
捐款并支持 KDE

Help us create software that gives you full freedom and protects your privacy, and be a part of a great community

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One-Time Donations

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Other Ways to Donate

We also accept donations with custom monthly amounts, direct bank transfer in the EU, personal check in the US, matching via Benevity, and GitHub Sponsors.


Your generous donation helps to pay salaries for employees and contractors who participate amongst the wider KDE Community to create, document, and promote KDE software. It also helps to pay for the cost of hosting conferences and development sprints, server infrastructure, and legal fees incurred defending free software.

面向企业的 KDE 赞助会员方案

您所在的企业是否有兴趣成为 KDE 的赞助商?企业赞助不仅可以帮助 KDE 软件持续改进,赞助商的徽标还会被显示在 KDE 网站,并印刷到 KDE 的各种宣传材料之上。

Canonical Google SUSE The Qt Company Blue System Slimbook TUXEDO Computers GnuPG Mbition KDAB Basyskom Enioka

关于 KDE e.V.

KDE e.V. is the non-profit organization behind the KDE community. It is based in Germany and thus donations are tax deductible in Germany (see details in German). If you live in another EU country your donation might also be tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor for details.


您也可以向 KDE 捐赠设备和服务。详情请见为 KDE 作出过重要贡献的组织机构列表

Receipts (Spendenquittungen)

If you need a receipt ("Spendenquittung") for your donation, please contact the KDE e.V. treasurer.