Sobota, 12. januar 2019
KDE danes objavlja izdajo KDE Frameworks 5.54.0.
KDE Frameworks - Ogrodja KDE so 70 knjižnice dodatkov za Qt, ki zagotavljajo široko paleto pogosto potrebnih funkcij v zrelih, strokovno pregledanih in dobro preizkušenih knjižnicah s prijaznimi licenčnimi pogoji. Za uvod si oglejte objavo izdaje ogrodij KDE.
Ta izdaja je del serije načrtovanih mesečnih izdaj, ki razvijalcem omogočajo izboljšave na hiter in predvidljiv način.
Novo v tej verziji
- Notify if a default provider failed to download
- Move typesForMimeType helper from BasicIndexingJob to anonymous namespace
- Add "image/svg" as Type::Image to the BasicIndexingJob
- Use Compact json formatting for storing document metadata
Breeze Icons
- Change preferences-system-network to symlink
- Use a Kolf icon with nice background and shadows
- Copy some changed icons from Breeze to Breeze Dark
- Add YaST and new preference icons
- Add a proper python-bytecode icon, use consistent color in python icons (bug 381051)
- Delete python bytecode symlinks in preparation for them becoming their own icons
- Make the python mimetype icon the base, and the python bytecode icon a link to it
- Add device icons for RJ11 and RJ45 ports
- Add missing directory separator (bug 401836)
- Use correct icon for Python 3 scripts (bug 402367)
- Change network/web color icons to consistent style
- Add new name for sqlite files, so the icons actually show up (bug 402095)
- Add drive-* icons for YaST Partitioner
- Add view-private icon (bug 401646)
- Add flashlight action icons
- Improve symbolism for off and muted status icon (bug 398975)
Extra CMake Modules
- Add find module for Google's libphonenumber
- Fix the version in the pkgconfig file
KDE Doxygen Tools
- Fix doxygen markdown rendering
- Escape bytes that are larger than or equal to 127 in config files
- cmake macros: Port away from deprecated ECM var in kcoreaddons_add_plugin (bug 401888)
- make units and prefixes of formatValue translatable
- don't show separators on mobile
- root.contentItem instead of just contentItem
- Add the missing api for multilevel KCMs to control the columns
- Fail writing test if mime type is not supported by the extractor
- Fix ape disc number extraction
- Implement cover extraction for asf files
- Extend list of supported mimetypes for embedded image extractor
- Refactor embedded image extractor for greater extensibility
- Add missing wav mimetype
- Extract more tags from exif metadata (bug 341162)
- fix extraction of GPS altitude for exif data
- Fix KGlobalAccel build with Qt 5.13 prerelease
- - add basic instructions for testing holiday files
- various calendars - fix syntax errors
- ksvg2icns : use Qt 5.9+ QTemporaryDir API
- [xscreensaverpoller] Flush after reset screensaver
- Use soft rlimit for number of open handles. This fixes very slow Plasma startup with latest systemd.
- Revert "Hide file preview when icon is too small"
- Display error instead of silently failing when asked to create folder that already exists (bug 400423)
- Change the path for every item of the subdirectories in a directory rename (bug 401552)
- Extend getExtensionFromPatternList reg exp filtering
- [KRun] when asked to open link in external browser, fall back to mimeapps.list if nothing is set in kdeglobals (bug 100016)
- Make the open url in tab feature a bit more discoverable (bug 402073)
- [kfilewidget] Return editable URL navigator to breadcrumb mode if it has focus and everything is selected and when Ctrl+L is pressed
- [KFileItem] Fix isLocal check in checkDesktopFile (bug 401947)
- SlaveInterface: Stop speed_timer after a job is killed
- Warn user before copy/move job if the file size exceeds the maximum possible file size in FAT32 filesystem(4 GB) (bug 198772)
- Avoid constantly increasing Qt event queue in KIO slaves
- Support for TLS 1.3 (part of Qt 5.12)
- [KUrlNavigator] Fix firstChildUrl when going back from archive
- Make sure we don't override QIcon::themeName when we should not
- Introduce a DelegateRecycler attached object
- fix gridview margins considering scrollbars
- Make AbstractCard.background react to AbstractCard.highlighted
- Simplify code in MnemonicAttached
- SwipeListItem: always show the icons if !supportsMouseEvents
- Consider whether needToUpdateWidth according to widthFromItem, not height
- Take the scrollbar into account for the ScrollablePage margin (bug 401972)
- Don't try to reposition the ScrollView when we get a faulty height (bug 401960)
