Freitag, 8 Mai 2015
Heute gibt KDE die Veröffentlichung der KDE Frameworks 5.10.0 bekannt.
KDE Frameworks are 60 addon libraries to Qt which provide a wide variety of commonly needed functionality in mature, peer reviewed and well tested libraries with friendly licensing terms. For an introduction see the KDE Frameworks release announcement.
Dies ist Teil einer Serie von monatlich geplanten Veröffentlichungen, um Verbesserungen schnell und regelmäßig für Entwickler verfügbar zu machen.
Neu in dieser Version
- (no changelog provided)
- Generate QML-proof classes using the kconfigcompiler
- New cmake macro kcoreaddons_add_plugin to create KPluginLoader-based plugins more easily.
- Fix crash in texture cache.
- und weitere Fehlerkorrekturen
- Add new method globalShortcut which retrieves the shortcut as defined in global settings.
- Prevent kidletime from crashing on platform wayland
- Added KPropertiesDialog::KPropertiesDialog(urls) and KPropertiesDialog::showDialog(urls).
- Asynchronous QIODevice-based data fetch for KIO::storedPut and KIO::AccessManager::put.
- Fix conditions with QFile::rename return value (bug 343329)
- Fixed KIO::suggestName to suggest better names (bug 341773)
- kioexec: Fixed path for writeable location for kurl (bug 343329)
- Speicherung von Lesezeichen nur in user-places.xbel (Fehler 345174)
- Duplicate RecentDocuments entry if two different files have the same name
- Better error message if a single file is too large for the trash (bug 332692)
- Fix KDirLister crash upon redirection when the slot calls openURL
- New set of classes, called KMoreTools and related. KMoreTools helps to add hints about external tools which are potentially not yet installed. Furthermore, it makes long menus shorter by providing a main and more section which is also user-configurable.
- Fix KNotifications when used with Ubuntu's NotifyOSD (bug 345973)
- Don't trigger notification updates when setting the same properties (bug 345973)
- Introduce LoopSound flag allowing notifications to play sound in a loop if they need it (bug 346148)
- Don't crash if notification doesn't have a widget
- Add a KPackage::findPackages function similar to KPluginLoader::findPlugins
- Use KPluginFactory for instantiating the plugins, instead of KService (kept for compatibility).
- Fix wrong splitting of entry path (bug 344614)
- Migration agent now also check old wallet is empty before starting (bug 346498)
- KDateTimeEdit: Fix so user input actually gets registered. Fix double margins.
- KFontRequester: fix selecting monospaced fonts only
- Don't depend on QX11Info in KXUtils::createPixmapFromHandle (bug 346496)
- new method NETWinInfo::xcbConnection() -> xcb_connection_t*
- Fix shortcuts when secondary shortcut set (bug 345411)
- Update list of bugzilla products/components for bug reporting (bug 346559)
- Global shortcuts: allow configuring also the alternate shortcut
- The installed headers are now organized like all other frameworks.
Plasma framework
- PlasmaComponents.Menu now supports sections
- Use KPluginLoader instead of ksycoca for loading C++ dataengines
- Consider visualParent rotation in popupPosition (bug 345787)
- Don't try to highlight if there is no spell checker found. This would lead to an infinite loop with rehighlighRequest timer firing constanty.
- Fix native file dialogs from widgets QFileDialog: ** File dialogs opened with exec() and without parent were opened, but any user-interaction was blocked in a way that no file could be selected nor the dialog closed. ** File dialogs opened with open() or show() with parent were not opened at all.
Sie können im Kommentarabschnitt des Dot-Artikels über diese Veröffentlichung diskutieren und Ideen einbringen.
Binärpakete installieren
Unter Linux wird empfohlen, Pakete Ihrer Distribution für die KDE Frameworks zu verwenden. Wiki-Seite KDE-Software von Ihrer Linux-Distribution
Aus dem Quelltext installieren
Der vollständige Quelltext der KDE-Frameworks 5.10.0 kann kostenlos und anonym heruntergeladen werden. Anweisungen zum Kompilieren und Installieren finden Sie auf der Infoseite der KDE-Frameworks 5.10.0 Info Page.
Zum Kompilieren der Quelltexte reichen die bekannten Befehle cmake .; make; make install. Für eine Frameworks-Bibliothek in Tier 1 ist dies meistens die einfachste Lösung. Möchten Sie bei den Frameworks-Bibliotheken mitarbeiten oder den Entwicklungsprozess aller Bibliotheken verfolgen, sollten Sie kdesrc-build verwenden. Frameworks 5.10.0 benötigt Qt
A detailed listing of all Frameworks with API documentation is on api.kde.org.
Machen Sie mit
Those interested in following and contributing to the development of Frameworks can check out the git repositories and follow the discussions on the KDE Frameworks Development mailing list. Policies and the current state of the project and plans are available at the Frameworks wiki. Real-time discussions take place on the #kde-devel IRC channel on Libera Chat.
KDE unterstützen
KDE is a Free Software community that exists and grows only because of the help of many volunteers that donate their time and effort. KDE is always looking for new volunteers and contributions, whether it is help with coding, bug fixing or reporting, writing documentation, translations, promotion, money, etc. All contributions are gratefully appreciated and eagerly accepted. Please read through the Supporting KDE page for further information or become a KDE e.V. supporting member through our Join the Game initiative.