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Help us create software that gives you full freedom and protects your privacy, and be a part of a great community

Become a Supporting Member

One-Time Donations

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Other Ways to Donate

We also accept donations with custom monthly amounts, direct bank transfer in the EU, personal check in the US, matching via Benevity, and GitHub Sponsors.
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Para onde vai o dinheiro?

Your generous donation helps to pay salaries for employees and contractors who participate amongst the wider KDE Community to create, document, and promote KDE software. It also helps to pay for the cost of hosting conferences and development sprints, server infrastructure, and legal fees incurred defending free software.

Programa de Membro de Suporte para empresas

Faz parte de um negócio ou empresa interessados em patrocinar o desenvolvimento do KDE? Para além de possibilitar a criação de 'software' excelente, os membros de suporte também têm os seus próprios logótipos adicionados à página Web do KDE, bem como diversos materiais promocionais impressos.

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Canonical Google SUSE The Qt Company Blue System Slimbook Computadores TUXEDO KFocus GnuPG Mbition KDAB Basyskom Enioka

Acerca do KDE e.V.

KDE e.V. is the non-profit organization behind the KDE community. It is based in Germany and thus donations are tax deductible in Germany (see details in German). If you live in another EU country your donation might also be tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor for details.

'Hardware' e Serviços

Também poderá doar bens e serviços ao KDE. Nós mantemos uma lista das organizações que fizeram contribuições significativas.

Receipts (Spendenquittungen)

If you need a receipt ("Spendenquittung") for your donation, please contact the KDE e.V. treasurer.