Sobota, 12. september 2015
KDE danes objavlja izdajo KDE Frameworks 5.14.0.
KDE Frameworks - Ogrodja KDE so 60 knjižnice dodatkov za Qt, ki zagotavljajo široko paleto pogosto potrebnih funkcij v zrelih, strokovno pregledanih in dobro preizkušenih knjižnicah s prijaznimi licenčnimi pogoji. Za uvod si oglejte objavo izdaje ogrodij KDE.
Ta izdaja je del serije načrtovanih mesečnih izdaj, ki razvijalcem omogočajo izboljšave na hiter in predvidljiv način.
Novo v tej verziji
In many frameworks
- Rename private classes to avoid exporting them accidentally
- Add org.kde.baloo interface to root object for backward compatibility
- Install a fake org.kde.baloo.file.indexer.xml to fix compilation of plasma-desktop 5.4
- Re-organize D-Bus interfaces
- Use json metadata in kded plugin and fix plugin name
- Create one Database instance per process (bug 350247)
- Prevent baloo_file_extractor being killed while committing
- Generate xml interface file using qt5_generate_dbus_interface
- Baloo monitor fixes
- Move file url export to main thread
- Make sure cascaded configs are taken into account
- Do not install namelink for private library
- Install translations, spotted by Hrvoje Senjan.
- Don't forward deviceChanged signal after device was removed (bug 351051)
Extra CMake Modules
- Add macro to generate logging category declarations for Qt5.
- ecm_generate_headers: Add COMMON_HEADER option and multiple header functionality
- Add -pedantic for KF5 code (when using gcc or clang)
- KDEFrameworkCompilerSettings: only enable strict iterators in debug mode
- Also set the default visibility for C code to hidden.
Framework Integration
- Also propagate window titles for folder-only file dialogs.
- Only spawn one action loader (thread) when the actions of the FileItemLinkingPlugin are not initialized (bug 351585)
- Fixing the build problems introduced by renaming the Private classes (11030ffc0)
- Add missing boost include path to build on OS X
- Setting the shortcuts moved to activity settings
- Setting the private activity mode works
- Refactor of the settings UI
- Basic activity methods are functional
- UI for the activity configuration and deletion pop-ups
- Basic UI for the activities creation/deletion/configuration section in KCM
- Increased the chunk size for loading the results
- Added missing include for std::set
KDE Doxygen Tools
- Windows fix: remove existing files before we replace them with os.rename.
- Use native paths when calling python to fix Windows builds
- Fix bad behavior / running OOM on Windows (bug 345860)
- Optimize readEntryGui
- Avoid QString::fromLatin1() in generated code
- Minimize calls to expensive QStandardPaths::locateAll()
- Finish the port to QCommandLineParser (it has addPositionalArgument now)
KDELibs 4 Support
- Port solid-networkstatus kded plugin to json metadata
- KPixmapCache: create dir if it doesn't exist
- Sync Catalan user.entities with English (en) version.
- Add entities for sebas and plasma-pa
- Performance: cache a KEmoticons instance here, not a KEmoticonsTheme.
- PlainTextExtractor: enable O_NOATIME branch on GNU libc platforms
- PlainTextExtractor: make the Linux branch work also without O_NOATIME
- PlainTextExtractor: fix error check on open(O_NOATIME) failure
- Only start kglobalaccel5 if needed.
- Gracefully handle no newline at end of pmap file
- KIconLoader: fix reconfigure() forgetting about inherited themes and app dirs
- Adhere better to the icon loading spec
- eps: fix includes related to Qt Caterogized Logging
- Use Q_OS_WIN instead of Q_OS_WINDOWS
- Make KDE_FORK_SLAVES work under Windows
- Disable installation of desktop file for ProxyScout kded module
- Provide deterministic sort order for KDirSortFilterProxyModelPrivate::compare
- Show custom folder icons again (bug 350612)
- Move kpasswdserver from kded to kiod
- Fix porting bugs in kpasswdserver
- Remove legacy code for talking very very old versions of kpasswdserver.
- KDirListerTest: use QTRY_COMPARE on both statements, to fix race showed by CI
- KFilePlacesModel: implement old TODO about using trashrc instead of a full-blown KDirLister.
