2020년 3월 7일 토요일
오늘 KDE에서는 KDE 프레임워크 버전 5.68.0을(를) 출시했습니다.
KDE 프레임워크는 Qt에서 사용할 수 있는 추가 기능 라이브러리 70개로, 자주 사용하는 기능을 다양한 환경에서 테스트하고, 동료 평가되는 라이브러리 형태로 제공하며 적절한 라이선스 조건으로 배포됩니다. 소개를 보려면 KDE 프레임워크 릴리스 공지를 참조하십시오.
이 릴리스는 계획된 월간 릴리스의 일부이며, 개발자들이 변경 사항을 빠르고 예측 가능한 형태로 사용 및 평가할 수 있습니다.
이 버전의 새로운 변경 사항
- [ModifiedFileIndexer] Correct time checks for new files
- [ModifiedFileIndexer] Omit BasicIndexingJob run when not required
- Sync IndexerConfig on exit (bug 417127)
- [FileIndexScheduler] Force evaluation of indexerState after suspend/resume
- Fix errors in the QRegularExpression porting commit
Breeze Icons
- Add network-wireless-hotspot icon
- Move telegram panel icons to status category
- [breeze-icons] Add telegram-desktop tray icons (bug 417583)
- [breeze-icons] New 48px telegram icon
- Add rss icons in action
- Remove 48px telegram icons
- Hotfix to make sure validation is not done in parallel to generation
- New yakuake logo/icon
- Fix inconsistencies and duplicates in network-wired/wireless icons
- Fix old text color values for osd-* icons
- only install generated icons if they were generated
- escape all paths to ensure the CI system works
- set -e on the generator script so it properly errors out on errors
- build: fix the build where install prefix is not user-writable
- hotfix new 24px generator to use bash instead of sh
- Also auto-generate 24@2x compatibility symlinks
- Auto-generate 24px monochrome icons
- Add icons that were only in actions/24 to actions/22
- Set document scale to 1.0 for all actions/22 icons
- Add new
icons - Make shapes and shape-choose icons consistent with other -shape icons
- Make smiley-shape consistent with other -shape icons
- Make flower-shape and hexagon-shape icons consistent with other -shape icons
- Replace <use/> with <path/> in muondiscover.svg
- Add status icons: data-error, data-warning, data-information
- Add icon for org.kde.Ikona
- add vvave icon
- add puremaps icon
- Unify the look of all icons containing 🚫 (no sign)
- New icon for KTimeTracker (bug 410708)
- Optimize KTrip and KDE Itinerary icons
- update travel-family icons
Extra CMake Modules
- Support NDK r20 and Qt 5.14
- Load QM files from assets: URLs on Android
- Add ecm_qt_install_logging_categories & ecm_qt_export_logging_category
- ECMGeneratePriFile: unbreak for usages with LIB_NAME not a target name
- ECMGeneratePriFile: Fix static configurations
Framework Integration
- [KStyle] Set the color of KMessageWidgets to the correct one from the current color scheme
- Fix issue finding the Boost include directories
- Use exposed DBus methods to switch activities in CLI
- [KAuth] Add support for action details in Polkit1 backend
- [policy-gen] Fix the code to actually use the correct capture group
- Drop Policykit backend
- [polkit-1] Simplify Polkit1Backend action exists lookup
- [polkit-1] Return an error status in actionStatus if there is an error
- Calculate KAuthAction::isValid on demand
- Rename actions to be consistent
- Update visibility cache when notebook visibility is changed
- Check activeModule before using it (bug 417396)
- [KConfigGui] Clear styleName font property for Regular font styles (bug 378523)
- Fix code generation for entries with min/max (bug 418146)
- KConfigSkeletonItem : allow to set a KconfigGroup to read and write items in nested groups
- Fix is<PropertyName>Immutable generated property
- Add setNotifyFunction to KPropertySkeletonItem
- Add an is<PropertyName>Immutable to know if a property is immutable
- Change "Redisplay" to "Refresh"
- add hint that QIcon can be used as a program logo
- Deprecate KDBusConnectionPool
- Expose capture signal on KeySequenceItem
- Fix size of the header in GridViewKCM (bug 417347)
- Allow ManagedConfigModule derived class to register explicitly KCoreConfigSkeleton
- Allow to use KPropertySkeletonItem in ManagedConfigModule
