KDE'nin Şubat 2021 Uygulamala Güncellemesi
This month, a new app to guide you through FOSDEM's busy timetable and a new version for our time planner app.
Kongress 1.0 release

The launch of Kongress 1.0 took place this month. It's a conference timetable guide app and is launched just in time for FOSDEM, one of the world's largest free software conferences happening online this weekend. You can use Kongress to browse the timetable and favourite all the important talks. You can adjust times to your local timezone to avoid confusion.
KDE will have a stand at FOSDEM with demos and welcoming faces, and as an online event people come visit from all over the world so do say hi on the stall Matrix channel #kde-stand:fosdem.org.
Kongress is available in your Linux distro. You can also install the flatpak version of Kongress from the software repository of your distribution or directly from flathub. Android users can also try the nightly build from the F-Droid repository of KDE.
Calligra Plan 3.3

Calligra Plan is our project schedule and tracking app. Version 3.3 was released this week and mainly improves printing. You can now select a time range for printing. You can scale your print to a single page or to the page height or over multiple pages. And it uses a colour palette that works better on white paper.
Plan, Linux dağıtımınızda mevcuttur.
Hata düzeltmeleri
Hex editor Okteta 0.26.5 updates translations, makes it easier to select colour scheme and lets your turn off cursor blinking. Matrix chat app Neochat 1.0.1 fixes editing messages, showing user avatars, saves images and fixes pesky graphics glitches.
Sürüm 20.12.2
Some of our projects release on their own timescale and some get released en-masse. The 20.12.2 bundle of projects was released today with dozens of bugfixes and will be available through app stores and distros soon. See the 20.12.2 releases page for details.
Bugünün hata düzeltme sürümlerindeki bazı düzeltmeler şunları içerir:
- TAR arşivi yüklenirken pencere kapatıldığında Ark artık çökmüyor
- Dolphin, FUSE ve ağ dosya sistemlerindeki klasör boyutunu şimdi doğru hesaplıyor
- Konsole artık tüm sekmelerden aynı anda çıkıldığında çökmüyor
- Sözlükler Kiten'in yapılandırma iletişim kutusuna eklenebilir
- Bir diyagramda bir pencere öğesi seçildiğinde çıkıldığında Umbrello artık çökmez
20.12 sürüm notları • Paket indirme wiki sayfası • 20.12.2 kaynak bilgi sayfası • 20.12.2 tam değişiklik günlüğü
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