Sobota, 8 Wrzesień 2018
Dziś KDE ogłasza wydanie Szkieletów KDE 5.50.0.
KDE Frameworks are 70 addon libraries to Qt which provide a wide variety of commonly needed functionality in mature, peer reviewed and well tested libraries with friendly licensing terms. For an introduction see the KDE Frameworks release announcement.
To wydanie jest jednym z szeregu zaplanowanych miesięcznych wydań, udostępniając usprawnienia programistom w szybki i przewidywalny sposób.
Nowości w tej wersji
- Add support for proposed tags addition in OCS 1.7
- Fixed a typo in the index size output (bug 397843)
- Remove src not dest url when a url is newly unindexable
- [tags_kio] Simplify the filename path query matching by using a capture group
- Revert "Skip queueing newly unindexable files and remove them from the index immediately."
- [tags_kio] Simplify file path lookup while loop
Breeze Icons
- Add LabPlot project file icon
- ScalableTest, add "scalable" plasma-browser-integration (bug 393999)
Extra CMake Modules
- Bindings: Check if bindings can be generated for a specific python version
- Bindings: Make generator forward compatible with Python 3
- Disable alteration of QT_PLUGIN_PATH by ECM when running tests
- Bindings: Add support for scoped enums (bug 397154)
- Make it possible for ECM to detect po files at configure time
Framework Integration
- [KStyle] Use dialog-question for question icon
- handle non-ASCII encodings of file names in tar archives (bug 266141)
- KCompressionDevice: don't call write after WriteError (bug 397545)
- Add missing Q_OBJECT macros for QIODevice subclasses
- KCompressionDevice: propagate errors from QIODevice::close() (bug 397545)
- Fix bzip main page
- Use custom QScrollArea with size hint not limited by font size (bug 389585)
- Remove warning about old kiosk feature that no longer applies
- Set system default shortcut Ctrl+0 for "Actual Size" action
- Don't remove space between two url when line start with " (kmail bug)
- KPluginLoader: use '/' even on Windows, libraryPaths() returns paths with '/'
- KPluginMetaData: convert empty string to empty stringlist
- Revert "ensure we are always writing in the engine's root context"
- Attach property to "delegate" (bug 397367)
- [KCM GridDelegate] Use layer effect only on OpenGL backend (bug 397220)
- add acronym ASCII to general.entities
- add JSON to general.entities
- Let meinproc5 be more verbose in 'install' auto test
- In kdoctools_install test use absolute paths to find installed files
- Add enum alias Property::Language for typo Property::Langauge
- Implement proper equinox and solstice calculation algorithm (bug 396750)
- src/CMakeLists.txt - install headers the frameworks-way
- Assert if trying to use a KCatalog without a QCoreApplication
- Port ki18n from QtScript to QtQml
- Check the build directory for po/ as well
- Set breeze as fallback icon theme
- [KSambaShareData] Accept spaces in ACL host name
- [KFileItemListProperties] Use mostLocalUrl for capabilities
- [KMountPoint] Also check "smb-share" for whether it's an SMB mount (bug 344146)
- [KMountPoint] Resolve gvfsd mounts (bug 344146)
- [KMountPoint] Remove traces of supermount
- [KMountPoint] Remove AIX and Windows CE support
- Display mounted file system type and mounted from fields in properties dialog (bug 220976)
- kdirlistertest doesn't fail at random
- [KUrlComboBox] Fix KIcon porting error
- Port KPATH_SEPARATOR "hack" to QDir::listSeparator, added in Qt 5.6
- Fixes memory leak in KUrlComboBox::setUrl
- [KFileItem] Don't read directory comment on slow mounts
- Use QDir::canonicalPath instead
- Ignore NTFS hidden flag for root volume (bug 392913)
- Give the "invalid directory name" dialog a cancel button
- KPropertiesDialog: switch to label in setFileNameReadOnly(true)
- Refine wording when a folder with an invalid name could not be created
- Use appropriate icon for a cancel button that will ask for a new name
- Make read-only filenames selectable
- Use title case for some button labels
- Use KLineEdit for folder name if folder has write access, else use QLabel