- Add a --replace option to kded5
KDE GUI Addons
- [UrlHandler] Handle opening the online docs for KCM modules
- [KColorUtils] Change getHcy() hue range to [0.0, 1.0)
- Update Japanese holidays
- holiday_jp_ja - fix spelling for National Foundation Day (bug 417498)
- Support Qt 5.14 on Android
- Make kwrapper/kshell spawn klauncher5 if needed
- [KFileFilterCombo] Don't add invalid QMimeType to mimes filter (bug 417355)
- [src/kcms/*] Replace foreach (deprecated) with range/index-based for
- KIO::iconNameForUrl(): handle the case of a file/folder under trash:/
- [krun] Share implementation of runService and runApplication
- [krun] Drop KToolInvocation support from KRun::runService
- Improve KDirModel to avoid showing '+' if there are no subdirs
- Fix running konsole on Wayland (bug 408497)
- KIO::iconNameForUrl: fix searching for kde protocol icons (bug 417069)
- Correct capitalization for "basic link" item
- Change "AutoSkip" to "Skip All" (bug 416964)
- Fix memory leak in KUrlNavigatorPlacesSelector::updateMenu
- file ioslave: stop copying as soon as the ioslave is killed
- [KOpenWithDialog] Automatically select the result if the model filter has only one match (bug 400725)
- Show tooltip with full URL for URL button with overridden text
- Have pullback toolbars on scrollable pages also for footers
- Fix PrivateActionToolButton behaviour with showText vs IconOnly
- Fix ActionToolBar/PrivateActionToolButton in combination with QQC2 Action
- Move checked menu item always into range
- Watch for language change events, and forward those to the QML engine
- Support Qt 5.14 on Android
- don't have overlaysheets under page header
- use fallback when icon failed to load
- Missing links to pagepool source files
- Icon: fix rendering of image: urls on High DPI (bug 417647)
- Do not crash when icon's width or height is 0 (bug 417844)
- fix margins in OverlaySheet
- [examples/simplechatapp] Always set isMenu to true
- [RFC] Reduce size of Level 1 headings and increase left padding on page titles
- properly sync size hints with state machine (bug 417351)
- Add support for static platformtheme plugins
- make headerParent correctly aligned when there is a scrollbar
- Fix tabbar width computation
- Add PagePoolAction to QRC file
- allow toolbar style on mobile
- Make the api docs reflect that Kirigami is not only a mobile toolkit
- KRearrangeColumnsProxyModel: temporarily disable assert due to QTreeView bug
- KRearrangeColumnsProxyModel: reset in setSourceColumns()
- Move Plasma's SortFilterProxyModel into KItemModel's QML plugin
- Expose the evaluation timeout management functions in public API
- Fix clicking thumb-only delegate (bug 418368)
- Fix scrolling on the EntryDetails page (bug 418191)
- Don't double delete CommentsModel (bug 417802)
- Cover also the qtquick plugin in the installed categories file
- Use the right translation catalog to show translations
- Fix the KNSQuick Dialog's close title and basic layout (bug 414682)
- Make kstatusnotifieritem available without dbus
- Adapt action numbering in Android to work like in KNotifications
- Write down Kai-Uwe as the knotifications maintainer
- Always strip html if server does not support it
- [android] Emit defaultActivated when tapping the notification
- fix pri file generation
- Do not print errors about invalid roles when roleName is not set
- Use offscreen platform for tests on Windows
- Remove glsl validator download from validation script
- Fix validation error in line chart shader
- Update linechart core profile shader to match compat
- Add comment about bounds checking
- LineChart: Add support for min/max y bounds checking
- Add sdf_rectangle function to sdf library
- [linechart] Guard against divide by 0
- Line charts: Reduce the number of points per segment
- Don't lose points at the end of a line chart
