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Plasma 5.9 betak 2017ri hasiera estiloarekin ematen dio.

Plasma 5.9 Betaren irudia

KDE Plasma 5.9 Beta

Osteguna, 2017(e)ko urtarrilak 12

Today KDE releases the beta of this year’s first Plasma feature update, Plasma 5.9. While this release brings many exciting new features to your desktop, we'll continue to provide bugfixes to Plasma 5.8 LTS.

Izan are produktiboagoa

Spectacle-ren pantaila-argazkien jakinarazpenak, orain, e-posta konposatzaileetara arrasta daitezke (web postara ere bai)

Spectacle-ren pantaila-argazkien jakinarazpenak, orain, e-posta konposatzaileetara arrasta daitezke (web postara ere bai)

In our ongoing effort to make you more productive with Plasma we added interactive previews to our notifications. This is most noticeable when you take a screenshot using Spectacle's global keyboard shortcuts (Shift+Print Scr): you can drag the resulting file from the notification popup directly into a chat window, an email composer or a web browser form, without ever having to leave the application you're currently working with. Drag and drop was improved throughout the desktop, with new drag and drop functionality to add widgets directly to the system tray. Widgets can also be added directly from the full screen Application Dashboard launcher.

Ikono-trepetaren propietateak

Ikono-trepetaren propietateak

The icon widget that is created for you when you drag an application or document onto your desktop or a panel sees the return of a settings dialog: you can now change the icon, label text, working directory, and other properties. Its context menu now also sports an 'Open with' section as well as a link to open the folder the file it points to is located in.

Paneleko ataza-kudeatzailetik isilaraztea

Paneleko ataza-kudeatzailetik isilaraztea

Due to popular demand we implemented switching between windows in Task Manager using Meta + number shortcuts for heavy multi-tasking. Also new in Task Manager is the ability to pin different applications in each of your activities. And should you rather want to focus on one particular task, applications currently playing audio are marked in Task Manager similar to how it’s done in modern web browsers. Together with a button to mute the offending application, this can help you stay focused.

Bilaketa ekintzak

Bilaketa ekintzak

The Quick Launch applet now supports jump list actions, bringing it to feature parity with the other launchers in Plasma. KRunner actions, such as “Run in Terminal” and “Open containing folder” are now also shown for the KRunner-powered search results in the application launchers.

A new applet was added restoring an earlier KDE 4 feature of being able to group multiple widgets together in a single widget operated by a tabbed interface. This allows you to quickly access multiple arrangements and setups at your fingertips.

More streamlined visuals

Breeze-ren kiribiltze-barra diseinu berria

Improvements have been made to the look and feel of the Plasma Desktop and its applications. Scroll bars in the Breeze style, for instance, have transitioned to a more compact and beautiful design, giving our applications a sleek and modern look.

Menu orokorrak Plasmaren trepeta batean

Menu orokorrak Plasmaren trepeta batean

Menu orokorrak leihoko barran

Menu orokorrak leihoko barran

Global Menus have returned. KDE's pioneering feature to separate the menu bar from the application window allows for new user interface paradigm with either a Plasma Widget showing the menu or neatly tucked away in the window bar.

Ataza-kudeatzailearen argibide argiak

Ataza-kudeatzailearen argibide argiak

Task Manager tooltips have been redesigned to provide more information while being significantly more compact. Folder View is now able to display file emblems which are used, for example, to indicate symlinks. Overall user experience when navigating and renaming files has been greatly improved.

Itxura eta izaeraren inportatze eta esportatze ahaltsuagoa

The global Look and Feel desktop themes now support changing the window decoration as well – the 'lookandfeelexplorer' theme creation utility will export your current window decoration to the theme you create.

If you install, from the KDE store, themes that depend on other artwork packs also present on the KDE store (such as Plasma themes and Icon themes) they will be automatically downloaded, in order to give you the full experience intended by the theme creator.

Sareko konfigurazio modulu berria

Sareko konexioen konfigurazioa

Sareko konexioen konfigurazioa

A new configuration module for network connections has been added to System Settings, using QML and bringing a new fresh look. Design of the module is inspired by our network applet, while the configuration functionality itself is based on the previous Connection Editor. This means that although it features a new design, functionality remains using the proven codebase.


Wayland has been an ongoing transitional task, getting closer to feature completion with every release. This release makes it even more accessible for enthusiastic followers to try Wayland and start reporting any bugs they might find. Notable improvements in this release include:

An ability to take screenshots or use a color picker. Fullscreen users will be pleased at borderless maximized windows. Pointers can now be confined by applications, gestures are supported (see video right) and relative motions used by games were added. Input devices were made more configurable and now save between sessions. There is also a new settings tool for touchpads.

Using the Breeze style you can now drag applications by clicking on an empty area of the UI just like in X. When running X applications the window icon will show up properly on the panel. Panels can now auto-hide. Custom color schemes can be set for windows, useful for accessibility.

Ikusi aldaketen egunkari osoa

Paketeak zama-jaistea

Banaketek gure wiki orrian zerrendatutako paketeak sortu dituzte, edo sortzeko bidean daude.

Kontuan izan, iragarpen hau egiteko garaian, argitalpen honetako paketeak banaketa guztietan erabilgarri ez egotea gerta daitekeela.

Paketeak zama-jaisteko wiki-orria

KDEri laguntzea

KDE Software askeko komunitate bat da, beraien denbora eta ahalegina borondatez ematen dutenen laguntzagatik existitzen eta hazten dena. KDE beti dago boluntario eta laguntzaileen bila, izan kodetzeko laguntza, akatsak konpontzeko edo jakinarazpenak bidaltzeko, dokumentazioa idazteko, itzulpenak, promozioa, dirua, etab. Laguntza guztiak esker onez hartu eta onartzen dira. Irakurri KDEri laguntzea orria informazio zabalagoa eskuratzeko edo egin zaitez KDE e.V.ren bazkide babeslea gure Batu jokora ekimenaren bidez.

KDEri buruz

KDE nazioarteko teknologia talde bat da, mahaigaineko informatikarako eta informatika eramangarrirako software aske eta sorburu irekikoa sortzen duena. KDEren produktuen artean daude Linux eta UNIX plataformetarako mahaigaineko sistema moderno bat, bulegorako produktibitate eta talde lanerako suite osatuak eta ehunka software titulu, kategoria askotakoak, tartean, Internet eta web aplikazioak, multimedia, aisia, heziketa, grafikoak eta software garapenerakoak. KDE softwarea 60 hizkuntza baino gehiagotara itzulita dago eta erabilera erraz eta irisgarritasun printzipio modernoak gogoan izanda eraikitzen da. KDEren ezaugarriz beteriko aplikazioak bertako gisa exekutatzen dira Linux, Windows, Haiku eta macOS sistema eragileetan.


KDE® eta K Desktop Environment® logoa KDE e.V.-ren marka erregistratuak dira.
Linux, Linus Torvalds-en marka erregistratu bat da. UNIX, Open Group-aren marka erregistratua da Amerikako Estatu Batuetan eta beste herrialde batzuetan.
Dokumentazio honetan aipatzen diren gainerako copyright eta marka erregistratuak euren jabeenak dira.

Prentsarako kontaktuak

Informazio gehiago nahi baduzu, bidal iezaguzu e-posta: press@kde.org