Larunbata, 2020(e)ko azaroak 7
KDEk gaur KDE Frameworks 5.76.0(a)ren argitalena iragartzen du.
KDE Frameworks Qt-rako 70 liburutegi gehigarri dira, erabilera arruntean behar izaten diren funtzionaltasunen aukera zabala eskaintzen dute, kideek berrikusitako eta ondo probatutako liburutegi helduetan, lizentzia termino lagunkoiekin hornituak. Sarrerako gisa begira ezazu KDE Frameworks argitalpenaren iragarpena.
Argitalpen hau planifikatutako hilabeteroko argitalpen sail baten zati da, garatzaileei hobekuntzak azkar eta aurreikus daitekeen eran erabilgarri ipintzen dizkiena.
Bertsio honetako berritasunak
- Split CJK terms at punctuation characters, optimize code
- Refactor the code in preparation for ICU integration
Breeze Icons
- Add 48px dialog-warning icon
- Change style of media-repeat-single to use number 1
- Add more git ignored files
- check if file exists before removing
- Always remove destination file first when generating symlinks
- Add some color mode icons for Okular
- Add task-complete icons (bug 397996)
- Add network-limited icon
- Copy 32px kup symlink to apps/48 to fix scalable test failure
- Add meeting-organizer icons (bug 397996)
- Add fingerprint icon
- Add task-recurring and appointment-recurring icons (bug 392533)
- Temporarily disable generating icons on Windows
- Symlink kup.svg to preferences-system-backup.svg
Extra CMake Modules
- Make androiddeployqt find libraries and QML plugins without installation
- find-modules/FindReuseTool.cmake - Fix finding reuse tool
- improve default formatting options
- Include option to use LLVM for users with Qt < 5.14
- add missing minimum version for RENAME parameter
- Document when FindGradle has been added
- Add FindGradle from KNotification
- Convert the backend name to uppercase sooner
- Add helper to obtain the caller's uid
- Raise ambiguity in ICalFormat::toString() in tests
- Add COLOR property serialization from RFC7986
- Make MemoryCalendar::rawEvents(QDate, QDate) works for open bounds
- Port from QStandardPaths::DataLocation to QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation
- Add namespace support to KCModuleData CMake macro
- Deprecate KSettings::PluginPage
- remove reference to undefined header
- Move the KCMUtilsGenerateModuleData to correct place
- Push all pre-created sub pages of a KCM
- Add CMake function to generate basics module data
- Improve legibility of inline QML in kcmoduleqml.cpp
- proper header height with a placeholder
- [kcmoduleqml] Fix top margin for QML KCMs
- Find missing Qt5DBus dependency
- kconf_update: Allow repeated tests in --testmode by ignoring kconf_updaterc
- Change http: to https:
- Fix Bug 428276 - KContacts cannot be used in qmake project (bug 428276)
- KJob: add setProgressUnit(), to choose how percent is calculated
- Fix potential memory leak in KAboutData::registerPluginData
- Split suggestName(); the split method doesn't check if file exists
- KAboutData: deprecate pluginData() & registerPluginData()
- Don't quit the event loop in KJobTest::slotResult()
- Use functor-based singleShot() overload in TestJob::start()
- [abstractkcm] Set explicit padding
- [simplekcm] Remove custom padding handling
- [kcmcontrols] Remove duplicated code
- Add source to KDeclarativeMouseEvent
- reparent overlaysheets to the root
- Make GridViewKCM and ScrollVieKCM inherit from AbstractKCM
- Add getter method for subPages
- Fix xml formatting in contributor.entities
- Korean update: reformat HTML files of GPL, FDL and add LGPL
- [ExtractionResult] Restore binary compatibility
- [TaglibWriter|Extractor] Remove raw speex mimetype
- [TaglibWriter] Open the read-write also on Windows
- [Extractor|WriterCollection] Filter out non-library files
- [EmbeddedImageData] Try to work around MSVC stupidity
- [ExtractionResult] Deprecate ExtractEverything, fixup since
- [EmbeddedImageData] Read test ground truth image just once
- [EmbeddedImageData] Remove private cover writing implementation
- [EmbeddedImageData] Move write implementation to taglib writer plugin
- [EmbeddedImageData] Remove private cover extraction implementation
- [EmbeddedImageData] Move implementation to taglib extractor plugin
- systemd dbus activation