- Qt5::UiTools is not optional in this module
- New query mechanism for applications: KApplicationTrader
- Add an option to dynamic-break inside words
- KateModeMenuList: don't overlap the scroll bar
- Add application menu dbus paths to org_kde_plasma_window interface
- Registry: don't destroy the callback on globalsync
- [surface] Fix buffer offset when attaching buffers to surfaces
- [KMessageWidget] Allow the style to change our palette
- [KMessageWidget] Draw it with QPainter instead of using stylesheet
- Slightly reduce level 1 heading size
- Drop qmake pri file generation & installation, currently broken
- Support SAE in securityTypeFromConnectionSetting
- Drop qmake pri file generation & installation, currently broken
Oxygen Icons
- Support data-error/warning/information also in 32,46,64,128 sizes
- Add "plugins" action item, to match Breeze icons
- Add status icons: data-error, data-warning, data-information
Plasma Framework
- Buttons: allow to scale up icons
- Try to apply the colorscheme of the current theme to QIcons (bug 417780)
- Dialog: disconnect from QWindow signals in destructor
- Fix memory leak in ConfigView and Dialog
- fix layout size hints for button labels
- make sure the size hints are integer and even
- support icon.width/height (bug 417514)
- Remove hardcoded colors (bug 417511)
- Construct NullEngine with KPluginMetaData() (bug 417548)
- Slightly reduce level 1 heading size
- Vertically center tooltip icon/image
- support display property for Buttons
- Don't warn for invalid plugin metadata (bug 412464)
- tooltips always have normal colorgroup
- [Tests] Make radiobutton3.qml use PC3
- Optimize code when dropping files into the desktop (bug 415917)
- Fix pri file to not fail with CamelCase includes
- Fix pri file to have qmake name of QtGui as dependency
- Rewrite nextcloud plugin
- Kill twitter support
- ScrollView: Use scrollbar height as bottom padding, not width
- Fix inverted logic in IOKitStorage::isRemovable
- Fix segfault at exit
Syntax Highlighting
- Fix out-of-memory due to too large context stacks
- General update for CartoCSS syntax highlighting
- Add syntax highlighting for Java Properties
- TypeScript: add private fields and type-only imports/exports, and some fixes
- Add FreeCAD FCMacro extension to the python highlighting definition
- Updates for CMake 3.17
- C++: constinit keyword and std::format syntax for strings. Improvement printf format
- RPM spec: various improvements
- Makefile highlight: fix variable names in "else" conditionals (bug 417379)
- Add syntax highlighting for Solidity
- Small improvements in some XML files
- Makefile highlight: add substitutions (bug 416685)
Security information
The released code has been GPG-signed using the following key: pub rsa2048/58D0EE648A48B3BB 2016-09-05 David Faure <faure@kde.org> Primary key fingerprint: 53E6 B47B 45CE A3E0 D5B7 4577 58D0 EE64 8A48 B3BB
바이너리 패키지 설치
리눅스 환경에서는 KDE 프레임워크를 사용하고 있는 배포판의 패키지 관리자로 설치하는 것을 추천합니다. 리눅스 배포판별 KDE 소프트웨어 설치 위키 페이지.
소스 코드에서 컴파일
KDE 프레임워크 5.68.0 소스 코드는 자유롭게 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 컴파일 및 설치 방법은 KDE 프레임워크 5.68.0 정보 페이지에서 확인할 수 있습니다.
소스 코드에서 빌드하는 작업은 기본적인 cmake .; make; make install 명령으로 가능합니다. 단일 티어 1 프레임워크를 컴파일 때에는 가장 간단한 방법입니다. 프레임워크 개발에 기여하거나 전체 프레임워크 개발 작업을 추적하고 싶다면 kdesrc-build 사용을 추천합니다. 프레임워크 5.68.0에는 Qt
API 문서를 포함한 전체 프레임워크 목록은 api.kde.org 사이트에서 볼 수 있습니다.
프레임워크 개발에 관심이 있고 기여할 생각이 있다면 git 저장소를 확인하고 KDE 프레임워크 개발 메일링 리스트의 토론을 확인해 보십시오. 프로젝트 정책, 현재 상태 및 향후 계획은 프레임워크 위키에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 실시간 대화는 Libera Chat의 #kde-devel IRC 채널에서 진행됩니다.
KDE 지원
KDE는 개인의 시간과 노력을 기부하는 것으로 존재하고 성장하는 자유 소프트웨어 커뮤니티입니다. KDE는 코딩, 버그 수정 및 보고, 문서 작성, 번역, 프로모션, 금전적 기여 등 다양한 자원 봉사자와 기여자를 찾고 있습니다. 모든 기여를 환영합니다. 더 많은 정보를 보려면 KDE 지원하기 페이지를 확인하십시오. Join the Game을 통해서 KDE e.V.의 후원 회원이 될 수도 있습니다.