2021년 4월 10일 토요일
오늘 KDE에서는 KDE 프레임워크 버전 5.81.0을(를) 출시했습니다.
KDE 프레임워크는 Qt에서 사용할 수 있는 추가 기능 라이브러리 83개로, 자주 사용하는 기능을 다양한 환경에서 테스트하고, 동료 평가되는 라이브러리 형태로 제공하며 적절한 라이선스 조건으로 배포됩니다. 소개를 보려면 KDE 프레임워크 릴리스 공지를 참조하십시오.
이 릴리스는 계획된 월간 릴리스의 일부이며, 개발자들이 변경 사항을 빠르고 예측 가능한 형태로 사용 및 평가할 수 있습니다.
이 버전의 새로운 변경 사항
- [SearchStore] Explicitly narrow timestamps for range query
- Add now mandatory args parameter to QProcess::startDetached()
- [MetadataMover] Update filename terms when moving/renaming file (bug 433116)
- Fix unity compile support
Breeze Icons
- Added branches with leaves to Kmymoney icon
- Add a few symlinks for "configure" and "help-donate" (bug 435150)
- Add KMyMoney Pie-Chart Icon
- Link svn-* icons to new vcs-* icons
- Add vcs-* icons for Kate
- Make lock icon filled status consistent (bug 244542)
- Remove 22 brightness icons in 16 size folder
- Fix location of brightness icons
- Add high-brightness and low-brightness icons
Extra CMake Modules
- ECMGenerateExportHeader: do sanity check for version argument values
- Fix warning about wayland-scanner code arg
- Activate activity manager asynchronously
- Un-overload HelperProxy::progressStep() signal
- Add loaded signal to KCModuleData to handle delayed loading
- Un-overload KLineEdit::returnPressed(const QString &) signal => returnKeyPressed
- Un-overload KCompletionBox::activated(const QString &) signal => textActivated
- Un-overload KComboBox::returnPressed(const QString &) signal, by deprecating returnPressed()
- Relicense file to LGPL-2.0-or-later
- kconfig_compiler: Explicitly open input file for reading
- kconfig_compiler: change how paramString() creates strings
- Introduce KHamburgermenu (bug 368421)
- Enable Unicode support in QRegularExpression where needed
- Document why we close FDs
- Make kded shut down cleanly during systemd session teardown
KDELibs 4 Support
- KComponentData: add a link to the KF5 porting notes
- Enable Unicode support in QRegularExpression where needed
- Only use unistd/getuid when available
- Don't let kglobalaccel run if KDE_SESSION_UID mismatches
- Make it compile with unity cmake support
- Handle negative years in easter and pascha calculations (bug 434027)
- Revert "avoid race condition on loading the plugin"
- Revert "add private header to avoid extern in .cpp file"
- Don't register our engine per default
- More robust handling of missing global KDE themes
- Ensure qrc + QDir::searchPaths work for icons (bug 434451)
- More robust and complete setup of the scaled test environment
- Produce output with the request devicePixelRatio
- Properly render non-square icons
- Remove the assumption that SVG icons are squares in icon loading
- Retain non-square icon sizes in KIconEngine::actualSize()
- Revert icon size behavior changes
- Align handling of non-square icons with how Qt behaves
- FileCopyJob: fix regression when copying a data: URL
- Handle errors during xattr copy in a more robust way
- Port ktelnetservice away from kdeinitexec
- Handle .theme files correctly (bug 435176)
- Remove KCoreDirListerCache::validUrl, let the job emit error instead
- PreviewJob: Initialize cachesSize with 0, only pass size > 0 to shmget, improve createThumbnail (bug 430862)
- KNewFileMenu: use destination side to stat destination (bug 429541)
- MimeTypeFinderJob: don't put job on hold for local files
- FileCopyJob: port to the async AskUserActionInterface
