Ostirala, 2015(e)ko uztailak 10
KDEk gaur KDE Frameworks 5.12.0(a)ren argitalena iragartzen du.
KDE Frameworks are 60 addon libraries to Qt which provide a wide variety of commonly needed functionality in mature, peer reviewed and well tested libraries with friendly licensing terms. For an introduction see the KDE Frameworks release announcement.
Argitalpen hau planifikatutako hilabeteroko argitalpen sail baten zati da, garatzaileei hobekuntzak azkar eta aurreikus daitekeen eran erabilgarri ipintzen dizkiena.
Bertsio honetako berritasunak
Extra CMake Modules
- Improve error reporting of query_qmake macro
- Remove all devices from adapter before removing the adapter (bug 349363)
- Update links in README.md
- Adding the option not to track the user when in specific activities (similar to the 'private browsing' mode in a web browser)
- Preserve executable permissions from files in copyTo()
- Clarify ~KArchive by removing dead code.
- Make it possible to use kauth-policy-gen from different sources
- Don't add a bookmark with url is empty and text is empty
- Encode KBookmark URL to fix compatibility with KDE4 applications
- Remove x-euc-tw prober
- Install kconfig_compiler into libexec
- New code generation option TranslationDomain=, for use with TranslationSystem=kde; normally needed in libraries.
- Make it possible to use kconfig_compiler from different sources
- KDirWatch: Only establish a connection to FAM if requested
- Allow filtering plugins and applications by formfactor
- Make it possible to use desktoptojson from different sources
- Clarify exit value for Unique instances
- Add QQC clone of KColorButton
- Assign a QmlObject for each kdeclarative instance when possible
- Make Qt.quit() from QML code work
- Merge branch 'mart/singleQmlEngineExperiment'
- Implement sizeHint based on implicitWidth/height
- Subclass of QmlObject with static engine
KDELibs 4 Support
- Fix KMimeType::Ptr::isNull implementation.
- Reenable support for KDateTime streaming to kDebug/qDebug, for more SC
- Load correct translation catalog for kdebugdialog
- Don't skip documenting deprecated methods, so that people can read the porting hints
- Fix CMakeLists.txt to pass KDESU_USE_SUDO_DEFAULT to the compilation so it is used by suprocess.cpp
- Update K5 docbook templates
- private runtime API gets installed to allow KWin to provide plugin for Wayland.
- Fallback for componentFriendlyForAction name resolving
- Don't try to paint the icon if the size is invalid
- New proxy model: KRearrangeColumnsProxyModel. It supports reordering and hiding columns from the source model.
- Fix pixmap types in org.kde.StatusNotifierItem.xml
- [ksni] Add method to retrieve action by its name (bug 349513)
- Implement PersonsModel filtering facilities
- KPlotWidget: add setAutoDeletePlotObjects, fix memory leak in replacePlotObject
- Fix missing tickmarks when x0 > 0.
- KPlotWidget: no need to setMinimumSize or resize.
- debianchangelog.xml: add Debian/Stretch, Debian/Buster, Ubuntu-Wily
- Fix for UTF-16 surrogate pair backspace/delete behavior.
- Let QScrollBar handle the WheelEvents (bug 340936)
- Apply patch from KWrite devel top update pure basic HL, "Alexander Clay" <tuireann@EpicBasic.org>
- Fix enable/disable ok button
KWallet Framework
- Imported and improved the kwallet-query command-line tool.
- Support to overwrite maps entries.
- Don't show "KDE Frameworks version" in the About KDE dialog
Plasma Framework
- Make the dark theme completely dark, also the complementary group
- Cache naturalsize separately by scalefactor
- ContainmentView: Do not crash on an invalid corona metadata
- AppletQuickItem: Do not access KPluginInfo if not valid
- Fix occasional empty applet config pages (bug 349250)
- Improve hidpi support in the Calendar grid component
- Verify KService has valid plugin info before using it
- [calendar] Ensure the grid is repainted on theme changes
- [calendar] Always start counting weeks from Monday (bug 349044)
- [calendar] Repaint the grid when show week numbers setting changes
- An opaque theme is now used when only the blur effect is available (bug 348154)
- Whitelist applets/versions for separate engine
- Introduce a new class ContainmentView
- Allow to use highlight spellchecking in a QPainTextEdit
You can discuss and share ideas on this release in the comments section of the dot article.
Pakete bitarrak instalatzea
Linux-en, zure banaketa gogokorako paketeak erabiltzea da KDE Frameworks eskuratzeko gomendatutako modua. Lortu KDE softwarea zure Linux banaketaren wiki orrian
Sorburuetatik konpilatzea
KDE Frameworks 5.12.0(e)ren sorburu-kode osoa askatasun osoz zama-jaitsi daiteke. Konpilatzeko eta instalatzeko jarraibideak eskuragarri daude KDE Frameworks 5.12.0 Informazio orrian.
Sorburuetatik eraiki daiteke cmake .; make; make install oinarrizko komandoak erabiliz. 1. mailako «framework» bakar baterako, hau izaten da irtenbiderik errazena. «Frameworks»ekin laguntzeko edo multzo osoaren garapenaren aurrerapenaren jarraipena egiteko interesa dutenak kdesrc-build erabiltzera animatzen ditugu. Frameworks 5.12.0(e)k Qt
A detailed listing of all Frameworks with API documentation is on api.kde.org.
Engaia zaitez
«Frameworks»en garapenaren aurrerapenari jarraipena egiteko eta horretan laguntzeko interesa dutenek git gordetegiak ikuskatu eta KDE Frameworks garatzeko posta-zerrendako eztabaiden jarraipena egin dezakete. Gidalerroak eta proiektuaren egungo egoera eta egitasmoak «Frameworks»en wikian eskuragarri daude. Denbora errealeko eztabaidak #kde-devel IRC kanalean, Libera Chat-en, izaten dira.
KDEri laguntzea
KDE Software askeko komunitate bat da, beraien denbora eta ahalegina borondatez ematen dutenen laguntzagatik existitzen eta hazten dena. KDE beti dago boluntario eta laguntzaileen bila, izan kodetzeko laguntza, akatsak konpontzeko edo jakinarazpenak bidaltzeko, dokumentazioa idazteko, itzulpenak, promozioa, dirua, etab. Laguntza guztiak esker onez hartu eta onartzen dira. Irakurri KDEri laguntzea orria informazio zabalagoa eskuratzeko edo egin zaitez KDE e.V.ren bazkide babeslea gure Batu jokora ekimenaren bidez.