KDE ikasleentzat
Ikasi KDErekin
Egin ordenagailuak berriro dibertigarri
KDE Software helps you study more efficiently, use your devices the way you want and have fun in the process.
Plasma zure beharretara egokitzen den sistema eragile bat da
Distrakzioez libra zaitez
Plasma lets you learn and work without interruption. It doesn't force unwanted apps on you, it doesn't show you ads or promotions, and it lets you update whenever you want (e.g. not before a big deadline).
Zure langunea neurrira ipini
Zure mahaigaina neurrira ipin dezakezu trepetak erabiliz, hala nola, kalkulagailu bat; denborari kargu hartzeko, erlojua eta egutegia; arbela-kudeatzailea; hiztegia; eguraldi-txostena; aplikazio-abiarazlea, eta gehiago.
Etekin handiagoa atera zure ordenagailuari
If you have an older device, don't throw it away! Unlike other operating systems, Plasma is lightweight enough to offer a pleasant and snappy experience even on old hardware.
Ikasleentzako KDE aplikazioak
Ahaltsua, plataforma-anitzekoa, eta guztiontzako
Our no-nonsense apps exist to help you get things done more quickly--not to sell you subscriptions and useless products! From note-taking to complex statistical computing, you can rely on KDE's apps and tools for your studies and beyond.
Merkuro egutegia
Egin epemugen jarraipena, kudeatu zure zereginak eta zure zure programazioaren jakitun izan zaitez!
![«Merkuro»ren hilabeteko ikuspegia ekitalde batzuk erakusten](https:// cdn.kde.org/screenshots/merkuro/calendar-month.png)
Dokumentu erakusle unibertsala
Okular is a fast and multi-platform document reader that's packed with features! Okular allows you to read PDF documents and comics, fill out forms, sign documents, visualize markdown files, and much more!
LabPlot - matematika grafikatzea eta datu zientifikoen analisia
LabPlot is a free and open source program that allows you to create high-quality data visualizations and plot simple and complex functions with few clicks. It's a reliable and easy to use data analysis tool great for statistics, calculus and science.
«Francis»ek pomodoro teknika erabiltzen du zuri denbora hobeto kudeatzen eta emankorragoa izaten laguntzeko, ikasteko saioak etenaldi laburren bidez bereizitako tarteetan banatuz.
Marknote is a simple and easy-to-use note-taking application that uses markdown files to capture your ideas.
KWordQuiz is a word memorization app providing multiple learning modes: flashcards, "questions and answers", and multiple-choice questions.
Kile is a user-friendly TeX/LaTeX editor that compiles, converts and shows your document with one click. It's optimized for writing (La)Tex documents and auto-completes (La)TeX commands.
Nabigatzea ere erraza da, «Kile»k zure dokumentuko kapitulu guztien zerrenda bat eraiki eta hura dagokion atalera jauzi egiteko erabiltzen uzten baitizu.
You can also click in the viewer and jump to the corresponding LaTeX line in the editor, or jump from the editor to the corresponding page in the viewer.
Mentoretza programa
KDE's mentorship programs give you the chance to acquire first-hand experience contributing to a free software project. In the process, you'll gain valuable insights into cutting-edge technologies and build your network of contacts in the IT world. Becoming a valued member of KDE is a great way to jump-start your career in the tech industry!
Since 2013, the KDE Student Program has been running Season of KDE, a program similar to, but not quite the same as Google Summer of Code. Season of KDE offers an opportunity to everyone (not just students) to participate in both code and non-code projects that contribute to the KDE ecosystem.
Organized by Google, Google Summer of Code is a global, online program focused on bringing new contributors into open source software development. KDE has participated in Google Summer of Code for every year of its existence.
In the past few years, SoK and GSoC participants have not only contributed new application features, but have also developed the KDE Continuous Integration System, statistical reports for developers, a web framework, ported KDE applications to other platforms, written technical documentation, and done much, much more.
Zure interesekoak izan daitezkeen beste mentoretza programa batzuk: