Eskerrik asko

Eskerrik asko!

KDE Komunitatearen lana posible da, gurekin kolaboratzen duten KDE Komunitatearen partaideen, emaileen eta korporazioen ekarpenei esker. Orri honetan haien izenak argitaratuz eskerrak eman nahi dizkiegu KDEri ondasun eta zerbitzuen dohaintza esanguratsuak egiten dituzten erakundeei.


EuroVPSDonation of 3 serversServers provided by EuroVPS host an instance of as well as services for producing embedded builds of KDE software, in particular using Yocto.2023-09-21
ClouDNSDonation of DNS servicesCloudDNS provides anycast nameservers for all our domains. Normal namesevers, DDOS-protected nameservers for our important domains and also GEO-ip-based nameservers for providing the right SCM-mirror in each continent.2019-10-29
CloudflareDonation of CDN servicesCloudflare protects some of our sites against SQL-injections and XSS-scripting. It also provides a CDN for common images, javascript and stylesheets which are used on multiple sites to optimize performance.2019-10-01 FoundationDonation of hosted Matrix home server.Matrix instant messaging services for the community to use.2019-03-18
DigitalOceanSponsors free credits on their cloud platformWe use a DigitalOcean droplet (virtual private server) to host one of our repository mirrors, and part of the KDE neon infrastructure.2016-07-04
CDN77Donation of Content Distribution Network servicesCDN77 is used to globally distribute the common images, stylesheets, javascript and other elements which are used on numerous KDE websites, enhancing performance and improving access to our sites in the process.2016-05-05
stepping stone GmbHDonation of a virtual serverMason is used to run an Anonymous Git server, providing access to KDE Git repositories over git:// and http://2013-12-02
Dalhousie University & ACORNDonation and hosting of a server.Dalhousie University has donated and hosts it, with network connectivity provided by ACORN. This server is used as a build node for the KDE CI system.2013-05-28
Gärtner Datensysteme GmbH & Co. KGDonation and hosting of 3 virtual servers.Gärtner has donated a series of virtual machines, which host Scripty and the generation process for as well as our server monitoring system.2013-05-06
GNU/FSFDonation of a virtual server ( server is used for a variety of tasks, including handling all transactional email for services.2005-08-01

Orri hau, [Eskerrak emateko gidalerroetan]( deskribatutako gidalerroetan oinarrituta eginda dago.