2016년 7월 9일 토요일
오늘 KDE에서는 KDE 프레임워크 버전 5.24.0을(를) 출시했습니다.
KDE 프레임워크는 Qt에서 사용할 수 있는 추가 기능 라이브러리 70개로, 자주 사용하는 기능을 다양한 환경에서 테스트하고, 동료 평가되는 라이브러리 형태로 제공하며 적절한 라이선스 조건으로 배포됩니다. 소개를 보려면 KDE 프레임워크 릴리스 공지를 참조하십시오.
이 릴리스는 계획된 월간 릴리스의 일부이며, 개발자들이 변경 사항을 빠르고 예측 가능한 형태로 사용 및 평가할 수 있습니다.
이 버전의 새로운 변경 사항
General changes
- The list of supported platforms for each framework is now more explicit. Android has been added to the list of supported platforms in all frameworks where this is the case.
- DocumentUrlDB::del Only assert when children of dir actually exist
- Ignore malformed Queries which have a binary operator without first argument
Breeze Icons
- Many new or improved icons
- fix bug 364931 user-idle icon was not visible (bug 364931)
- Add a program to convert symbolically linked files to qrc aliases
Extra CMake Modules
- Integrate relative library paths to APK
- Use "${BIN_INSTALL_DIR}/data" for DATAROOTDIR on Windows
- Ensure extracting an archive does not install files outside the extraction folder, for security reasons. Instead, extract such files to the root of the extraction folder.
- Cleanup KBookmarkManagerList before qApp exits, to avoid deadlocks with the DBus thread
- Deprecate authorizeKAction() in favor of authorizeAction()
- Fix reproducibility in builds by ensuring utf-8 encoding
- KStandardAction::showStatusbar: Return the intended action
- Make epoxy optional
- [OS X] make kded5 an agent, and build it as a regular application
KDELibs 4 Support
- Remove KDETranslator class, there's no kdeqt.po anymore
- Document the replacement for use12Clock()
- Add support for KNewPasswordWidget
- Allow KDocTools to always locate at least its own installed stuff
- Use CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR to look for docbook instead of share
- Update qt5options manpage docbook to qt 5.4
- Update kf5options manpage docbook
- Move glass theme to kde-look
- Use QGuiApplication instead of QApplication
- Fix applying inherit value for outline shorthand property
- Handle initial and inherit for border radius
- Discard property if we caught an invalid length|percent as background-size
- cssText must output comma separated values for those properties
- Fix parsing background-clip in shorthand
- Implement background-size parsing in shorthand
- Mark properties as set when repeating patterns
- Fix background properties inheritance
- Fix applying Initial and Inherit for background-size property
- Deploy the khtml kxmlgui file in a Qt resource file
- Also search catalogs for stripped variants of values in env var LANGUAGE
- Fix parsing of env var values WRT modifier and codeset, done in wrong order
- Add support for loading and using an icontheme in a RCC file automatically
- Document icon theme deployment on MacOS and Windows, see https://api.kde.org/frameworks/kiconthemes/html/index.html
- Allow timeout in reset_oom_protection while waiting for SIGUSR1
- KIO: add SlaveBase::openPasswordDialogV2 for better error checking, please port your kioslaves to it
- Fix KUrlRequester opening file dialog in wrong directory (bug 364719)
- Fix unsafe KDirModelDirNode* casts
- Add cmake option KIO_FORK_SLAVES to set default value
- ShortUri filter: fix filtering of mailto:user@host
- Add OpenFileManagerWindowJob to highlight file within a folder
- KRun: add runApplication method
- Add soundcloud search provider
- Fix an alignment issue with the OS X native "macintosh" style
- Add KExtraColumnsProxyModel::removeExtraColumn, will be needed by StatisticsProxyModel
- kjs/ConfigureChecks.cmake - set HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H properly
- Make sure we have a size to offer (bug 364896)
- Fix "Download dialog fails when all categories missing"
- Fix notify by taskbar
- KNotifyConfigWidget: add disableAllSounds() method (bug 157272)
- Add switch to disable KParts' handling of window titles
- Add donate menu item to help menu of our apps
- Fix name of QDialogButtonBox's enumerator "StandardButtons"
- Remove the first attempt to load library because we will try libraryPaths anyway
- Fix crash when a method exposed to Kross returns QVariant with non-relocatable data
- Do not use C-style casts into void* (bug 325055)
- [QueryMatch] Add iconName
- Show Scrollbar Text Preview after a delay of 250ms
- hide preview and stuff on view content scrolling
- set parent + toolview, I think this is needed to avoid task switcher entry in Win10
- Remove "KDE-Standard" from encoding box
- Folding preview on per default
- Avoid dashed underline for preview & avoid poisoning of line layout cache