- Fix crash in ApplicationLauncherJob(service) when service is null
- Don't try to get mimetypes on empty urls
- Fix appending file extensions in KFileWidget
- Add a humanMoment unit to Kirigami.Units
- Make the luma conversion of a color api accessible
- Auto fire SearchField's accepted, with optional extra delay (bug 435084)
- Make globaltoolbar colorset customizable
- Lower duration to change color for ActionButton
- Fix focus handling in OverlaySheet to be managed as one FocusScope (bug 431295)
- BasicListItem: partially silence binding loop
- [FormLayout] Use layout boundaries on twin layout hints (bug 434383)
- Make SwipeNavigator only allow the active page to be focused
- Consider Ubuntu Touch to be mobile
- [controls/Avatar]: Get rid of 'both point size and pixel size' set warning
- Remove link to deprecated ApplicationHeader
- the visible part should always at least be as tall as item (bug 433815)
- Fix potential crash in SizeGroup (bug 434079)
- turn contentItemParent into a FocusScope (bug 433991)
- Introduce KUiServerV2JobTracker
- qtquickengine: Do not forward intermediate states
- quickengine: Emit entryEvent signal with enum which is exposed to QML
- Create a NewStuff.Action component, add NewStuff.Settings global
- Less risk of infinite spinner on uninstalling KPackage based things (bug 434371)
- Relicense files to LGPL-2.0-or-later
- Don't close resident notifications when action is invoked
- Implement inline replies on Android
- Add an inline reply notification to the example
- Add KNotificationReplyAction for using inline-reply Notification API
- Add a new signal to replace the now deprecated completed(bool)
- Deprecate concept of delayed runners & related methods
- Deprecate methods to remove matches in RunnerContext
- Deprecate KPluginInfo::fromKPartsInstanceName, completely unused
- Don't warn about unsaved changes when closing if blank and unsaved (bug 391208)
- Use QPalette::highlight for the scrollbar minimap slider (bug 434690)
- Avoid gaps in indentation line drawing
- Don't use F9 & F10 as shortcuts
- Use Okular's QScroller settings
- Add basic touchscreen support
- [Vimode] Improve sentence text object
- [Vimode] Fix paragraph text object in visual mode
- Restrict horizontal range of cursor to avoid unintentionally wrapping (bug 423253)
- Turn on line numbers & modification markers
- Update remove-trailing-spaces modeline
- Add option to keep spaces to the left of cursor when saving (bug 433455)
- Remove unneeded options setting
- Search: Enable Unicode support in QRegularExpression
- [Vimode] Show search wrapepd hint for # and * motions
- [Vimode] Use ViewPrivate::showSearchWrappedHint() for consistency;
- Move showSearchWrappedHint() to KTextEditor::ViewPrivate
- [Vimode] Only display "Search wrapped" message for n/N motions
- Ensure we use unicode regex where needed
- Fix spellcheck word detection for non-ASCII (bug 433673)
- Fix auto-completion for non ASCII words (bug 433672)
- Deprecate the KFind::highlight(int, int, int) signal
- Deprecate the KFind::highlight(QString &, int, int) signal
- Enable Unicode support in QRegularExpression where needed
KWallet Framework
- Un-overload OrgKdeKWalletInterface::walletClosed(int) signal
- Bump required PlasmaWaylandProtocols
- Fix DTD check errors and a typo
- Add the activity management protocol client implementation