- KCookieJar: fix wrong timezone conversion
- support fillWidth for items
- guard against external deletion of pages
- always show the header when we are in collapsible mode
- fix showContentWhenCollapsed behavior
- fix holes in menus in Material style
- standard actionsmenu for the page contextmenu
- Explicitly request Qt 5.7's QtQuick to make use of Connections.enabled
- use Window color instead of a background item
- make sure the drawer closes even when pushing a new
- export separatorvisible to the globaltoolbar
- Fix the Kirigami QRC static plugin generation
- Fix the build in LTO static mode
- Ensure drawerOpen property is synced correctly (bug 394867)
- drawer: Display the content widget when dragging
- Allow qrc assets to be used in Actions icons
- ld on old gcc (bug 395156)
- Deprecate KFilterProxySearchLine
- Cache providerId
- Support libcanberra for audio notification
- KBuildSycoca: always process application desktop files
- Turn enum Kate::ScriptType into an enum class
- correct error handling for QFileDevice and KCompressedDevice
- InlineNotes: Do not print inline notes
- Remove QSaveFile in favor of plain old file saving
- InlineNotes: Use screen global coordinates everywhere
- InlineNote: Initialize position with Cursor::invalid()
- InlineNote: Pimpl inline note data without allocs
- Add inline note interface
- Show text preview only if main window is active (bug 392396)
- Fix crash when hiding the TextPreview widget (bug 397266)
- Merge ssh://git.kde.org/ktexteditor
- improve hidpi rendering of icon border
- Improve vim color theme (bug 361127)
- Search: Add workaround for missing icons in Gnome icon-theme
- fix overpainting for _ or letters like j in the last line (bug 390665)
- Extend Scripting API to allow executing commands
- Indentation script for R
- Fix crash when replacing n around empty lines (bug 381080)
- remove highlighting download dialog
- no need to new/delete hash on each doHighlight, clearing it is good enough
- ensure we can handle invalid attribute indices that can happen as left overs after HL switch for a document
- let smart pointer handle deletion of objects, less manual stuff to do
- remove map to lookup additional hl properties
- KTextEditor uses the KSyntaxHighlighting framework for all
- use character encodings as provided by the definitions
- Merge branch 'master' into syntax-highlighting
- non-bold text no longer renders with font weight thin but (bug 393861)
- use foldingEnabled
- remove EncodedCharaterInsertionPolicy
- Printing: Respect footer font, fix footer vertical position, make header/footer separator line visually lighter
- Merge branch 'master' into syntax-highlighting
- let syntax-highlighting framework handle all definition management now that there is the None definition around in the repo
- completion widget: fix minimum header section size
- Fix: Scroll view lines instead of real lines for wheel and touchpad scrolling (bug 256561)
- remove syntax test, that is now tested in the syntax-highlighting framework itself
- KTextEditor configuration is now application local again, the old global configuration will be imported on first use
- Use KSyntaxHighlighting::CommentPosition instead of KateHighlighting::CSLPos
- Use isWordWrapDelimiter() from KSyntaxHighlighting
- Rename isDelimiter() to isWordDelimiter()
- implement more lookup stuff via format -> definition link
- we now always get valid formats
- nicer way to get attribute name
- fix python indentation test, safer accessor to property bags
- add right definition prefixes again
- Merge branch 'syntax-highlighting' of git://anongit.kde.org/ktexteditor into syntax-highlighting
- try to bring back lists needed to do the configuration per scheme
- Use KSyntaxHighlighting::Definition::isDelimiter()
- make can break bit more like in word code
- no linked list without any reason
- cleanup properties init
- fix order of formats, remember definition in highlighting bag
- handle invalid formats / zero length formats
