Ostirala, 2015(e)ko apirilak 10
KDEk gaur KDE Frameworks 5.9.0(a)ren argitalena iragartzen du.
KDE Frameworks Qt-rako 60 liburutegi gehigarri dira, erabilera arruntean behar izaten diren funtzionaltasunen aukera zabala eskaintzen dute, kideek berrikusitako eta ondo probatutako liburutegi helduetan, lizentzia termino lagunkoiekin hornituak. Sarrerako gisa begira ezazu KDE Frameworks argitalpenaren iragarpena.
Argitalpen hau planifikatutako hilabeteroko argitalpen sail baten zati da, garatzaileei hobekuntzak azkar eta aurreikus daitekeen eran erabilgarri ipintzen dizkiena.
Bertsio honetako berritasunak
New module: ModemManagerQt (Qt wrapper for ModemManager API) Alternatively, upgrade to Plasma-NM 5.3 Beta when upgrading to ModemManagerQt 5.9.0.
- Implemented forgetting a resource
- Build fixes
- Added a plugin to register events for KRecentDocument notifications
- Respect KZip::extraField setting also when writing central header entries
- Remove two erroneous asserts, happening when disk is full, bug 343214
- Fix build with Qt 5.5
- Use new json-based plugin system. KCMs are searched under kcms/. For now a desktop file still needs to be installed under kservices5/ for compatibility
- Load and wrap the QML-only version of kcms if possible
- Fix assert when using KSharedConfig in a global object destructor.
- kconfig_compiler: add support for CategoryLoggingName in *.kcfgc files, to generate qCDebug(category) calls.
- preload the global Qt catalog when using i18n()
- KIconDialog can now be shown using the regular QDialog show() and exec() methods
- Fix KIconEngine::paint to handle different devicePixelRatios
- Enable KPropertiesDialog to show free space information of remote file systems as well (e.g. smb)
- Fix KUrlNavigator with high DPI pixmaps
- Make KFileItemDelegate handle non default devicePixelRatio in animations
- KRecursiveFilterProxyModel: reworked to emit the right signals at the right time
- KDescendantsProxyModel: Handle moves reported by the source model.
- KDescendantsProxyModel: Fix behavior when a selection is made while resetting.
- KDescendantsProxyModel: Allow constructing and using KSelectionProxyModel from QML.
- Propagate error code to JobView DBus interface
- Added an event() version that takes no icon and will use a default one
- Added an event() version that takes StandardEvent eventId and QString iconName
- Allow extending action metadata by using predefined types
- Fix model not being properly updated after removing a contact from Person
- Expose to world whether KPty has been built with utempter library
- Add kdesrc-buildrc highlighting file
- syntax: added support for binary integer literals in the PHP highlighting file
- Make KMessageWidget animation smooth with high Device Pixel Ratio
- Add a dummy Wayland implementation for KWindowSystemPrivate
- KWindowSystem::icon with NETWinInfo not bound to platform X11.
- Preserve translation domain when merging .rc files
- Fix runtime warning QWidget::setWindowModified: The window title does not contain a '[*]' placeholder
- Install translations
Plasma framework
- Fixed stray tooltips when temporary owner of tooltip disappeared or became empty
- Fix TabBar not properly laid out initially, which could be observed in eg. Kickoff
- PageStack transitions now use Animators for smoother animations
- TabGroup transitions now use Animators for smoother animations
- Make Svg,FrameSvg work qith QT_DEVICE_PIXELRATIO
- Refresh the battery properties upon resume
Buildsystem changes
- Extra CMake Modules (ECM) is now versioned like KDE Frameworks, therefore it is now 5.9, while it was 1.8 previously.
- Many frameworks have been fixed to be useable without searching for their private dependencies. I.e. applications looking up a framework only need its public dependencies, not the private ones.
- Allow configuration of SHARE_INSTALL_DIR, to handle multi-arch layouts better
- Fix possible crash when destroying a QSystemTrayIcon (triggered by e.g. Trojita), bug 343976
- Fix native modal file dialogs in QML, bug 334963
You can discuss and share ideas on this release in the comments section of the dot article.
Pakete bitarrak instalatzea
Linux-en, zure banaketa gogokorako paketeak erabiltzea da KDE Frameworks eskuratzeko gomendatutako modua. Lortu KDE softwarea zure Linux banaketaren wiki orrian
Sorburuetatik konpilatzea
KDE Frameworks 5.9.0(e)ren sorburu-kode osoa askatasun osoz zama-jaitsi daiteke. Konpilatzeko eta instalatzeko jarraibideak eskuragarri daude KDE Frameworks 5.9.0 Informazio orrian.
Sorburuetatik eraiki daiteke cmake .; make; make install oinarrizko komandoak erabiliz. 1. mailako «framework» bakar baterako, hau izaten da irtenbiderik errazena. «Frameworks»ekin laguntzeko edo multzo osoaren garapenaren aurrerapenaren jarraipena egiteko interesa dutenak kdesrc-build erabiltzera animatzen ditugu. Frameworks 5.9.0(e)k Qt
«Framework» guztien zerrenda xehatua API dokumentazioarekin hemen, api.kde.org.
Engaia zaitez
«Frameworks»en garapenaren aurrerapenari jarraipena egiteko eta horretan laguntzeko interesa dutenek git gordetegiak ikuskatu eta KDE Frameworks garatzeko posta-zerrendako eztabaiden jarraipena egin dezakete. Gidalerroak eta proiektuaren egungo egoera eta egitasmoak «Frameworks»en wikian eskuragarri daude. Denbora errealeko eztabaidak #kde-devel IRC kanalean, Libera Chat-en, izaten dira.
KDEri laguntzea
KDE Software askeko komunitate bat da, beraien denbora eta ahalegina borondatez ematen dutenen laguntzagatik existitzen eta hazten dena. KDE beti dago boluntario eta laguntzaileen bila, izan kodetzeko laguntza, akatsak konpontzeko edo jakinarazpenak bidaltzeko, dokumentazioa idazteko, itzulpenak, promozioa, dirua, etab. Laguntza guztiak esker onez hartu eta onartzen dira. Irakurri KDEri laguntzea orria informazio zabalagoa eskuratzeko edo egin zaitez KDE e.V.ren bazkide babeslea gure Batu jokora ekimenaren bidez.