- Keep aspect ration when upscaling
- Deprecate single-arg signal KIdleTime::timeoutReached(int identifier)
- Add support for RLE-compressed, 16 bits per channel PSD files
- Return unsupported when reading 16bit RLE compressed PSD files
- feat: add psd color depth == 16 format support
- conditionally compare with blank QUrl instead of / on Windows for mkpathjob
- KDirModel: two fixes for QAbstractItemModelTester
- CopyJob: Include skipped files in progress calculation when renaming
- CopyJob: don't count skipped files in the notification (bug 417034)
- In file dialogs, select an existing dir when trying to create it
- CopyJob: fix total number of files/dirs in progress dialog (when moving)
- Make FileJob::write() behave consistently
- Support for xattrs on kio copy/move
- CopyJob: don't count dir sizes into the total size
- KNewFileMenu: Fix crash by using m_text rather than m_lineEdit->text()
- FileWidget: Show Selected file preview on mouse leave (bug 418655)
- expose user context help field in kpasswdserver
- KNewFileMenu: use NameFinderJob to get a "New Folder" name
- Introduce NameFinderJob that suggests new "New Folder" names
- Do not explicitly define Exec lines for KCMs (bug 398803)
- KNewFileMenu: Split the dialog creation code to a separate method
- KNewFileMenu: check file does not already exists with delay for improved usability
- [PreviewJob] Allocate sufficient memory for SHM segment (bug 427865)
- Use versioning mechanism to add the new places for existing users
- Add bookmarks for pictures, music and videos (bug 427876)
- kfilewidget: keep the text in the Name box when navigating (bug 418711)
- Handle KCMs in OpenUrlJob with KService API
- Canonicalize file path when fetching and creating thumbnails
- KFilePlacesItem: hide kdeconnect sshfs mounts
- OpenFileManagerWindowJob: pick window from main job correctly
- Avoid pointless probing for nonexisting thumbnail images
- [BUG] Fixing regression on selecting files that contain
- KFileWidget: make icon zoom buttons jump to the nearest standard size
- put minimumkeepsize actually in the netpref KCM (bug 419987)
- KDirOperator: simplify the icons zoom slider logic
- UDSEntry: document the expected time format for time keys
- kurlnavigatortest: remove the desktop:, needs desktop.protocol to work
- KFilePlacesViewTest: don't show a window, not needed
- OpenFileManagerWindowJob: Fix crash when falling back to KRun strategy (bug 426282)
- Internet keywords: fix crash and failed tests if delimiter is space
- Prefer DuckDuckGo bangs over other delimiters
- KFilePlacesModel: ignore hidden places when computing closestItem (bug 426690)
- SlaveBase: document ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST behavior with copy()
- kio_trash: fix the logic when no size limit is set (bug 426704)
- In file dialogs, creating a dir that already exists should select it
- KFileItemActions: Add property for min/max count of Urls
- [avatar]: Make numbers invalid names
- [avatar]: Expose cache property of image
- Also set a maximumWidth for icons in global drawer (bug 428658)
- Make quit shortcut an action and expose it as a readonly property
- Use hand cursors on ListItemDragHandle (bug 421544)
- [controls/avatar]: Support CJK names for initials
- Improve look of the FormLayout on mobile
- Fix menus in contextualActions
- Don't alter Item in code called from Item's destructor (bug 428481)
- don't modify the other layout reversetwins
- Set/unset focus to overlay sheet on open/close
- Only drag window by the global toolbar when pressed & dragged
- Close OverlaySheet when pressing Esc key
- Page: Make padding, horizontalPadding and verticalPadding properties work
- ApplicationItem: Use background property
- AbstractApplicationItem: add missing properties & behavior from QQC2 ApplicationWindow
- limit items width to layout width
- Fix back button not showing on layered page headers on mobile
- Silence warning about "checkable" binding loop in ActionToolBar
- swap the order of columns on rtl layouts
- workaround to make sure ungrabmouse is called every time
- check for startSystemMove existence
- fix separator on mirrored layouts
- drag window by clicking on empty areas
