2020년 2월 2일 일요일
오늘 KDE에서는 KDE 프레임워크 버전 5.67.0을(를) 출시했습니다.
KDE 프레임워크는 Qt에서 사용할 수 있는 추가 기능 라이브러리 70개로, 자주 사용하는 기능을 다양한 환경에서 테스트하고, 동료 평가되는 라이브러리 형태로 제공하며 적절한 라이선스 조건으로 배포됩니다. 소개를 보려면 KDE 프레임워크 릴리스 공지를 참조하십시오.
이 릴리스는 계획된 월간 릴리스의 일부이며, 개발자들이 변경 사항을 빠르고 예측 가능한 형태로 사용 및 평가할 수 있습니다.
이 버전의 새로운 변경 사항
- Port away from many Qt 5.15 deprecated methods, this reduces the number of warnings during the build.
- Migrate config from KConfig to KConfigXt in order to allow KCM to use it
Breeze Icons
- create Breeze style Kate icon based on new design by Tyson Tan
- Change VLC icon to be more like official VLC icons
- add ktrip icon from ktrip repo
- Add icon for application/sql
- Cleanup and add 22px media repeat icons
- Add icon for text/vnd.kde.kcrash-report
- Turn application/x-ms-shortcut into an actual shortcut icon
Extra CMake Modules
- Add missing Import Env Variable
- ECMAddAppIcon: Add sc in regex to extract extension from valid names
- ECMAddQch: support & document K_DOXYGEN macro usage
Framework Integration
- Drop unused dependency QtDBus
- Fix broken SQL query in allResourcesQuery
- Remove files that Windows cannot handle
- Ensure to store resource uri without a trailing slash
KDE Doxygen Tools
- Unbreak module imports for Python2
- Hardcode utf-8 as filesystem encoding with Python2 to help api.kde.org
- prefer the new kcm plugins to the old
- KCModuleQml: Ensure defaulted is emitted with the current configModule->representsDefaults on load
- Show button respecting what is declared by KCModule
- Update KPluginSelector to allow KCM to show good state for reset, apply and default button
- Refactor KConfigXT
- Fix python bindings build after ebd14f29f8052ff5119bf97b42e61f404f223615
- KCONFIG_ADD_KCFG_FILES: regenerate also on new version of kconfig_compiler
- Allow to also pass a target instead of list of sources to KCONFIG_ADD_KCFG_FILES
- Add KSharedConfig::openStateConfig for storing state information
- Fix Python bindings compilation after 7ab8275bdb56882692846d046a5bbeca5795b009
- KStandardAction: add method for SwitchApplicationLanguage action creation
- [KColorSchemeManager] Don't list duplicates
- [KColorschemeManager] Add option to reenable following global theme
- demote plugin load errors from warning to debug level + reword
- Document how to filter by servicetype the right way
- Add perlSplit() overload taking a QRegularExpression and deprecate the QRegExp one
- Add mime type for backtraces saved from DrKonqi
- Add utility text function KShell::tildeCollapse
- KPluginMetaData: add initialPreference() getter
- desktoptojson: also convert InitialPreference key
- Correctly compute bottom margin for grid delegates with subtitles
- [ConfigModule] Say which package is invalid
- Update holidays and add flagdays and namedays for Sweden
- ki18n_wrap_ui: error when file doesn't exist
- [Kuit] Revert changes in parseUiMarker()
- Add missing renamed event when a destination file already existed
- KFilePlacesModel: On new profile in recent show only recentlyused:/ based entries by default
- Add KFileCustomDialog constructor with a startDir parameter
- Fix QRegularExpression::wildcardToRegularExpression() usage
- Allow to handle apps with Terminal=True in their desktop file, handle their associated mimetype properly (bug 410506)
- KOpenWithDialog: Allow to return a newly created KService created associated to a mimetype
- Add KIO::DropJobFlag to allow manually showing the menu (bug 415917)
- [KOpenWithDialog] Hide collapsible group box when all options inside are hidden (bug 415510)
- Revert effective removal of KUrlPixmapProvider from API
- SlaveBase::dispatchLoop: Fix timeout calculation (bug 392768)
- [KDirOperator] Allow renaming files from the context menu (bug 189482)
- Upstream Dolphin's file rename dialog (bug 189482)
- KFilePlaceEditDialog: move logic into isIconEditable()
- Clip the flickable parent item (bug 416877)
- Remove header top margin from private ScrollView
- proper size hint for the gridlayout (bug 416860)
- use attached property for isCurrentPage
- Get rid of a couple of warnings
- try to keep the cursor in window when typing in an OverlaySheet
- properly expand fillWidth items in mobile mode
- Add active, link, visited, negative, neutral and positive background colors
- Expose ActionToolBar's overflow button icon name
- Use QQC2 Page as base for Kirigami Page
- Specify where the code is coming from as the URL
- Don't anchor AbstractApplicationHeader blindly
- emit pooled after the properties have been reassigned
- add reused and pooled signals like TableView
- Abort machine run once a timeout signal has been seen
- Support ** exponentiation operator from ECMAScript 2016
- Added shouldExcept() function that works based on a function
