Sobota, 13. julij 2019
KDE danes objavlja izdajo KDE Frameworks 5.60.0.
KDE Frameworks - Ogrodja KDE so 70 knjižnice dodatkov za Qt, ki zagotavljajo široko paleto pogosto potrebnih funkcij v zrelih, strokovno pregledanih in dobro preizkušenih knjižnicah s prijaznimi licenčnimi pogoji. Za uvod si oglejte objavo izdaje ogrodij KDE.
Ta izdaja je del serije načrtovanih mesečnih izdaj, ki razvijalcem omogočajo izboljšave na hiter in predvidljiv način.
Novo v tej verziji
- Qt >= 5.11 is now required, now that Qt 5.13 has been released.
- [QueryTest] Test if independent phrases are really independent
- [TermGenerator] Insert an empty position between independent terms
- [QueryTest] Restructure tests to allow easier extension
- [TermGenerator] Leave single term phrases out of the PositionDB
- [TermGenerator] Do Term truncation prior to UTF-8 conversion
- [PostingIterator] Move positions() method to VectorPositionInfoIterator
- [TermGenerator] Use UTF-8 ByteArray for termList
- [WriteTransactionTest] Clear mixup of QString and QByteArray
- [experimental/BalooDB] Fix trivial 0 / nullptr warning
- [PositionDbTest] Fix trivial memleak in test
- [PendingFileQueueTest] Verify create + delete do not emit extra events
- [PendingFileQueueTest] Verify delete + create actually works
- [PendingFileQueue] Avoid delete + create / create + delete race
- [PendingFileQueueTest] Use synthetic timer events to speedup test
- [XAttrIndexer] Update DocumentTime when XAttrs are updated
- [PendingFileQueueTest] Shorten timeouts, verify tracking time
- [PendingFileQueue] Use more accurate calculation of remaining time
- [ModifiedFileIndexer] Use correct mimetype for folders, delay until needed
- [NewFileIndexer] Omit symlinks from the index
- [ModifiedFileIndexer] Avoid shadowing XAttr changes by content changes
- [NewFileIndexer] Use correct mimetype for folders, check excludeFolders
- [UnindexedFileIndexer] Pick up comment, tags and rating changes
- [UnindexedFileIndexer] Skip filetime checks for new files
- [DocumentUrlDB] Avoid manipulation of the whole tree on trivial rename
- [DocumentUrlDB] Catch invalid URLs early
- [DocumentUrlDB] Remove unused 'rename' method
- [balooctl] Streamline indexer control commands
- [Transaction] Replace template for functor with std::function
- [FirstRunIndexer] Use correct mimetype for folders
- Move invariant IndexingLevel out of the loop
- [BasicIndexingJob] Skip lookup of baloo document type for directories
- [FileIndexScheduler] Ensure indexer is not run in suspended state
- [PowerStateMonitor] Be conservative when determining power state
- [FileIndexScheduler] Stop the indexer when quit() is called via DBus
- Avoid container detach in a few places
- Do not try to append to QLatin1String
- Disable valgrind detection when compiling with MSVC
- [FilteredDirIterator] Combine all suffixes into one large RegExp
- [FilteredDirIterator] Avoid RegExp overhead for exact matches
- [UnindexedFileIterator] Delay mimetype determination until it is needed
- [UnindexedFileIndexer] Do not try to add nonexistent file to index
- Detect valgrind, avoid database removal when using valgrind
- [UnindexedFileIndexer] Loop optimizations (avoid detach, invariants)
- Delay running UnindexedFileIndexer and IndexCleaner
- [FileIndexScheduler] Add new state for Idle on battery
- [FileIndexScheduler] Postpone housekeeping tasks while on battery
- [FileIndexScheduler] Avoid emitting state changes multiple times
- [balooctl] Clarify and extend status output
- Add MediaTransport API
- Add LE Advertising and GATT APIs
Breeze Icons
- Add id="current-color-scheme" to collapse-all icons (bug 409546)
- Add disk-quota icons (bug 389311)
- Symlink install to edit-download
- Change joystick settings icon to game controller (bug 406679)
- Add edit-select-text, make 16px draw-text like 22px
- Update KBruch icon
- Add help-donate-[currency] icons
- Make Breeze Dark use same Kolourpaint icon as Breeze
- Add 22px notifications icons
- Fix a crash in KactivityTestApp when Result has strings with non-ASCII
- Do not crash if the inner file wants to be bigger than QByteArray max size
