KDE toob välja KDE rakendused 16.12.0
- detsember 2016. KDE laskis täna välja KDE rakendused 16.12 märkimisväärse hulga uuendustega, mis on nüüd veelgi hõlpsamini kasutatavad, veelgi rohkemate võimalustega ja aina vabamad kõigist neist seni nördimust tekitanud pisivigadest, sõnaga, teel aina lähemale just sinu seadmele ideaalselt sobivate rakendusteni.
Okular, Konqueror, KGpg, KTouch, Kalzium and more (Release Notes) have now been ported to KDE Frameworks 5. We look forward to your feedback and insight into the newest features introduced with this release.
In the continued effort to make applications easier to build standalone, we have split the kde-baseapps, kdepim and kdewebdev tarballs. You can find the newly created tarballs at the Release Notes document
Me loobusime järgmistest pakettidest: kdgantt2, gpgmepp ja kuser. See aitab meil paremini keskenduda ülejäänud koodile.
Heliredaktor Kwave liitub KDE rakendustega!

Kwave is a sound editor, it can record, play back, import and edit many sorts of audio files including multi channel files. Kwave includes some plugins to transform audio files in several ways and presents a graphical view with a complete zoom and scroll capability.
Maailm taustapildina

Marble sisaldab nüüd nii Plasma taustapilti kui ka vidinat, mis Maa satelliidivaate peal reaalajas kellaaega. Need olid saadaval ka Plasma 4 peal, uuendamise järel töötavad nüüd samuti Plasma 5 peal.
You can find more information on Friedrich W. H. Kossebau's blog.

KCharSelect has gained the ability to show the Unicode Emoticons block (and other SMP symbol blocks).
Samuti sai rakendus järjehoidjate menüü, nii et nüüd saab kõik oma lemmiktähed järjehoidjatesse panna.
Julia muudab matemaatika paremaks

Cantoril on uus Julia taustaprogramm, mis annab kasutajatele võimaluse ära kasutada teaduslike arvutuste uusimaid edusamme.
You can find more information on Ivan Lakhtanov's blog.
Täiustatum arhiveerimine

Ark sai mitmeid uusi omadusi:
- Faile ja katalooge saab nüüd otse arhiivi sees ümber nimetada, kopeerida või liigutada
- Nüüd saab arhiive luues valida tihendamis- ja krüpteerimisalgoritme
- Ark can now open AR files (e.g. Linux *.a static libraries)
You can find more information on Ragnar Thomsen's blog.
Ja veel palju rohkem!
Kopete sai X-OAUTH2 SASL autentimise toetuse jabberi protokollis ja parandas mõned probleemid OTR krüpteerimispluginas.
Kdenlive has a new Rotoscoping effect, support for downloadable content and an updated Motion Tracker. It also provides Snap and AppImage files for easier installation.
KMail ja Akregator võivad Google Safe Browsingi abil kontrollida, ega klõpsatav link vii mõnele kurivara pakkuvale saidile. Samuti tõid mõlemad rakendused tagasi trükkimise võimaluse (selleks on vajalik Qt 5.8).
Agressiivne võitlus kõikvõimalike vigadega
Üle 130 vea parandati sellistes rakendustes, nagu Dolphin, Akonadi, KDE aadressiraamat, KNotes, Akregator, Cantor, Ark, Kdenlive jt!
Täielik muudatuste logi
You can find the full list of changes here.Spread the Word
Non-technical contributors are an important part of KDE’s success. While proprietary software companies have huge advertising budgets for new software releases, KDE depends on people talking with other people. Even for those who are not software developers, there are many ways to support the KDE Applications release. Report bugs. Encourage others to join the KDE Community. Or support the nonprofit organization behind the KDE community
Please spread the word on the Social Web. Submit stories to news sites, use channels like delicious, digg, reddit, and twitter. Upload screenshots of your new set-up to services like Facebook, Flickr, ipernity and Picasa, and post them to appropriate groups. Create screencasts and upload them to YouTube, Blip.tv, and Vimeo. Please tag posts and uploaded materials with “KDE”. This makes them easy to find, and gives the KDE Promo Team a way to analyze coverage for this KDE Applications release.
Installing KDE Applications Binary Packages
Some Linux/UNIX OS vendors have kindly provided binary packages of KDE Applications for some versions of their distribution, and in other cases community volunteers have done so. Additional binary packages, as well as updates to the packages now available, may become available over the coming weeks.
Package Locations
For a current list of available binary packages of which the KDE Project has been informed, please visit the Community Wiki.
Compiling KDE Applications
The complete source code for KDE Applications may be freely downloaded. Instructions on compiling and installing are available from the KDE Applications 16.12.0 Info Page.
Supporting KDE
KDE is a Free Software community that exists and grows only because of the help of many volunteers that donate their time and effort. KDE is always looking for new volunteers and contributions, whether it is help with coding, bug fixing or reporting, writing documentation, translations, promotion, money, etc. All contributions are gratefully appreciated and eagerly accepted. Please read through the Supporting KDE page for further information or become a KDE e.V. supporting member through our Join the Game initiative.
About KDE
KDE is an international technology team that creates free and open source software for desktop and portable computing. Among KDE’s products are a modern desktop system for Linux and UNIX platforms, comprehensive office productivity and groupware suites and hundreds of software titles in many categories including Internet and web applications, multimedia, entertainment, educational, graphics and software development. KDE software is translated into more than 60 languages and is built with ease of use and modern accessibility principles in mind. KDE’s full-featured applications run natively on Linux, BSD, Windows, Haiku, and macOS.
Trademark Notices.
KDE® and the K Desktop Environment® logo are registered trademarks of KDE e.V..
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.
All other trademarks and copyrights referred to in this announcement are the property of their respective owners.
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