生錯誤時提供說明,並提供重試的選項。




    Kate 是 KDE 的強大文字編輯器/IDE 之一。Kate 的 LSP 支援現在使用 RapidJSON 這個剖析器,因此回傳補完結果時更快且使用更少記憶體。Kate 的 LSP 支援也變得更完整了,現在伺服器要求的時候會正確開啟對話框。

    Konsole 和 Yakuake

    In Gear 24.02, apart from being ported to Qt 6, we redesigned the settings of Konsole, and Yakuake and Konsole's rendering is now more performant with 50% fewer memory allocations.

    People using Konsole with Chinese, Japanese, or Korean scripts will be happy to hear that text selection is now working correctly.

    Konsole now puts every tab in a separate cgroup. This avoids the entire application getting killed when the system is suffering from high memory load and needs to save some memory by terminating processes.



    KClock 在鬧鐘或計時器響起時會自動暫停媒體來源(媒體播放器、串流服務等等) ,並在鬧鐘關閉之後自動恢復播放。

    KDE Connect

    KDE Connect 現在可以透過藍牙連線到其他裝置了。這可能比目前的 Wi-Fi 後端還要 不可靠,但是在您的兩個裝置沒有連線到同一個 Wi-Fi 網路或是被防火牆區隔時 可能會有用。

    關於可探測性,KDE Connect 現在也支援 mDNS, 它更能找到您的網路上的其他裝置,也比較不會被網路配置阻擋掉。

    《Kasts》Podcast 播放器

    Fetching new feed updates is now dramatically faster by not parsing RSS feeds if they haven't changed.

    Elisa 音樂播放器

    The starting point of the file view can now be configured to another directory or storage disk. Various metadata dialogs got improved on mobile. We switched to a stack-based history mode for the navigation.


    This release would have not been possible without the countless hours spent by contributors from all around the world. Help us create software that gives you full freedom and protects your privacy, and be a part of a great community, by becoming a supporting member of KDE.

    Your donation benefits the rest of humanity as well! With it, KDE has the resources to promote a spectacular catalogue of Free Software to professionals, artists, software developers, children, public institutions, non-profits, and companies around the globe.






    支持 KDE

    KDE 是歸功於許多志工捐獻時間與努力才存在並成長的自由軟體社群。KDE 總是歡迎新的志工與貢獻,不論是幫助寫程式、修正臭蟲或回報臭蟲、撰寫說明文件、進行翻譯、宣傳或是金錢貢獻。我們十分感謝且積極接受所有貢獻。請閱讀支持 KDE頁面以取得更多資訊,或是響應 Join the Game 行動成為 KDE e.V. 贊助成員。

    關於 KDE

    KDE is an international technology team that creates free and open source software for desktop and portable computing. Among KDE’s products are a modern desktop system for Linux and UNIX platforms, comprehensive office productivity and groupware suites and hundreds of software titles in many categories including Internet and web applications, multimedia, entertainment, educational, graphics and software development. KDE software is translated into more than 60 languages and is built with ease of use and modern accessibility principles in mind. KDE’s full-featured applications run natively on Linux, BSD, Windows, Haiku, and macOS.


    KDE® 和 K Desktop Environment® 圖示是 KDE e.V. 的註冊商標。
    Linux 是 Linus Torvalds 的註冊商標。 UNIX 是 The Open Group 在美國和其他國家的註冊商標。


    關於更多資訊,請傳電子郵件給我們: press@kde.org