- New proxymodel: KConcatenateRowsProxyModel
- KConcatenateRowsProxyModelPrivate: fix handling of layoutChanged.
- More checking on the selection after sorting.
- KExtraColumnsProxyModel: fix bug in sibling() which broke e.g. selections
Package Framework
- kpackagetool can uninstall a package from a package file
- kpackagetool is now smarter about finding the right servicetype
- KSycoca: check timestamps and run kbuildsycoca if needed. No kded dependency anymore.
- Don't close ksycoca right after opening it.
- KPluginInfo now correctly handles FormFactor metadata
- Merge allocation of TextLineData and ref count block.
- Change default keyboard shortcut for "go to previous editing line"
- Syntax highlighting Haskell comment fixes
- Speed up code-completion pop-up appearance
- minimap: Attempt to improve the look and feel (bug 309553)
- nested comments in Haskell syntax highlighting
- Fix problem with wrong unindent for python (bug 351190)
- KPasswordDialog: let the user change the password visibility (bug 224686)
- Fix KSwitchLanguageDialog not showing most languages
- Avoid QLatin1String wherever it allocates heap memory
- Fix metatype conflict with the latest nm-qt change
- Added new properties from the latest NM snapshot/releases
Plasma Framework
- reparent to flickable if possible
- fix package listing
- plasma: Fix applet actions might be nullptr (bug 351777)
- The onClicked signal of PlasmaComponents.ModelContextMenu now works properly
- PlasmaComponents ModelContextMenu can now create Menu sections
- Port platformstatus kded plugin to json metadata...
- Handle an invalid metadata in PluginLoader
- Let the RowLayout figure out the size of the label
- always show the edit menu when the cursor is visible
- Fix loop on ButtonStyle
- Don't change the flat-iness of a button on pressed
- on touchscreen and mobile scrollbars are transient
- adjust flick velocity&deceleration to dpi
- custom cursor delegate only if mobile
- touch friendly text cursor
- fix parenting and popping up policy
- declare __editMenu
- add missing cursot handles delegates
- rewrite the EditMenu implementation
- use the mobile menu only conditionally
- reparent the menu to root
You can discuss and share ideas on this release in the comments section of the dot article.
Nameščanje prevedenih paketov
V Linuxu je priporočljiv način dostopa do KDE Frameworks uporaba paketov za vašo najljubšo distribucijo. Pridobite programje KDE na wiki-strani za vašo distribucijo Linuxa
Prevajanje iz izvorne kode
Celotno izvorno kodo za programe KDE lahko prosto prenesete. Navodila za prevajanje in namestitev so na voljo na strani s podatki o ogrodju KDE 5.14.0.
Gradnja iz izorne kode je možna z osnovnimi ukazi cmake .; make; make install. Za enojno ogrodje Tier 1 je to pogosto najlažja rešitev. Tisti, ki jih zanimajo prispevki k ogrodjem ali sledenje napredku pri razvoju celotnega nabora, naj uporabijo use kdesrc-build. Ogrodje 5.14.0 zahteva Qt
Podroben seznam vseh ogrodij z dokumentacijo API je na
Tisti, ki jih zanima spremljanje in prispevanje k razvoju Frameworks, si lahko ogledajo skladišča git in spremljajo razprave na poštnem seznamu o razvoju ogrodja KDE Frameworks Development. Politike in trenutno stanje projekta in načrti so na voljo na wikiju Frameworks. Razprave v realnem času potekajo na IRC-kanalu #kde-devel na Libera Chat.
Podpora KDE-ju
KDE je skupnost Proste programske opreme, ki obstaja in raste samo zaradi pomoči številnih prostovoljcev, ki prispevajo svoj čas in trud. KDE vedno išče nove prostovoljce in prispevke, najsi gre za pomoč pri kodiranju, odpravljanju napak ali poročanju, pisanju dokumentacije, prevodov, promociji, denarju itd. Vsi prispevki so hvaležno cenjeni in z veseljem sprejeti. Prosimo, preberite Podpora KDEju za dodatne informacije ali postanite KDE e.V. podporni član prek naše pobude Pridružite se igri.