Jauzi edukira

KDE bidaiarientzat

Bidaiatu munduan zehar KDE aplikazioak erabiliz

KDE Itinerary

«KDE Itinerary» zure pribatutasuna babesten duen bidai laguntzaile digital bat da. Zure bidaiari buruzko informazio guztia aplikazio bakar batean biltzea erraza eta agerikoa egiten du. «KDE Itinerary» erabilgarri dago Plasma Mugikorrerako eta «Android»erako.

Eskuratu F-Droid-en

Gorde zure erreserbak

Gorde zure erreserbei buruzko informazio dena «Itinerary»n. QR-kodeak, izen-emate orduak, iritsiera orduak, denbora errealeko atzerapenak, eserleku-erreserbak, bagoien antolaera, eta gehiago.

«Itinerary»k tren, autobus eta hegaldi erreserbak onartzen ditu, baita hotel, jatetxe, ekitaldi eta alokairuko autoen erreserba ere. Taldean bidaiatzen? Ez da arazoa, «Itinerary» bidaiari anizkoitzen erreserbak onartzen ditu.

Aurrena lokalean

«Itinerary»k erreserba datuak sarrerako formatu anizkoitzetatik automatikoki erauzten ditu. Guztiak tokian egiten du zure gailuan eta zure datuak ez dira urrutiko zerbitzari batera bidaltzen.

This works best when using KMail to extract tickets from your email and then KDE Connect to transfer tickets to your phone. This also works great with Nextcloud Mail and DavDroid to sync your tickets from Nextcloud.

«KMail»etik Berlindik Tübingenerako bidaia erakusten duen txartela erauztea

Gehitu zure lotuneak

Aside from finding reservations automatically in your email, Itinerary lets you add train trips manually to your journey, find alternative connections if your train is cancelled, or, for some providers, import your train trip directly from your reservation number.

Bilatu zure bidea

Powered by OpenStreetMap, the indoor map at train stations or airports can be a life saver. Use Itinerary to locate your platform is, and, if you have seat reservation and the train layout is available, it can even show you exactly which platform section is best for you.

Train station map in KDE Itinerary, highlighting relevant platform sections.

The indoor map also shows you which shops and resturantes are currently open, which elevator is broken (yet again!), where the toilets are and where the correct exit is.

Denbora erreala

It is rare that a train or bus departs or arrives on time. Itinerary keeps you updated when delays are announced.

On supported train and long distance buses, Itinerary will also use the onboard APIs to fetch the current live status of the vehicle and keep you updated on your current position and any announcements.


Arianna, liburu elektroniko irakurle bikaina da, bidaiatu bitartean zure gogoko liburuak irakurtzeko aukera ematen dizuna. Ariannak irakurketa aurrerapenaren jarraipena egingo du, eta zure liburuak automatikoki sailkatzen ditu generoaren eta egilearen arabera.

«Arianna»ren pantaila-argazkia


Goza ezazu «Kasts»ekin, mugitzen zaren bitartean podcastak entzunez! Harpidetu zure gogoko podcastetara eta jaso eguneratzea atal berri bat ateratzen den bezain laster.

«Kasts»en pantaila-argazkia

Kasts «Android» eta Plasma Mugikorrean ere erabilgarri daude.

Eskuratu F-Droid-en


KGeoTag is a geotagging program. It lets you tag your images with geocoordinates by matching them to a corresponding GPX track or by manually setting them by drag and dropping the images, or entering the coordinates by hand.

It is very helpful in combination with KPhotoAlbum or Digikam when you want to organize your photo collection after your trip and then visualize all the locations you visited.

Screenshot of KGeoTag showing a track on a map with some image preview allong the track


Explore the world with Marble. Marble contains a huge collection of maps that let you travel all over the globe from your desktop. Visit remote places via detailed satellite images, travel the world before the discovery of America, and check out the average temperature and precipitation in winter and summer in other countries.

Marble also allows you to bookmark your favorite locations and lets you find your way thanks to its routing algorithm and OpenStreetMap powered maps.

«Kasts»en pantaila-argazkia