- Add MediaPause key to mapping (bug 403636)
Plasma Framework
- Deprecate AppletScript::description()
- [widgets/arrows] Fix viewBox size and naturalSize in SvgItems
- Add a humanMoment unit to the various Units
- Add PageIndicator
- [pluginloader] Add methods to list containments using KPluginMetaData
- Deprecate PluginLoader::listEngineInfoByCategory
- Mark Plasma Style as internal
- Add notes about classes that will hopefully be dropped in KF6
- [lineedit.svg] Remove empty space around borders and use 3px corner radius
- [PC3 TextField] set on placeholder text
- [PC3 TextField] mirrored -> control.mirrored
- [PC3] Refactor TextField
- Make compositing-off margins in the panel same size of compositing on
- widgets>lineedit.svg: remove double ring
- Change ContrastEffect check to AdaptiveTransparency in A.T. check (bug 434200)
- Revert recent theme changes (bug 434202)
- Port to singleton Units
- Respect highlighted property (bug 384989)
- Fix size of toolbuttons
- [DialogButtonBox] Improve implicit size behavior
Syntax Highlighting
- LaTeX: allow Math env within another Math env
- java: add assert and var keywords
- cmake.xml: Updates for CMake 3.20
- PHP: add preg_last_error_msg() function and classes that was previously a resource
- Js: numeric separator ; fix Octal ; add new classes
- Try to fix Qt 5.14 based compile
- Make it possible to compile with Qt 6
- Fix #5 and add Path style with alternate value (${xx:-/path/})
- Python: add match and case keywords (Python 3.10)
- Bump rust.xml to version 12
- Do not spellcheck in Rust code
- Markdown: add folding in sections
- Fix BracketMatching color in Breeze Dark theme
- Added more checking and number support
- Added proper escaping support with error handling
- Yet another DetectSpaces at MultiLineText
- Removed Variable context; not needed
- Added Error displaying for Placeables
- Included ##Comments
- Optimisations (DetectIdentifier, etc.)
- Fixed Attribute handling
- Added support for identifiers
- Multiline text is now working
- Added support for fluent language files
- Add
Fortran function
- exception.h: fix export header include to work in namespace-prefixed include
Security information
The released code has been GPG-signed using the following key: pub rsa2048/58D0EE648A48B3BB 2016-09-05 David Faure faure@kde.org Primary key fingerprint: 53E6 B47B 45CE A3E0 D5B7 4577 58D0 EE64 8A48 B3BB
바이너리 패키지 설치
리눅스 환경에서는 KDE 프레임워크를 사용하고 있는 배포판의 패키지 관리자로 설치하는 것을 추천합니다. 리눅스 배포판별 KDE 소프트웨어 설치 위키 페이지.
소스 코드에서 컴파일
KDE 프레임워크 5.81.0 소스 코드는 자유롭게 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 컴파일 및 설치 방법은 KDE 프레임워크 5.81.0 정보 페이지에서 확인할 수 있습니다.
소스 코드에서 빌드하는 작업은 기본적인 cmake .; make; make install 명령으로 가능합니다. 단일 티어 1 프레임워크를 컴파일 때에는 가장 간단한 방법입니다. 프레임워크 개발에 기여하거나 전체 프레임워크 개발 작업을 추적하고 싶다면 kdesrc-build 사용을 추천합니다. 프레임워크 5.81.0에는 Qt 5.14 이상이 필요합니다.
API 문서를 포함한 전체 프레임워크 목록은 api.kde.org 사이트에서 볼 수 있습니다.
프레임워크 개발에 관심이 있고 기여할 생각이 있다면 git 저장소를 확인하고 KDE 프레임워크 개발 메일링 리스트의 토론을 확인해 보십시오. 프로젝트 정책, 현재 상태 및 향후 계획은 프레임워크 위키에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 실시간 대화는 Libera Chat의 #kde-devel IRC 채널에서 진행됩니다.
KDE 지원
KDE는 개인의 시간과 노력을 기부하는 것으로 존재하고 성장하는 자유 소프트웨어 커뮤니티입니다. KDE는 코딩, 버그 수정 및 보고, 문서 작성, 번역, 프로모션, 금전적 기여 등 다양한 자원 봉사자와 기여자를 찾고 있습니다. 모든 기여를 환영합니다. 더 많은 정보를 보려면 KDE 지원하기 페이지를 확인하십시오. Join the Game을 통해서 KDE e.V.의 후원 회원이 될 수도 있습니다.