KDE Softwarearen laguntza eta euskarria
Orri horrek KDE softwarea erabiltzean laguntza eta euskarria jasotzeko era ezberdinak zerrendatzen ditu.
Baliabide horiek lagunduko dizute KDE softwareari zuku gehien ateratzen ikasten.
Informazio orokorra
Hemen aurki daiteke KDE aplikazioei eta produktuei buruzko informazio orokorra, erabiltzailearen ikuspegitik:
Jakizu gehiagoErabiltzaileentzat
KDE apps include their own official documentation, available offline. You can access it using the "[application name] Handbook" menu item in KDE apps, or by pressing the F1 key. You can also find it online here:
Jakizu gehiagosistema-administratzaileentzat
Haien erakundeetan KDE softwarea hedatzen ari diren sistema-administratzaileek hemen informazio garrantzitsua aurkituko dute:
Jakizu gehiagoKomunitatearen euskarria
These resources can help if you're experiencing an issue with KDE software. If you've purchased a product running KDE software, first contact the company that sold the product, as they may offer a warranty and professional support. Otherwise, read on to learn how to get support from the KDE community. Keep in mind that any such support is provided with no warranty, by passionate volunteers. Please be kind and read through tips on asking questions to learn how to ask for help in a way that maximizes the chances of a positive outcome.
Solasaldi foroak
KDEren galdera orokorretarako, edo arazo batekin laguntza jasotzeko, softwarearen akatsa den ziur ez bazaude, galdetu hemen lehenengo:
Jakizu gehiagoBerriketa kanalak
Komunitatearen denbora-errealeko euskarria ere erabilgarri dago KDEren Matrix Gelan. Gelen zerrenda hemen ikus dezakezu.
Jakizu gehiagoKDE zure herrialdean
Country-specific websites containing information about KDE software in a language other than English can be found here:
Jakizu gehiagoKontuen arazoak
If you're having a problem logging into one of your KDE accounts or creating a new one, submit a sysadmin ticket about it. If you can't log into the account needed to see that page, send an email to KDE's sysadmins.
Segurtasuna arazoak eta akatsak jakinaraztea
These resources can help you report issues and defects in KDE software.
Segurtasun arazoak
If you believe you've discovered a security issue in KDE software, report it here. You can also find an up-to-date list of security advisories to be aware of.
Jakizu gehiagoSoftware akatsak
If you believe you've discovered a bug in KDE software, report it here. If you're not sure that the issue is in fact a bug (maybe it could be a local setup or configuration issue, or an issue with an update from your operating system), it's best to discuss it on the forum first, and others can help you determine if it's a bug or not.
Jakizu gehiago