- Unbreak the KNSQuick::Engine::changedEntries functionality
- Add new signal for default action activation
- Drop dependency to KF5Codecs by using the new stripRichText function
- Strip richtext on Windows
- Adapt to Qt 5.14 Android changes
- Deprecate raiseWidget
- Port KNotification from KWindowSystem
- Adjust metainfo.yaml to new tier
- Remove legacy plugin loading code
- Fix Qt version check
- Register QAbstractItemModel as anonymous type for property assignments
- Hide the line of a line chart if its width is set to 0
- addHelpOption already adds by kaboutdata
- Support multiple values in XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
- Deprecate allowAsDefault
- Make "Default Applications" in mimeapps.list the preferred applications (bug 403499)
- Revert "improve word completion to use highlighting to detect word boundaries" (bug 412502)
- import final breeze icon
- Message-related methods: Use more member-function-pointer-based connect
- DocumentPrivate::postMessage: avoid multiple hash lookups
- fix Drag© function (by using Ctrl Key) (bug 413848)
- ensure we have a quadratic icon
- set proper Kate icon in about dialog for KatePart
- inline notes: correctly set underMouse() for inline notes
- avoid use of old mascot ATM
- Variable expansion: Add variable PercentEncoded (bug 416509)
- Fix crash in variable expansion (used by external tools)
- KateMessageWidget: remove unused event filter installation
- Drop KWindowSystem dependency
KWallet Framework
- Revert readEntryList() to use QRegExp::Wildcard
- Fix QRegularExpression::wildcardToRegularExpression() usage
- [KMessageWidget] Subtract the correct margin
- [KMessageBox] Only allow selecting text in the dialog box using the mouse (bug 416204)
- [KMessageWidget] Use devicePixelRatioF for animation pixmap (bug 415528)
- [KWindowShadows] Check for X connection
- Introduce shadows API
- Deprecate KWindowEffects::markAsDashboard()
- Use KStandardAction convenience method for switchApplicationLanguage
- Allow programLogo property to be a QIcon, too
- Remove ability to report bugs against arbitrary stuff from a static list
- Remove compiler information from bug report dialog
- KMainWindow: fix autoSaveSettings to catch QDockWidgets being shown again
- i18n: Add more semantic context strings
- i18n: Split translations for strings "Translation"
Plasma Framework
- Fixed tooltip corners and removed useless color attributes
- Removed hardcoded colors in background SVGs
- Fix the size and pixel alignment of checkboxes and radiobuttons
- Update breeze theme shadows
- [Plasma Quick] Add WaylandIntegration class
- Same behavior for scrollbar as the desktop style
- Make use of KPluginMetaData where we can
- Add edit mode menu item to desktop widget context menu
- Consistency: colored selected buttons
- Port endl to \n Not necessary to flush as QTextStream uses QFile which flush when it's deleted
- Fix QRegularExpression::wildcardToRegularExpression() usage
- Remove scrollbar related workarounds from list delegates
- [TabBar] Remove frame
- Add active, link, visited, negative, neutral and positive background colors
- use hasTransientTouchInput
- always round x and y
- support mobile mode scrollbar
- ScrollView: Do not overlay scrollbars over contents
- Add signals for udev events with actions bind and unbind
- Clarify referencing of DeviceInterface (bug 414200)
Syntax Highlighting
- Updates nasm.xml with the latest instructions
- Perl: Add 'say' to keyword list
- cmake: Fix
regex and add special args toget_cmake_property
- Add GraphQL highlighting definition
Security information
The released code has been GPG-signed using the following key: pub rsa2048/58D0EE648A48B3BB 2016-09-05 David Faure <faure@kde.org> Primary key fingerprint: 53E6 B47B 45CE A3E0 D5B7 4577 58D0 EE64 8A48 B3BB
바이너리 패키지 설치
리눅스 환경에서는 KDE 프레임워크를 사용하고 있는 배포판의 패키지 관리자로 설치하는 것을 추천합니다. 리눅스 배포판별 KDE 소프트웨어 설치 위키 페이지.
소스 코드에서 컴파일
KDE 프레임워크 5.67.0 소스 코드는 자유롭게 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 컴파일 및 설치 방법은 KDE 프레임워크 5.67.0 정보 페이지에서 확인할 수 있습니다.
소스 코드에서 빌드하는 작업은 기본적인 cmake .; make; make install 명령으로 가능합니다. 단일 티어 1 프레임워크를 컴파일 때에는 가장 간단한 방법입니다. 프레임워크 개발에 기여하거나 전체 프레임워크 개발 작업을 추적하고 싶다면 kdesrc-build 사용을 추천합니다. 프레임워크 5.67.0에는 Qt
API 문서를 포함한 전체 프레임워크 목록은 api.kde.org 사이트에서 볼 수 있습니다.
프레임워크 개발에 관심이 있고 기여할 생각이 있다면 git 저장소를 확인하고 KDE 프레임워크 개발 메일링 리스트의 토론을 확인해 보십시오. 프로젝트 정책, 현재 상태 및 향후 계획은 프레임워크 위키에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 실시간 대화는 Libera Chat의 #kde-devel IRC 채널에서 진행됩니다.
KDE 지원
KDE는 개인의 시간과 노력을 기부하는 것으로 존재하고 성장하는 자유 소프트웨어 커뮤니티입니다. KDE는 코딩, 버그 수정 및 보고, 문서 작성, 번역, 프로모션, 금전적 기여 등 다양한 자원 봉사자와 기여자를 찾고 있습니다. 모든 기여를 환영합니다. 더 많은 정보를 보려면 KDE 지원하기 페이지를 확인하십시오. Join the Game을 통해서 KDE e.V.의 후원 회원이 될 수도 있습니다.