- KPluginMetaData: use Q_DECLARE_METATYPE
- [GridDelegate] Fix gaps in corners of thumbnailArea highlight
- get rid of blockSignals
- [KCM GridDelegate] Silence warning
- [KCM GridDelegate] Take into account implicitCellHeight for inner delegate height
- Fix GridDelegate icon
- Fix fragile comparison to i18n("None") and describe behavior in docs (bug 407999)
KDE WebKit
- Downgrade KDEWebKit from Tier 3 to Porting Aids
- Update pt-BR user.entities
- Fix extracting of some properties to match what was written (bug 408532)
- Use debugging category in taglib extractor/writer
- Format photo exposure bias value (bug 343273)
- fix property name
- Remove photo prefix from every exif property name (bug 343273)
- Rename ImageMake and ImageModel properties (bug 343273)
- [UserMetaData] Add method to query which attributes are set
- Format focal length as millimeter
- Format photo exposure time as rational when applicable (bug 343273)
- Enable usermetadatawritertest for all UNIXes, not only Linux
- Format the aperture values as F numbers (bug 343273)
KDE GUI Addons
- KModifierKeyInfo: we are sharing the internal implementation
- Remove double look-ups
- Move to runtime the decision to use x11 or not
- Update UK Early May bank holiday for 2020 (bug 409189)
- Fix ISO code for Hesse / Germany
- QImage::byteCount -> QImage::sizeInByes
- Fix KFileItemTest::testIconNameForUrl test to reflect different icon name
- Fix i18n number-of-arguments error in knewfilemenu warning message
- [ftp] Fix wrong access time in Ftp::ftpCopyGet() (bug 374420)
- [CopyJob] Batch reporting processed amount
- [CopyJob] Report results after finishing copy (bug 407656)
- Move redundant logic in KIO::iconNameForUrl() into KFileItem::iconName() (bug 356045)
- Install KFileCustomDialog
- [Places panel] Don't show Root by default
- Downgrade "Could not change permissions" dialog box to a qWarning
- O_PATH is only available on linux. To prevent the compiler from throwing an error
- Show feedback inline when creating new files or folders
- Auth Support: Drop privileges if target is not owned by root
- [copyjob] Only set modification time if the kio-slave provided it (bug 374420)
- Cancel privilege operation for read-only target with the current user as owner
- Add KProtocolInfo::defaultMimetype
- Always save view settings when switching from one view mode to another
- Restore exclusive group for sorting menu items
- Dolphin-style view modes in the file dialog (bug 86838)
- kio_ftp: improve error handling when copying to FTP fails
- kioexec: change the scary debug messages for delayed deletion
- [ActionTextField] Make action glow on press
- support text mode and position
- mouseover effect for breadcrumb on desktop
- enforce a minimum height of 2 gridunits
- Set SwipeListItem implicitHeight to be the maximum of content and actions
- Hide tooltip when PrivateActionToolButton is pressed
- Remove accidentally slipped back traces of cmake code for Plasma style
- ColumnView::itemAt
- force breeze-internal if no theme is specified
- correct navigation on left pinned page
- keep track of the space covered by pinned pages
- show a separator when in left sidebar mode
- in single column mode, pin has no effect
- first semi working prototype of pinning
- [KUiServerJobTracker] Handle ownership change
- [kmoretools] Add icons to download and install actions
- Don't search for phonon on Android
- Add profile support interface for TerminalInterface
- Don't delay emission of matchesChanged indefinitely
- Add X-Flatpak-RenamedFrom as recognized key
- fix goto line centering (bug 408418)
- Fix bookmark icon display on icon border with low dpi
- Fix action "Show Icon Border" to toggle border again
- Fix empty pages in print preview and lines printed twice (bug 348598)
- remove no longer used header
- fix autoscrolling down speed (bug 408874)
- Add default variables for variables interface
- Make automatic spellcheck work after reloading a document (bug 408291)
- raise default line length limit to 10000
- WIP:Disable highlighting after 512 characters on a line
- KateModeMenuList: move to QListView
