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KDE Plasma 5.5 sürümü

Plasma 5.5 görseli

KDE Plasma 5.5

8 Aralık 2015 Salı

Bugün KDE, masaüstü yazılımı Plasma 5.5 için bir özellik güncellemesi yayınladı.

We have been working hard over the last four months to smooth off the rough edges, add useful new workflows, make Plasma even more beautiful and build the foundations for the future.

Breeze Icons

Breeze Icons

Updated Breeze Plasma Theme

The Breeze Plasma widget theme has been updated to make it more consistent.

While the Breeze icons theme adds new icons and updates the existing icon set to improve the visual design.

Plasma Widget Explorer

The Plasma Widget explorer now supports a two column view with new widget icons for Breeze, Breeze Dark and Oxygen

Uygulama Başlatıcıda Genişletilmiş Özellik Kümesi

Context menus in Application Launcher ('Kickoff') can now list documents recently opened in an application, allow editing the application's menu entry and adding the application to the panel, Task Manager or desktop. Favorites now supports documents, directories and system actions or they can be created from search results. These features (and some others) were previously available only in the alternative Application Menu ('Kicker') and have now become available in the default Application Launcher by sharing the backend between both launchers.

Color Picker Plasma Applet

Renk Seçicisi Plasma Uygulaması

New Applets in Plasma Addons

Color Picker

Renk Seçici uygulaması için desteği geri yüklemekle kalmadık, ona Plasma 5’e uyması için tamamen yeni bir kullanıcı arayüzü yenilemesi de verdik.

Renk seçici uygulaması, ekranın herhangi bir yerinden bir renk seçmenize olanak tanır ve renk kodunu çeşitli formatlarda (RGB, Hex, Qt QML rgba, LaTeX) otomatik olarak panoya kopyalar.

Kullanıcı Değiştirici Plasma Uygulaması

Kullanıcı Değiştirici Plasma Uygulaması

Kullanıcı Değiştirici

User switching has been updated and improved and is now accessible from the Application Launcher, the new User Switcher applet and in the lock screen. It shows the user's full name and user set avatar. This is very useful for offices with shared desks. More info in the developer blog.

Disk Quota

Plasma 5.5 sees a new applet designed for business environments or universities. This applet will show you usage assessed not around the real disk usage, but your allowed quota by your system administrator.

Activity Pager

Done for users whose use case of activities partly overlaps with virtual desktops: it looks like a pager, it behaves like a pager but uses activities instead of virtual desktops. This gives a quick glimpse of what activities are running and how many windows are associated to each activity.

Legacy System Tray Icons

Eski Sistem Tepsisi Simgeleri

Restored Legacy Icons in System Tray Support

In response to feedback, we've rewritten support for legacy applications not using the StatusNotifier standard for system tray icons.

Hata İstatistikleri

In the run up to the Plasma 5.5 beta an incredible over 1,000 bugs were fixed.

KWin’de OpenGL ES Desteği

Support for switching to OpenGL ES in KWin returns. So far only switching through an environment variable and restarting KWin is supported. Set environment variable KWIN_COMPOSE to 'O2ES' to force the OpenGL ES backend. Please note that OpenGL ES is not supported by all drivers. Because of that it's not exposed through a configuration mechanism. Please consider it as an expert mode.

Ekran Kilidi

Ekran Kilidi

Wayland İlerlemesi:

With Plasma 5.5 a basic Wayland session is provided. Wayland is the successor of the dated X11 windowing system providing a modern approach. The system is more secure (e.g. key loggers are no longer trivial to implement) and follows the paradigm of 'every frame perfect' which makes screen tearing very difficult. With Plasma 5.4 the KDE community already provided a technology preview based on the feature set of the Phone project. With Plasma 5.5 this is now extended with more 'desktop style' usages. Important features like move/resize of windows is now supported as well as many integration features for the desktop shell. This allows for usage by early adopters, though we need to point out that it is not yet up to the task of fully replacing an X session. We encourage our more technical users to give it a try and report as many bugs as you can find.

A new screen management protocol has been created for configuring the connected screens of a Wayland session.

Wayland’de pencere arka plan bulanıklığı ve pencereler animasyonu en aza indirgeme gibi KWin efektlerini kontrol etmek için bazı protokoller de eklendi

Plasma on Wayland session now features secure screen locking, something never fully achievable with X. Read more about fixing this 11 year old bug on the screenlocker integration developer blog.

Please also see the list of known issues with Wayland on the Errata page.



New Discover design

KDE Görsel Tasarım Grubunun yardımıyla, yazılım kurucumuzun kullanılabilirliğini artıracak yeni bir tasarım geliştirdik.

Noto Font

Noto Font

Yeni Varsayılan Yazıtipi

Our default font has switched to Noto a beautiful and free font which aims to support all languages with a harmonious look and feel.

File Indexer Status

Dosya Dizini Oluşturucu Durumu

Bilgi Merkezi

Dosya dizinleyici için bir durum modülü eklendi.

Plasma Networkmanager

There have been several improvements to our network manager applet. WPA/WPA2 Enterprise validation was added, it uses a new password field widget and OpenVPN has more options.

Duvar Kağıtları

We have a new selection of wonderful wallpapers from RJ Quiralta, Martin Klapetek, Timothée Giet, Dmitri Popov, Maciej Wiklo and Risto S for the Plasma 5.5 release.

Bilinen Sorunlar"

Please see the Plasma 5.5 Errata page for some of the highest profile issues including some significant problems caused by Intel drivers."

Değişiklik günlüğünün tamamını görüntüle

Paket İndirmeleri

Dağıtımlar, viki sayfamızda listelenen paketleri oluşturmuş veya oluşturma sürecindedir.

Bu yayımın paketleri, duyuru tarihinde tüm dağıtımların paket depolarında var olmayabilir.

Paket indirme viki sayfası

KDE’yi Destekle

KDE, yalnızca birçok gönüllünün zaman ve emeğini sayesinde yaşayan bir Özgür Yazılım topluluğudur. KDE her zaman yeni gönüllülere ve onların katkılarına gereksinim duyar; bu kod katkısı, hata düzeltmeleri veya bildirimleri, belgelendirme yazımı, çeviriler, promosyon, para bağışı olabilir. Her bir katkı bizim için çok değerlidir ve memnuniyetle kabul edilir. Daha fazla bilgi veya Oyuna Katıl programı çerçevesinde bir KDE e.V. destekçi üyesi olmak için lütfen KDE’yi Destekle sayfasını okuyun.

KDE Hakkında

KDE is an international technology team that creates free and open source software for desktop and portable computing. Among KDE’s products are a modern desktop system for Linux and UNIX platforms, comprehensive office productivity and groupware suites and hundreds of software titles in many categories including Internet and web applications, multimedia, entertainment, educational, graphics and software development. KDE software is translated into more than 60 languages and is built with ease of use and modern accessibility principles in mind. KDE’s full-featured applications run natively on Linux, BSD, Windows, Haiku, and macOS.

Ticari Marka Bildirimleri.

KDE® ve K Masaüstü Ortamı® logosu, KDE e.V.’nin tescilli ticari markalarıdır.
Linux, Linus Torvalds’ın tescilli ticari markasıdır. UNIX, The Open Group’un Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve diğer ülkelerdeki tescilli ticari markasıdır.
Bu duyuruda atıfta bulunulan diğer tüm ticari markalar ve telif hakları ilgili sahiplerinin mülkiyetindedir.

Basın İletişim

Daha fazla bilgi için bize bir e-posta gönderin: press@kde.org