Igandea, 2018(e)ko abenduak 9
KDEk gaur KDE Frameworks 5.53.0(a)ren argitalena iragartzen du.
KDE Frameworks are 70 addon libraries to Qt which provide a wide variety of commonly needed functionality in mature, peer reviewed and well tested libraries with friendly licensing terms. For an introduction see the KDE Frameworks release announcement.
Argitalpen hau planifikatutako hilabeteroko argitalpen sail baten zati da, garatzaileei hobekuntzak azkar eta aurreikus daitekeen eran erabilgarri ipintzen dizkiena.
Bertsio honetako berritasunak
- Fix searches for rating 10 (5 stars) (bug 357960)
- Avoid writing unchanged data to terms dbs
- Do not add Type::Document/Presentation/Spreadsheet twice for MS Office docs
- Actually initialize kcrash properly
- Make sure there is only one MTime per document in the MTimeDB
- [Extractor] Use QDataStream serialization in place of cooked one
- [Extractor] Replace homegrown IO handler with QDataStream, catch HUP
Breeze Icons
- Add icons for application-vnd.appimage/x-iso9660-appimage
- Add 22px dialog-warning icon (bug 397983)
- Fix angle and margin of 32px dialog-ok-apply (bug 393608)
- Change primary monochrome icon colors to match new HIG colors
- Change archive-* action icons to represent archives (bug 399253)
- Add help-browser symlink to 16px and 22px directories (bug 400852)
- Add new generic sorting icons; rename existing sorting icons
- Add root version of drive-harddisk (bug 399307)
Extra CMake Modules
- New module: FindLibExiv2.cmake
Framework Integration
- Add option BUILD_KPACKAGE_INSTALL_HANDLERS to skip building install handlers
KDE Doxygen Tools
- Add busy indicator during research and make the research asynchronous (bug 379281)
- Normalize all input paths with the os.path.normpath function (bug 392428)
- Perfect alignment between QML and QWidget KCM titles
- Add context to kcmodule connection to lambdas (bug 397894)
- Make it possible to use KAboutData/License/Person from QML
- Fix crash if XDG_CACHE_HOME directory is too small or out of space (bug 339829)
- now installs kdnssd_version.h to check the version of the lib
- do not leak resolver in remoteservice
- prevent avahi signal racing
- fix for macOS
- Revive 'Description' property for DublinCore metadata
- add a description property to KFileMetaData
- [KFileMetaData] Add extractor for DSC conforming (Encapsulated) Postscript
- [ExtractorCollection] Avoid dependency of kcoreaddons for CI tests
- Add support for speex files to taglibextractor
- add two more internet sources regarding tagging information
- simplify handling of id3 tags
- [XmlExtractor] Use QXmlStreamReader for better performance
- Fix assert when cleaning up symlinks in PreviewJob
- Add the possibility to have a keyboard shortcut to create a file
- [KUrlNavigator] Re-activate on mouse middle button click (bug 386453)
- Remove dead search providers
- Port more search providers to HTTPS
- Export again KFilePlaceEditDialog (bug 376619)
- Restore sendfile support
- [ioslaves/trash] Handle broken symlinks in deleted subdirectories (bug 400990)
- [RenameDialog] Fix layout when using the NoRename flag
- Add missing @since for KFilePlacesModel::TagsType
- [KDirOperator] Use the new
icon for the sort order chooser - Use HTTPS for all search providers that support it
- Disable unmount option for / or /home (bug 399659)
- [KFilePlaceEditDialog] Fix include guard
- [Places panel] Use new
icon for Root item - [KSambaShare] Make "net usershare info" parser testable
- Give the file dialogs a "Sort by" menu button on the toolbar
- DelegateRecycler: Don't create a new propertiesTracker for every delegate
- Move the about page from Discover to Kirigami
- Hide context drawer when there is a global toolbar
- ensure all items are laid out (bug 400671)
- change index on pressed, not on clicked (bug 400518)
- new text sizes for Headings
- sidebar drawers don't move global headers/footers
- Add programmaticaly useful error signalling
- Rename NotifyByFlatpak to NotifyByPortal
- Notification portal: support pixmaps in notifications
KPackage Framework
- Don't generate appstream data for files that lack a description (bug 400431)
- Capture package metadata before install start
- When re-using runners when reloading, reload their configuration (bug 399621)
- Allow negative syntax definition priorities
- Expose "Toggle Comment" feature through tools menu and default shortcut (bug 387654)
- Fix hidden languages in the mode menu
- SpellCheckBar: Use DictionaryComboBox instead of plain QComboBox
- KTextEditor::ViewPrivate: Avoid warning "Text requested for invalid range"
- Android: No need to define log2 anymore
- disconnect contextmenu from all aboutToXXContextMenu receivers (bug 401069)
- Introduce AbstractAnnotationItemDelegate for more control by consumer
