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Zuk egiten duzu KDE Gear egingarri, zure sostengu eta dohaintzen bidez. Lagun iezaguzu aplikazioak hobetzen eta eraikitzen dohaintzetarako inprimakia erabiliz.

KDE Gear 22.12 is Here!

Osteguna, 2022(e)ko abenduak 8

KDE Gear ⚙️ is back with exciting new features, performance boosts, and bugfixes for all your favorite KDE apps!

In this release: Kate extends a warm welcome, Dolphin offers you more choices, and a lot of apps serve up hamburgers galore!

Read on for details...

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New Selection Mode

KDE Connect

Inline Message Replies


Dolphin is KDE's powerful file browser. It has supported connecting to and browsing Samba shares for many versions, but now it is also able to manage permissions remotely.

Another new feature is Selection Mode. Hit the spacebar (or tap the hamburger menu and check the Select files and folders checkbox) and a light green bar will appear at the top of the file view (see video). You can now click or tap files and folders and quickly and easily select the ones you want to work with.

Another toolbar will appear at the bottom of the view, giving you options of what you can do with the selected files. For example, if you select only images, it will offer to open them in Gwenview. The moment you select a file Gwenview cannot handle, the options will change to fit the new set of selected files.


Speaking of Gwenview, KDE's feature-rich image and video viewer becomes even... er... feature-richer, as Gwenview now also lets you adjust the brightness, contrast, and gamma of your pictures as you preview them.

Another welcome feature for people who use Free Software graphical editing tools is that Gwenview can now open GIMP's .xcf files.

Kate and KWrite

Kate and KWrite, KDE's text editors, add a welcome window when launched without any files open. The new window lets you create a new file, open an existing file from a list of recent files or anywhere else on the system, and consult the documentation.

Kate's new welcome screen

But probably the most useful new feature of them all is the Keyboard Macro tool. Activate it in Settings > Configure Kate... > Plugins, and then at the bottom of the Tools menu, you'll find tools to record, save, and play back macros. You can record a long sequence of key presses you need to type often and then hit Ctrl + Alt + K and Kate will type the sequence for you. You can name and save sequences you find particularly useful and use them again and again during different sessions.

In other news, you will find that Kate and KWrite have also adopted KHamburgerMenu for those who prefer to hide their menubars. Because these are large and complex apps, the menubar is still shown by default, like it is in Okular and Kdenlive.


Kdenlive improves its guide/marker system with custom categories and search filters. Kdenlive also improves its integration with other video applications, and now you can send Kdenlive timelines as backgrounds to the Glaxnimate vector animation utility.

And like many other KDE apps, Kdenlive has also adopted KHamburgerMenu, although by default the regular menu is what you will see the first time you launch the app. If you turn off the normal menubar to gain some vertical real estate, all the menu options will be tucked away under the hamburger menu button in the toolbar.

KDE Connect

KDE Connect links up your phone to your desktop. It allows you to share files and the clipboard, use your phone as a mouse or a remote control, and answer messages from your desktop.

In version 22.12, when you want to reply to a text message using the KDE Connect widget, the text field is now inline rather than in a separate dialog window, making it more convenient to answer when working on your computer.


Kalendar is a new calendaring app from KDE. In the latest update, devs have introduced a new "basic" mode for views. These are ideal for use on low-performance or battery-powered devices, as this mode is not based on swipe gestures like the regular views, but rather presents a more static layout that is easier on the hardware.

Also new is that Kalendar now uses pop-up windows for displaying events, making it easier and more convenient to view and manage your schedule.

Developers have also been busy fixing bugs and improving the performance of Kalendar, so you can expect a smoother and more reliable experience when using the app.


Elisa is a friendly music player with a cool, modern look. With version 22.12 Elisa is even friendlier, as it now shows a message explaining what didn't work in case you dragged-and-dropped a non-audio file onto its playlist.

You can also put Elisa into a true full-Screen mode, and the Artist view displays a grid of the artist's albums, rather than a sea of nondescript identical icons.

And all this too

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Non lortu KDE aplikazioak

Nahiz eta gure softwarea kaleratzen duten banaketak erabat babesten ditugun, laster, KDE Gear 22.12 aplikazioak Linux aplikazio biltegi hauetan ere erabilgarri egongo da:


Aplikazio-biltegietan KDE aplikazio gehiago ipintzen, aplikazio-biltegi gehiagorako euskarria izaten eta gure garapen prozesuan aplikazioak hobeto integratuta izaten lagundu nahi badiguzu, zatoz kaixo esatera gure «All About the Apps» berriketa gelara.

Aplikazio askoren pantaila-argazkia

Kontuan izan, iragarpen hau egiteko garaian, argitalpen honetako paketeak banaketa guztietan erabilgarri ez egotea gerta daitekeela. Paketeak zama-jaisteko wiki-orria

KDE Gear konpilatzea

KDE Gear-ren sorburu kode osoa [askatasun osoz zama-jaitsi] daiteke(https://download.kde.org/stable/release-service/22.12.0/src). Konpilatzeko eta instalatzeko jarraibideak erabilgarri daude KDE Gear 22.12.0 Info orrian.

KDEri buruz

KDE nazioarteko teknologia talde bat da, mahaigaineko informatikarako eta informatika eramangarrirako software aske eta sorburu irekikoa sortzen duena. KDEren produktuen artean daude Linux eta UNIX plataformetarako mahaigaineko sistema moderno bat, bulegorako produktibitate eta talde lanerako suite osatuak eta ehunka software titulu, kategoria askotakoak, tartean, Internet eta web aplikazioak, multimedia, aisia, heziketa, grafikoak eta software garapenerakoak. KDE softwarea 60 hizkuntza baino gehiagotara itzulita dago eta erabilera erraz eta irisgarritasun printzipio modernoak gogoan izanda eraikitzen da. KDEren ezaugarriz beteriko aplikazioak bertako gisa exekutatzen dira Linux, Windows, Haiku eta macOS sistema eragileetan.


KDE® eta K Desktop Environment® logoa KDE e.V.-ren marka erregistratuak dira.
Linux, Linus Torvalds-en marka erregistratu bat da. UNIX, Open Group-aren marka erregistratua da Amerikako Estatu Batuetan eta beste herrialde batzuetan.
Dokumentazio honetan aipatzen diren gainerako copyright eta marka erregistratuak euren jabeenak dira.

Prentsarako kontaktuak

Informazio gehiago nahi baduzu, bidal iezaguzu e-posta: press@kde.org

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