KDE Ships Third Beta of KDE Applications 14.12
November 20, 2014. Today KDE released the beta of the new versions of KDE Applications. With dependency and feature freezes in place, the KDE team's focus is now on fixing bugs and further polishing.
With various applications being based on KDE Frameworks 5, the KDE Applications 14.12 releases need a thorough testing in order to maintain and improve the quality and user experience. Actual users are critical to maintaining high KDE quality, because developers simply cannot test every possible configuration. We're counting on you to help find bugs early so they can be squashed before the final release. Please consider joining the team by installing the beta and reporting any bugs.
Installing KDE Applications 14.12 Beta 3 Binary Packages
Packages. Some Linux/UNIX OS vendors have kindly provided binary packages of KDE Applications 14.12 Beta 3 (internally 14.11.95) for some versions of their distribution, and in other cases community volunteers have done so. Additional binary packages, as well as updates to the packages now available, may become available over the coming weeks.
Package Locations. For a current list of available binary packages of which the KDE Project has been informed, please visit the Community Wiki.
Prevajanje aplikacij KDE 14.12 Beta 3
The complete source code for KDE Applications 14.12 Beta 3 may be freely downloaded. Instructions on compiling and installing are available from the KDE Applications Beta 3 Info Page.
Podpora KDE-ju
KDE je skupnost Proste programske opreme, ki obstaja in raste samo zaradi pomoči številnih prostovoljcev, ki prispevajo svoj čas in trud. KDE vedno išče nove prostovoljce in prispevke, najsi gre za pomoč pri kodiranju, odpravljanju napak ali poročanju, pisanju dokumentacije, prevodov, promociji, denarju itd. Vsi prispevki so hvaležno cenjeni in z veseljem sprejeti. Prosimo, preberite Podpora KDEju za dodatne informacije ali postanite KDE e.V. podporni član prek naše pobude Pridružite se igri.
KDE is an international technology team that creates free and open source software for desktop and portable computing. Among KDE's products are a modern desktop system for Linux and UNIX platforms, comprehensive office productivity and groupware suites and hundreds of software titles in many categories including Internet and web applications, multimedia, entertainment, educational, graphics and software development. KDE software is translated into more than 60 languages and is built with ease of use and modern accessibility principles in mind. KDE’s full-featured applications run natively on Linux, BSD, Windows, Haiku, and macOS.
Obvestila o blagovnih znamkah.
KDE® in logotip the K Desktop Environment® sta blagovni znamki KDE e.V..
Linux je registrirana blagovna znamka Linusa Torvaldsa. UNIX je registrirana blagovna znamka The Open Group v ZDA in drugih državah.
Vse druge blagovne znamke in avtorske pravice, omenjene v tej objavi, so last njihovih lastnikov.
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