- Include a description
- Proof of concept of a wayland protocol to allow the keystate dataengine to work
- KPasswordLineEdit now correctly inherits its QLineEdit's focusPolicy (bug 398275)
- Replace "Details" button with KCollapsibleGroupBox
Plasma Framework
- [Svg] Fix porting error from QRegExp::exactMatch
- ContainmentAction: Fix loading from KPlugin
- [TabBar] Remove exterior margins
- Applet, DataEngine and containment listing methods inPlasma::PluginLoader no longer filters the plugins with X-KDE-ParentAppprovided when empty string is passed
- Make pinch in calendar work again
- Add disk-quota icons (bug 403506)
- Make Plasma::Svg::elementRect a bit leaner
- Automatically set version of desktopthemes packages to KF5_VERSION
- Don't notify about changing to the same state it was at
- Fix the alignment of the label of the toolbutton
- [PlasmaComponents3] Vertically center button text as well
- Change initial size of the config dialog
- Improve Job Dialog buttons' icons and text
- Fix translation of actiondisplay
- Don't show error message if sharing is cancelled by the user
- Fix warning when reading plugin metadata
- Redesign config pages
- ECMPackageConfigHelpers -> CMakePackageConfigHelpers
- phabricator: Fix fallthrough in switch
- Show shortcut in menu item when specified (bug 405541)
- Add MenuSeparator
- Fix ToolButton remaining in a pressed state after press
- [ToolButton] Pass custom icon size to StyleItem
- honor visibility policy (bug 407014)
- [Fstab] Select appropriate icon for home or root directory
- [Fstab] Show mounted "overlay" filesystems
- [UDev Backend] Narrow device queried for
Syntax Highlighting
- Fortran: relicense to MIT
- Improve the Fortran fixed format syntax highlighting
- Fortran: implement free & fixed formats
- Fix CMake COMMAND nested paren highlighting
- Add more keywords and also support rr in gdb highlighter
- Detect comment lines early in GDB highlighter
- AppArmor: update syntax
- Julia: update syntax and add constants keywords (bug 403901)
- CMake: Highlight the standard CMake environment variables
- Add syntax definition for ninja build
- CMake: Support for 3.15 features
- Jam: various improvements and fixes
- Lua: update for Lua54 and end of function as Keyword rather than Control
- C++: update for C++20
- debchangelog: add Eoan Ermine
Security information
The released code has been GPG-signed using the following key: pub rsa2048/58D0EE648A48B3BB 2016-09-05 David Faure <> Primary key fingerprint: 53E6 B47B 45CE A3E0 D5B7 4577 58D0 EE64 8A48 B3BB
Nameščanje prevedenih paketov
V Linuxu je priporočljiv način dostopa do KDE Frameworks uporaba paketov za vašo najljubšo distribucijo. Pridobite programje KDE na wiki-strani za vašo distribucijo Linuxa
Prevajanje iz izvorne kode
Celotno izvorno kodo za programe KDE lahko prosto prenesete. Navodila za prevajanje in namestitev so na voljo na strani s podatki o ogrodju KDE 5.60.0.
Gradnja iz izorne kode je možna z osnovnimi ukazi cmake .; make; make install. Za enojno ogrodje Tier 1 je to pogosto najlažja rešitev. Tisti, ki jih zanimajo prispevki k ogrodjem ali sledenje napredku pri razvoju celotnega nabora, naj uporabijo use kdesrc-build. Ogrodje 5.60.0 zahteva Qt
Podroben seznam vseh ogrodij z dokumentacijo API je na
Tisti, ki jih zanima spremljanje in prispevanje k razvoju Frameworks, si lahko ogledajo skladišča git in spremljajo razprave na poštnem seznamu o razvoju ogrodja KDE Frameworks Development. Politike in trenutno stanje projekta in načrti so na voljo na wikiju Frameworks. Razprave v realnem času potekajo na IRC-kanalu #kde-devel na Libera Chat.
Podpora KDE-ju
KDE je skupnost Proste programske opreme, ki obstaja in raste samo zaradi pomoči številnih prostovoljcev, ki prispevajo svoj čas in trud. KDE vedno išče nove prostovoljce in prispevke, najsi gre za pomoč pri kodiranju, odpravljanju napak ali poročanju, pisanju dokumentacije, prevodov, promociji, denarju itd. Vsi prispevki so hvaležno cenjeni in z veseljem sprejeti. Prosimo, preberite Podpora KDEju za dodatne informacije ali postanite KDE e.V. podporni član prek naše pobude Pridružite se igri.