- don't scroll by drag with mouse
- Fix cases when the reply is null
- Fix faulty refactor of Forward/BackButton.qml
- Ensure empty icon is Ready and doesn't get painted as previous icon
- Constrain height of back/forward button in PageRowGlobalToolBarUI
- Silence console spam from ContextDrawer
- Silence console spam from ApplicationHeader
- Silence console spam from back/forwardbutton
- Prevent mouse dragging from dragging an OverlaySheet
- Drop lib prefix when building for Windows
- fix twinformlayouts alignment management
- Improve legibility of embedded QML in C++ code
- KRearrangeColumnsProxyModel: fix crash with no source model
- KRearrangeColumnsProxyModel: only column 0 has children
- Fix erroneous logic introduced in e1917b6a
- Fix double-delete crash in kpackagejob (bug 427910)
- Deprecate Button::setButtonText() and fix API docs, nothing is prepended
- Postpone all on-disk cache writes until we've had a quiet second
- Fix crash when list of installed files is empty
- Mark KNotification::activated() as deprecated
- Apply some sanity checking to action keys (bug 427717)
- Use FindGradle from ECM
- Fix condition to use dbus
- Fix: enable legacy tray on platforms without dbus
- rewrite notifybysnore to provide more reliable support for Windows
- Add comments to describe DesktopEntry field in notifyrc file
KPackage Framework
- Make "no metadata" warning a debug-only thing
- Rip out AIX, Tru64, Solaris, Irix support
- Deprecate obsolete RunnerSyntax methods
- Deprecate ignoreTypes and RunnerContext::Type
- Do not set the type to File/Directory if it does not exist (bug 342876)
- Update maintainer as discussed in the mailing list
- Deprecate unused constructor for RunnerManager
- Deprecate categories feature
- Remove unnecessary check if runner is suspended
- Deprecate defaultSyntax and setDefaultSyntax methods
- Cleanup defunct usage of RunnerSyntax
- Allow NotShowIn=KDE apps, listed in mimeapps.list, to be used (bug 427469)
- Write fallback value for KCM Exec lines with appropriate executable (bug 398803)
- [EmulatedCommandBar::switchToMode] Do nothing when the old and new modes are the same (bug 368130 as follows:)
- KateModeMenuList: remove special margins for Windows
- Fix memory leak in KateMessageLayout
- try to avoid to erase custom-styles for highlightings we didn't touch at all (bug 427654)
- Provide convenience methods around wl_data_offet_accept()
- Mark enums in a Q_OBJECT, Q_ENUM
- new setUsernameContextHelp on KPasswordDialog
- KFontRequester: remove, the now redundant, nearestExistingFont helper
- xcb: Fix detection of screen sizes for High-DPI
- Add enum and declarations to allow passing capabilities in the registration process to NetworkManager
Plasma Framework
- BasicPlasmoidHeading component
- Always show ExpandableListitem buttons, not just on hover (bug 428624)
- [PlasmoidHeading]: Set implicit sizing properly
- Lock the header colours of Breeze Dark and Breeze Light (bug 427864)
- Unify aspect ratio of 32px and 22px battery icons
- Add margin hints to toolbar.svg and refactor PC3 ToolBar
- Add AbstractButton and Pane to PC3
- support exclusive action groups in the contextual actions
- Fix BusyIndicator rotating even when invisible, again
- Fix colours not applying to mobile task switcher icon
- Add plasma mobile task switcher and close app icons (for taskpanel)
- Better Menu in PlasmaComponents3
- Remove unnecessary anchors in the ComboBox.contentItem
- Round slider handle position
- [ExpandableListItem] Load expanded view on demand
- Add missing
PlasmaCore.ColorScope.inherit: false
- Set PlasmoidHeading colorGroup in root element
- [ExpandableListItem] Make colored text 100% opaque (bug 427171)
- BusyIndicator: Do not rotate when invisible (bug 426746)
- ComboBox3.contentItem must be a QQuickTextInput to fix autocomplete (bug 424076)
- FrameSvg: Don't reset the cache when resizing
- Toggle plasmoids when shortcut is activated (bug 400278)
- TextField 3: Add missing import
- Fix IDs in plasmavault_error icon
- PC3: fix color of TabButton label
- Use a hint instead of a bool
- Allow plasmoids to ignore the margins
- Add description to kaccounts youtube provider