- Updated with petroleum industry units (bug 388074)
- Autogenerate logging file + fix categories file
- Add VirtualDesktops to PlasmaWindowModel
- Update PlasmaWindowModel test to reflect VirtualDesktop changes
- Cleanup windowInterface in tests before windowManagement is destroyed
- Delete the correct item in removeDesktop
- Cleanup Virtual Desktop Manager list entry in PlasmaVirtualDesktop destructor
- Correct version of newly added PlasmaVirtualDesktop interface
- [server] Text input content hint and purpose per protocol version
- [server] Put text-input (de-)activate, en-/disable callbacks in child classes
- [server] Put set surrounding text callback with uint in v0 class
- [server] Put some text-input v0 exclusive callbacks in v0 class
- Add level api from Kirigami.Heading
- Update the "About KDE" text
- Fixed a bug(error?) in ipv4 & ipv6 settings
- Add ovs-bridge and ovs-interface setting
- Update Ip-tunnel settings
- Add proxy and user setting
- Add IpTunnel setting
- We can now build tun setting test all the time
- Add missing IPv6 options
- Listen for added DBus interfaces instead of registered services (bug 400359)
Plasma Framework
- feature parity of Menu with the Desktop style
- Qt 5.9 is now the minimum required version
- Add back (accidentally?) deleted line in CMakeLists.txt
- 100% consistency with kirigami heading sizing
- more homogeneous look with Kirigami headings
- install the processed version of private imports
- Mobile text selection controls
- Update breeze-light and breeze-dark colorschemes
- Fixed a number of memory leaks (thanks to ASAN)
- phabricator plugin: use Arcanist's diff.rev. order (bug 401565)
- Provide a title for JobDialog
- Allow the JobDialog to get a nicer initial size (bug 400873)
- Make it possible for the menudemo to share different urls
- Use QQC2 for the JobDialog (bug 400997)
- consistent sizing of item compared to QWidgets
- fix Menu sizing
- make sure flickables are pixelAligned
- Support for QGuiApplication-based apps (bug 396287)
- touchscreen text controls
- Size according to specified icon width and height
- Honor flat property of buttons
- Fix issue where there's only one element on the menu (bug 400517)
- Fix root disk icon change so that it doesn't erroneously change other icons
- DictionaryComboBoxTest: Add stretch to avoid expanding Dump button
Syntax Highlighting
- BrightScript: Allow sub to be unnamed
- Add highlighting file for Wayland Debug Traces
- Add syntax highlighting for TypeScript & TypeScript React
- Rust & Yacc/Bison: improve comments
- Prolog & Lua: fix shebang
- Fix language load after including keywords from this language in another file
- Add BrightScript syntax
- debchangelog: add Disco Dingo
Security information
The released code has been GPG-signed using the following key: pub rsa2048/58D0EE648A48B3BB 2016-09-05 David Faure <faure@kde.org> Primary key fingerprint: 53E6 B47B 45CE A3E0 D5B7 4577 58D0 EE64 8A48 B3BB
You can discuss and share ideas on this release in the comments section of the dot article.
Pakete bitarrak instalatzea
Linux-en, zure banaketa gogokorako paketeak erabiltzea da KDE Frameworks eskuratzeko gomendatutako modua. Lortu KDE softwarea zure Linux banaketaren wiki orrian
Sorburuetatik konpilatzea
KDE Frameworks 5.53.0(e)ren sorburu-kode osoa askatasun osoz zama-jaitsi daiteke. Konpilatzeko eta instalatzeko jarraibideak eskuragarri daude KDE Frameworks 5.53.0 Informazio orrian.
Sorburuetatik eraiki daiteke cmake .; make; make install oinarrizko komandoak erabiliz. 1. mailako «framework» bakar baterako, hau izaten da irtenbiderik errazena. «Frameworks»ekin laguntzeko edo multzo osoaren garapenaren aurrerapenaren jarraipena egiteko interesa dutenak kdesrc-build erabiltzera animatzen ditugu. Frameworks 5.53.0(e)k Qt
A detailed listing of all Frameworks with API documentation is on api.kde.org.
Engaia zaitez
«Frameworks»en garapenaren aurrerapenari jarraipena egiteko eta horretan laguntzeko interesa dutenek git gordetegiak ikuskatu eta KDE Frameworks garatzeko posta-zerrendako eztabaiden jarraipena egin dezakete. Gidalerroak eta proiektuaren egungo egoera eta egitasmoak «Frameworks»en wikian eskuragarri daude. Denbora errealeko eztabaidak #kde-devel IRC kanalean, Libera Chat-en, izaten dira.
KDEri laguntzea
KDE Software askeko komunitate bat da, beraien denbora eta ahalegina borondatez ematen dutenen laguntzagatik existitzen eta hazten dena. KDE beti dago boluntario eta laguntzaileen bila, izan kodetzeko laguntza, akatsak konpontzeko edo jakinarazpenak bidaltzeko, dokumentazioa idazteko, itzulpenak, promozioa, dirua, etab. Laguntza guztiak esker onez hartu eta onartzen dira. Irakurri KDEri laguntzea orria informazio zabalagoa eskuratzeko edo egin zaitez KDE e.V.ren bazkide babeslea gure Batu jokora ekimenaren bidez.