- Always enable "Show preview of folded text" option
- TextPreview: Adjust the grooveRect-height when scrollPastEnd is enabled
- Scrollbar preview: use groove rect if scrollbar does not use full height
- Add KTE::MovingRange::numberOfLines() just like KTE::Range has
- Code folding preview: set popup height so that all hidden lines fit
- Add option to disable preview of folded text
- Add modeline 'folding-preview' of type bool
- View ConfigInterface: support 'folding-preview' of type bool
- Add bool KateViewConfig::foldingPreview() and setFoldingPreview(bool)
- Feature: Show text preview when hovering over folded code block
- KateTextPreview: add setShowFoldedLines() and showFoldedLines()
- Add modelines 'scrollbar-minimap' [bool], and 'scrollbar-preview' [bool]
- Enable mini-map scrollbar by default
- New feature: Show text preview when hovering over the scrollbar
- KateUndoGroup::editEnd(): pass KTE::Range by const ref
- Fix vim-mode shortcut handling, after behaviour changes in Qt 5.5 (bug 353332)
- Autobrace: don't insert ' character in text
- ConfigInterface: add scrollbar-minimap config key to enable/disable scrollbar mini map
- Fix KTE::View::cursorToCoordinate() when top message widget is visible
- Refactoring of the Emulated Command Bar
- Fix drawing artifacts when scrolling while notifications are visible (bug 363220)
- Add a parent_window event to Plasma Window interface
- Properly handle destroying a Pointer/Keyboard/Touch resource
- [server] Delete dead code: KeyboardInterface::Private::sendKeymap
- [server] Add support for setting the clipboard selection DataDeviceInterface manually
- [server] Ensure that Resource::Private::get returns nullptr if passed a nullptr
- [server] Add resource check in QtExtendedSurfaceInterface::close
- [server] Unset SurfaceInterface pointer in referenced objects when being destroyed
- [server] Fix error message in QtSurfaceExtension Interface
- [server] Introduce a Resource::unbound signal emitted from unbind handler
- [server] Don't assert when destroying a still referenced BufferInterface
- Add destructor request to org_kde_kwin_shadow and org_kde_kwin_shadow_manager
- Fix reading Unihan data
- Fix minimum size of KNewPasswordDialog (bug 342523)
- Fix ambiguous contructor on MSVC 2015
- Fix an alignment issue under the OS X native "macintosh" style (bug 296810)
- KXMLGui: Fix merge indices when removing xmlgui clients with actions in groups (bug 64754)
- Don't warn about "file found in compat location" if it wasn't found at all
- Add donate menu item to help menu of our apps
- Do not set peap label based on peap version
- Make network manager version checks in runtime (to avoid compile vs. run-time (bug 362736)
Plasma Framework
- [Calendar] Flip arrow buttons on right-to-left languages
- Plasma::Service::operationDescription() should return a QVariantMap
- Don't include embedded contrainers in containmentAt(pos) (bug 361777)
- fix the color theming for the restart system icon (login screen) (bug 364454)
- disable taskbar thumbnails with llvmpipe (bug 363371)
- guard against invalid applets (bug 364281)
- PluginLoader::loadApplet: restore compatibility for misinstalled applets
- PluginLoader: improve error message about plugin version compatibility
- Fix check to keep QMenu on screen for multiscreen layouts
- New containment type for the systray
- Fix check that CPU is valid
- Handle reading /proc/cpuinfo for Arm processors
- Find CPUs by subsystem rather than driver
- Mark helper exe as non-gui app
- Allow nsspellcheck to be compiled on mac per default
You can discuss and share ideas on this release in the comments section of the dot article.
바이너리 패키지 설치
리눅스 환경에서는 KDE 프레임워크를 사용하고 있는 배포판의 패키지 관리자로 설치하는 것을 추천합니다. 리눅스 배포판별 KDE 소프트웨어 설치 위키 페이지.
소스 코드에서 컴파일
KDE 프레임워크 5.24.0 소스 코드는 자유롭게 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 컴파일 및 설치 방법은 KDE 프레임워크 5.24.0 정보 페이지에서 확인할 수 있습니다.
소스 코드에서 빌드하는 작업은 기본적인 cmake .; make; make install 명령으로 가능합니다. 단일 티어 1 프레임워크를 컴파일 때에는 가장 간단한 방법입니다. 프레임워크 개발에 기여하거나 전체 프레임워크 개발 작업을 추적하고 싶다면 kdesrc-build 사용을 추천합니다. 프레임워크 5.24.0에는 Qt
API 문서를 포함한 전체 프레임워크 목록은 api.kde.org 사이트에서 볼 수 있습니다.
프레임워크 개발에 관심이 있고 기여할 생각이 있다면 git 저장소를 확인하고 KDE 프레임워크 개발 메일링 리스트의 토론을 확인해 보십시오. 프로젝트 정책, 현재 상태 및 향후 계획은 프레임워크 위키에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 실시간 대화는 Libera Chat의 #kde-devel IRC 채널에서 진행됩니다.
KDE 지원
KDE는 개인의 시간과 노력을 기부하는 것으로 존재하고 성장하는 자유 소프트웨어 커뮤니티입니다. KDE는 코딩, 버그 수정 및 보고, 문서 작성, 번역, 프로모션, 금전적 기여 등 다양한 자원 봉사자와 기여자를 찾고 있습니다. 모든 기여를 환영합니다. 더 많은 정보를 보려면 KDE 지원하기 페이지를 확인하십시오. Join the Game을 통해서 KDE e.V.의 후원 회원이 될 수도 있습니다.