- Fix ToolBar contentWidth binding loop
- Reference shortcut label directly by id instead of implicitly
- ComboBox.contentItem must be a QQuickTextInput to fix autocomplete (bug 425865)
- Simplify conditional clauses in Connections
- Fix Connections warning on ComboBox
- Add support for qrc icons to StyleItem (bug 427449)
- Properly indicate focus state of ToolButton
- Add TextFieldContextMenu for right click context menus on TextField and TextArea
- Set background color to ComboBox's ScrollView
- Add support for sshfs to the fstab backend
- CMake: Use pkg_search_module when looking for plist
- Fix imobiledevice backend: Check API version for DEVICE_PAIRED
- Fix imobiledevice backend build
- Add Solid backend using libimobiledevice for finding iOS devices
- Use QHash for mapping where order is not needed
- Use modern signal-slot connection syntax
Syntax Highlighting
- The "compact" core function is missing
- comment out the check, add comment why this no longer works here
- The position:sticky value is missing
- fix php/* generation for new Comments hl
- Feature: Replace Alerts w/ Special-Comments syntax and remove Modelines
- Feature: Add the
as an umbrella syntax for various comment kinds - Fix: CMake syntax now mark
as special boolean values - Improvement: Include Modelines rules in files where Alerts has been added
- Improvement: Add some more boolean values to
- Solarized themes: improve separator
- Improvement: Updates for CMake 3.19
- Add support for systemd unit files
- debchangelog: add Hirsute Hippo
- Feature: Allow multiple
options forkateschema2theme
tool - Improvement: Add various tests to the converter
- move more utility scripts to better location
- move script to better place
- kateschema2theme: Add a Python tool to convert old schema files
- Decrease opacity in separator of Breeze & Dracula themes
- Update README with "Color themes files" section
- Fix: Use
when install syntax files - fix rendering of --syntax-trace=region with multiple graphics on the same offset
- fix some issues of fish shell
- replace StringDetect by DetectChar / Detect2Chars
- replace some RegExpr by StringDetect
- replace RegExpr="." + lookAhead by fallthroughContext
- replace \s* with DetectSpaces
Security information
The released code has been GPG-signed using the following key: pub rsa2048/58D0EE648A48B3BB 2016-09-05 David Faure Primary key fingerprint: 53E6 B47B 45CE A3E0 D5B7 4577 58D0 EE64 8A48 B3BB
Pakete bitarrak instalatzea
Linux-en, zure banaketa gogokorako paketeak erabiltzea da KDE Frameworks eskuratzeko gomendatutako modua. Lortu KDE softwarea zure Linux banaketaren wiki orrian
Sorburuetatik konpilatzea
KDE Frameworks 5.76.0(e)ren sorburu-kode osoa askatasun osoz zama-jaitsi daiteke. Konpilatzeko eta instalatzeko jarraibideak eskuragarri daude KDE Frameworks 5.76.0 Informazio orrian.
Sorburuetatik eraiki daiteke cmake .; make; make install oinarrizko komandoak erabiliz. 1. mailako «framework» bakar baterako, hau izaten da irtenbiderik errazena. «Frameworks»ekin laguntzeko edo multzo osoaren garapenaren aurrerapenaren jarraipena egiteko interesa dutenak kdesrc-build erabiltzera animatzen ditugu. Frameworks 5.76.0(e)k Qt 5.12 behar du.
«Framework» guztien zerrenda xehatua API dokumentazioarekin hemen,
Engaia zaitez
«Frameworks»en garapenaren aurrerapenari jarraipena egiteko eta horretan laguntzeko interesa dutenek git gordetegiak ikuskatu eta KDE Frameworks garatzeko posta-zerrendako eztabaiden jarraipena egin dezakete. Gidalerroak eta proiektuaren egungo egoera eta egitasmoak «Frameworks»en wikian eskuragarri daude. Denbora errealeko eztabaidak #kde-devel IRC kanalean, Libera Chat-en, izaten dira.
KDEri laguntzea
KDE Software askeko komunitate bat da, beraien denbora eta ahalegina borondatez ematen dutenen laguntzagatik existitzen eta hazten dena. KDE beti dago boluntario eta laguntzaileen bila, izan kodetzeko laguntza, akatsak konpontzeko edo jakinarazpenak bidaltzeko, dokumentazioa idazteko, itzulpenak, promozioa, dirua, etab. Laguntza guztiak esker onez hartu eta onartzen dira. Irakurri KDEri laguntzea orria informazio zabalagoa eskuratzeko edo egin zaitez KDE bazkide babeslea gure Batu jokora ekimenaren bidez.