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KDE Gear 22.08

2022 年 8 月 18 日,星期四

KDE Gear ⚙️ 22.08 has Landed!

KDE Gear ⚙️ is the collection of KDE apps, frameworks and libraries that all release new versions at the same time. Version 22.08 brings updates for KDE programs for working, developing your creativity and enjoying your free time without having to submit yourself to extortionate licenses, intrusive advertising, or surrender your privacy.

Discover the most important changes added in the last four months to software designed to make your life better!




Multi-cursor support in KDE's text editors


A music player also made for touchscreens


Spectacle is KDE's popular screen-capturing app, that gives you image annotating features, allows you to push your screencaps directly to social media, online image hosting services, instant messaging apps, and much more.

To help you up your screen-capturing game, Spectacle now displays the keyboard shortcuts with the different capture modes right there, in the capture mode selection combobox.

And once you have your image, Spectacle resizes itself in annotation mode, so you don't have to manually make the window big every time you want to annotate a big image. Once you're finished, Spectacle will return to its original size do you can carry on working as normal.


Kalendar is a modern calendar and life-organizer that can get your appointments and list of daily chores from many sources... And, among many other features, the new version includes contacts! As with calendars, you can add address books from a wide variety of sources and view them from a desktop/panel widget. Kalendar can also generate a QR Code for a contact in case you want to share it to a mobile device.

In other news, the calendar view has been enhanced and you can now see subtasks and parent tasks in the task sidebar, making it easier to navigate between them.

KDE 旅行計劃

Itinerary is KDE's travel assistant that helps you plan your trip; manages your tickets, boarding passes and even health certificates for you, and guides you through airports, train and bus stations, and other transport hubs.

Itinerary developers have been very busy over the last few months and have added an integrated barcode scanner that allows you to import paper tickets into the app, as well as support for flat rate tickets or discount program cards.

To make your travelling easier, train and bus trips can be imported from online journey queries, and, if you are travelling to a meet-up or work do, events can be imported from and exported to the system calendar.

Feel like a detour on a multi-stage trip? No problem: the alternate route option is now available for a single part of a journey.

IMPORTANT: If you are using Itinerary on Android, please note that new updates are NOT available in Google's Play Store any more. Download KDE Itinerary from KDE's F-Droid repo to keep up to date.


Kate 和 KWrite 是 KDE 重要且功能強大的文字編輯器。KWrite 簡潔且容易理解,適合需要降低分心的快速編輯;Kate 包含一整個開發環境,包含多面板、命令列終端機、標記語言預覽、專案結構、Git 整合等等大量功能。

Kate 和 KWrite 最近都獲得了多游標的新功能,讓您在文件中加入多個游標,並在多個地方同時輸入文字或程式碼。

KWrite has added another interesting new feature in that it now supports tabs and screen splitting so you can open several documents at the same time.

Meanwhile, Kate has become easier to use as it now shows its toolbar by default and its menu bar has been re-arranged to make each option less huge and intimidating. In particular, there is now a new "Selection" menu that holds actions which will be applied only to whatever is selected.


Filelight let's you see clearly how much room you have in your storage and find out what is taking up so much space! Developers have overhauled Filelight's appearance to modernize its look and, in the process, made the code easier to maintain by porting it to QtQuick.

Another improvement is that the text in Filelight’s tooltips is no longer clipped away at the ends.


...And talking of storage, Partition Manager, KDE's tool for creating, moving and resizing partitions on your disks, has corrected some glitches that affected text in the information panel, and now shows human-readable text for the amount of time that a disk has been powered on.


Dolphin is KDE's powerful file manager that lets you move, copy, remove files and directories, and connect to remote hosts over SAMBA, SSH, FTP, and more.

Dolphin now lets you sort files also by file extension if you prefer that and you can remove individual items from the "Recent Files" and "Recent Locations" lists in Dolphin, file dialogs, and other places. Also, when you cancel loading a slow folder in Dolphin, the message that appears in the middle of the window does not say "Folder is empty" anymore, but says "Loading canceled" instead.


Elisa is KDE's elegant and compact music player, and has improved its accessibility features in this version by making the playlist sidebar once again keyboard-navigable. In version 22.08 it works even better than ever before, as you can reach and trigger all controls for each item in it.

Furthermore, if you are using a touchscreen, tapping a song in Elisa’s playlist will play it immediately rather than simply selecting it. We have also made the the items on the playlist taller and more finger-friendly, making it easier to use.

As for your music collection, you can now choose to disable the automatic scan on startup, and only run it manually, and sort tracks view by "Date Modified" — useful if you want to play things you've recently added or changed. Finally, Elisa's "Files" view starts at root in version 22.08, so you can easily access music that isn't in your home folder.


Apart for new versions of apps, KDE Gear delivers updates to the underlying frameworks that power the apps. That means that upgrades in a framework will pop up also in apps that depend on it.

Like Dolphin, Gwenview, and Spectacle now use the XDG Portals interface for dragged-and-dropped files. This allows them to successfully drop files into sandboxed apps without punching a hole in the sandbox by giving it access to your entire home folder or the system’s temp folder.

And in the Plasma Wayland session, a wide variety of single-window KDE apps now have their existing windows brought to the front when re-launched from Kickoff, KRunner, etc.



在哪裡取得 KDE 應用程式

雖然我們完全支持散布我們的軟體的發行版,KDE Gear 22.08 的應用程式不久之後也會釋出至這些 Linux 應用程式商店:


如果您希望讓更多 KDE 應用程式上架各個軟體商店,支援更多軟體商店並讓應用程式們與我們的開發流程整合的更完善,可以來我們的 關於應用程式的一切 (All About the Apps) 聊天室打聲招呼。


請注意,這個釋出的軟體包在此公告發布時可能尚未由各發行版所提供。 軟體包下載維基頁面

編譯 KDE Gear

KDE Gear 22.08.0 的完整原始碼可以自由下載。編譯與安裝的說明請見 KDE Gear 22.08.0 的資訊頁面

關於 KDE

KDE 是一個國際科技團隊,製作桌面與可攜式裝置用的自由開源軟體。KDE 的產品包含一個 Linux 與 UNIX 平台用的現代化桌面環境系統、完整的辦公室套裝軟體,以及許多種類的軟體,包含網際網路應用程式、多媒體、娛樂、教育、圖形與軟體開發用的應用程式。KDE 的軟體由志願譯者翻譯至超過 60 中語言,且設計為易用並符合現代無障礙使用的原則。KDE 的軟體功能完善,並能在 Linux、BSD、Windows、Haiku 及 macOS 上原生執行。


KDE® 和 K Desktop Environment® 圖示是 KDE e.V. 的註冊商標。
Linux 是 Linus Torvalds 的註冊商標。 UNIX 是 The Open Group 在美國和其他國家的註冊商標。


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