- remove more old implementation parts, fixup some accessors to use the format stuff
- fix indentation based folding
- remove exposure of context stack in doHighlight + fix ctxChanged
- start to store folding stuff
- rip out highlighting helpers, no longer needed
- remove need to contextNum, add FIXME-SYNTAX marker to stuff that needs to be fixed up properly
- adapt to includedDefinitions changes, remove contextForLocation, one only needs either keywords for location or spellchecking for location, can be implemented later
- remove more no longer used syntax highlighting things
- fixup the m_additionalData and the mapping for it a bit, should work for attributes, not for context
- create initial attributes, still without real attribute values, just a list of something
- call the highlighting
- derive from abstract highlighter, set definition
KWallet Framework
- Move example from techbase to own repo
- Sync set/send/update methods
- Add serial number and EISA ID to OutputDevice interface
- Output device color curves correction
- Fix memory management in WaylandOutputManagement
- Isolate every test within WaylandOutputManagement
- OutputManagement fractional scaling
- Create a first example of the use of KMessageBox
- Fix two bugs in KMessageWidget
- [KMessageBox] Call style for icon
- Add workaround for labels with word-wrapping (bug 396450)
- Make Konqi look good in HiDPI
- Add missing parentheses
- Require NetworkManager 1.4.0 and newer
- manager: add support to R/W the GlobalDnsConfiguration property
- Actually allow to set the refresh rate for device statistics
Plasma Framework
- Workaround bug with native rendering and opacity in TextField text (bug 396813)
- [Icon Item] Watch KIconLoader icon change when using QIcon (bug 397109)
- [Icon Item] Use ItemEnabledHasChanged
- Get rid of deprecated QWeakPointer usage
- Fix style sheet for 22-22-system-suspend (bug 397441)
- Improve Widgets' removal and configure text
- solid/udisks2: Add support for categorized logging
- [Windows Device] Show device label only if there is one
- Force reevaluation of Predicates if interfaces are removed (bug 394348)
- hunspell: Restore build with hunspell <=v1.5.0
- Include hunspell headers as system includes
New module
Syntax Highlighting
- highlight 20000 lines per testcase
- make highlighting benchmark more reproducible, we anyways want to measure this execution with e.g. perf from the outside
- Tune KeywordList lookup & avoid allocations for implicit capture group
- remove captures for Int, never implemented
- deterministic iteration of tests for better result comparison
- handle nested include attributes
- update Modula-2 highlighting (bug 397801)
- precompute attribute format for context & rules
- avoid word delimiter check at start of keyword (bug 397719)
- Add syntax highlighting for SELinux kernel policy language
- hide bestCandidate, can be static function inside file
- Add some improvements to kate-syntax-highlighter for use in scripting
- added := as a valid part of an identifier
- use our own input data for benchmarking
- try to fix line ending issue in compare of results
- try trivial diff output for Windows
- add defData again for valid state check
- decrease StateData space by more than 50% and half the number of needed mallocs
- improve performance of Rule::isWordDelimiter and KeywordListRule::doMatch
- Improve skip offset handling, allow to skip full line on no match
- check extensions wildcard list
- more asterisk hl, I tried some asterisk configs, they are just ini style, use .conf as ini ending
- fix highlighting for #ifdef _xxx stuff (bug 397766)
- fix wildcards in files
- MIT relicensing of KSyntaxHighlighting done
- JavaScript: add binaries, fix octals, improve escapes & allow Non-ASCII identifiers (bug 393633)
- Allow to turn of the QStandardPaths lookups
- Allow to install syntax files instead of having them in a resource
- handle context switch attributes of the contexts themselves
- change from static lib to object lib with right pic setting, should work for shared + static builds