- Change default sort order in the download dialog to "Most downloads" (bug 399163)
- Notify about the provider not being loaded
- [Android] Fail more gracefully when building with API < 23
- Add Android notification backend
- Build without Phonon and D-Bus on Android
- remove unused category X-KDE-Edu-Teaching
- remove <KDELegacyDirs/>
- Fix scripting for Qt 5.12
- Fix emmet script by using HEX instead of OCT numbers in strings (bug 386151)
- Fix broken Emmet (bug 386151)
- ViewConfig: Add 'Dynamic Wrap At Static Marker' option
- fix folding region end, add ending token to the range
- avoid ugly overpainting with alpha
- Don't re-mark words added/ignored to the dictionary as misspelled (bug 387729)
- KTextEditor: Add action for static word wrap (bug 141946)
- Don't hide 'Clear Dictionary Ranges' action
- Don't ask for confirmation when reloading (bug 401376)
- class Message: Use inclass member initialization
- Expose KTextEditor::ViewPrivate:setInputMode(InputMode) to KTextEditor::View
- Improve performance of small editing actions, e.g. fixing large replace all actions (bug 333517)
- Only call updateView() in visibleRange() when endPos() is invalid
- Add clarifying about using both KDE's ServerDecoration and XdgDecoration
- Xdg Decoration Support
- Fix XDGForeign Client header installs
- [server] Touch drag support
- [server] Allow multiple touch interfaces per client
- [KMessageBox] Fix minimum dialog size when details are requested (bug 401466)
- Added DCB, macsrc, match, tc, ovs-patch and ovs-port settings
Plasma Framework
- [Calendar] Expose firstDayOfWeek in MonthView (bug 390330)
- Add preferences-system-bluetooth-battery to preferences.svgz
- Add plugin type for sharing URLs
- Fix menu item width when the delegate is overridden (bug 401792)
- Rotate busy indicator clockwise
- Force checkboxes/radios to be square
- [UDisks2] Use MediaRemovable to determine if media can be ejected
- Support Bluetooth batteries
- Add method to BackgroundChecker to add word to session
- DictionaryComboBox: Keep user preferred dictionaries on top (bug 302689)
Syntax Highlighting
- Update php syntax support
- WML: fix embedded Lua code & use new default styles
- Highlight CUDA .cu and .cuh files as C++
- TypeScript & TS/JS React: improve types detection, fix float-points & other improvements/fixes
- Haskell: Highlight empty comments after 'import'
- WML: fix infinite loop in contexts switch & only highlight tags with valid names (bug 402720)
- BrightScript: Add workaround for QtCreator 'endsub' highlighting, add function/sub folding
- support more variants of C number literals (bug 402002)
Security information
The released code has been GPG-signed using the following key: pub rsa2048/58D0EE648A48B3BB 2016-09-05 David Faure <> Primary key fingerprint: 53E6 B47B 45CE A3E0 D5B7 4577 58D0 EE64 8A48 B3BB
Nameščanje prevedenih paketov
V Linuxu je priporočljiv način dostopa do KDE Frameworks uporaba paketov za vašo najljubšo distribucijo. Pridobite programje KDE na wiki-strani za vašo distribucijo Linuxa
Prevajanje iz izvorne kode
Celotno izvorno kodo za programe KDE lahko prosto prenesete. Navodila za prevajanje in namestitev so na voljo na strani s podatki o ogrodju KDE 5.54.0.
Gradnja iz izorne kode je možna z osnovnimi ukazi cmake .; make; make install. Za enojno ogrodje Tier 1 je to pogosto najlažja rešitev. Tisti, ki jih zanimajo prispevki k ogrodjem ali sledenje napredku pri razvoju celotnega nabora, naj uporabijo use kdesrc-build. Ogrodje 5.54.0 zahteva Qt
Podroben seznam vseh ogrodij z dokumentacijo API je na
Tisti, ki jih zanima spremljanje in prispevanje k razvoju Frameworks, si lahko ogledajo skladišča git in spremljajo razprave na poštnem seznamu o razvoju ogrodja KDE Frameworks Development. Politike in trenutno stanje projekta in načrti so na voljo na wikiju Frameworks. Razprave v realnem času potekajo na IRC-kanalu #kde-devel na Libera Chat.
Podpora KDE-ju
KDE je skupnost Proste programske opreme, ki obstaja in raste samo zaradi pomoči številnih prostovoljcev, ki prispevajo svoj čas in trud. KDE vedno išče nove prostovoljce in prispevke, najsi gre za pomoč pri kodiranju, odpravljanju napak ali poročanju, pisanju dokumentacije, prevodov, promociji, denarju itd. Vsi prispevki so hvaležno cenjeni in z veseljem sprejeti. Prosimo, preberite Podpora KDEju za dodatne informacije ali postanite KDE e.V. podporni član prek naše pobude Pridružite se igri.