- avoid any heap allocation for default constructed Format() as used as "invalid"
- honor cmake variable for static vs. dynamic lib, like e.g. karchive
- MIT relicensing, https://phabricator.kde.org/T9455
- remove old add_license script, no longer needed
- Fix includedDefinitions, handle definition change in context switch (bug 397659)
- SQL: various improvements and fix if/case/loop/end detection with SQL (Oracle)
- fix reference files
- SCSS: update syntax. CSS: fix Operator and Selector Tag highlighting
- debchangelog: add Bookworm
- Relicense Dockerfile to MIT license
- remove the no longer supported configuration part of the spellchecking that always had just one mode we now hardcode
- Add syntax highlighting support for Stan
- add back indenter
- Optimize many syntax highlighting files and fix the '/' char of SQL
- Modelines: add byte-order-mark & small fixes
- Relicense modelines.xml to MIT license (bug 198540)
- Add QVector<QPair<QChar, QString>> Definition::characterEncodings() const
- Add bool Definition::foldingEnabled() const
- Add "None" highlighting to repository per default
- Update Logtalk language syntax support
- Add Autodesk EAGLE sch and brd file format to the XML category
- C# highlighting: Prefer C-Style indenter
- AppArmor: update syntax and various improvements/fixes
- Java: add binaries & hex-float, and support underscores in numbers (bug 386391)
- Cleanup: indentation was moved from general to language section
- Definition: Expose command markers
- Add highlighting of JavaScript React
- YAML: fix keys, add numbers and other improvements (bug 389636)
- Add bool Definition::isWordWrapDelimiter(QChar)
- Definition: Rename isDelimiter() to isWordDelimiter()
- Note KF6 API improvement ideas from the KTE porting
- Provide a valid format for empty lines too
- Make Definition::isDelimiter() also work for invalid definitions
- Definition: Expose bool isDelimiter() const
- Sort returned formats in Definition::formats() by id
Security information
The released code has been GPG-signed using the following key: pub rsa2048/58D0EE648A48B3BB 2016-09-05 David Faure <faure@kde.org> Primary key fingerprint: 53E6 B47B 45CE A3E0 D5B7 4577 58D0 EE64 8A48 B3BB
You can discuss and share ideas on this release in the comments section of the dot article.
Wgrywanie pakietów binarnych
W systemie Linux, używanie pakietów dla twojej ulubionej dystrybucji jest zalecanym sposobem na uzyskanie dostępu do szkieletów KDE. Pobierz oprogramowanie KDE na swoją dystrybucję Linuksa
Budowanie ze źródeł
Pełny kod źródłowy Szkieletów KDE 5.50.0 można pobrać nieodpłatnie z. Polecenia do budowania i wgrywania są dostępne na stronie informacyjnej szkieletów 5.50.0 KDE
Budowanie ze źródeł jest możliwe przy użyciu podstawowych poleceń cmake .; make; make install. Dla pojedynczego szkieletu z części 1 jest to najczęściej najłatwiejsze rozwiązanie. Ludziom, którzy chcą współtworzyć szkielety lub śledzić postęp w rozwoju całego zestawu, zalecamy jednak użycie kdesrc-build. Szkielety 5.50.0 wymagają Qt
A detailed listing of all Frameworks with API documentation is on api.kde.org.
Zainteresowani śledzeniem i rozwijaniem Szkieletów mogą sprawdzać repozytoria git i uczestniczyć w rozmowach na [Liście rozmów o rozwoju Szkieletów KDE] (https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-frameworks-devel).Zasady i obecny stan projektu oraz plany są dostępne na Wiki Szkieletów. Rozmowy na żywo odbywają się na Kanale IRC #kde-devel na Libera Chat.
Wspieranie KDE
KDE is a Free Software community that exists and grows only because of the help of many volunteers that donate their time and effort. KDE is always looking for new volunteers and contributions, whether it is help with coding, bug fixing or reporting, writing documentation, translations, promotion, money, etc. All contributions are gratefully appreciated and eagerly accepted. Please read through the Supporting KDE page for further information or become a KDE e.V. supporting member through our Join the Game initiative.