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KDE ⚙️ Gear 24.12

2024 Fundraiser Edition

Čtvrtek, 12 Prosinec 2024

Thanks to the continued support of generous donors, every 4 months KDE releases a long list of new versions of applications all at the same time.

Today we are releasing KDE ⚙️ Gear 24.12 with new versions of KDE classics such as Dolphin, our feature-rich file manager and explorer; Kate, the developer-friendly text editor; Itinerary, a travel assistant that will get you safely to your destination. …and much, much more!

These apps exist thanks to KDE's volunteers and donors. You too can contribute and express support for your favorite apps by adopting them!

Let's take a look at just a few of the applications — some updated and some brand new — which will be landing on your desktop in just a few days.

To vy děláte KDE Gear tím, čím je, díky vaší podpoře a darům. Pomozte nám vytrvat ve zlepšování a sestavování aplikací a přispějte nám skrze darovací formulář.


Okular is much more than a PDF reader: it can open all sorts of files, sign and verify the signatures of official documents, and annotate and fill in embedded forms.

Speaking of which, we implemented support for more types of items in comboboxes of PDF forms, and improved the speed and correctness of printing.

We also made it easier to digitally sign a document, and no longer hide the signing window prematurely until the signing process is actually finished.

Okular simplifies digital signing.

Kleopatra keeps track of your digital signatures, encryption keys, and certificates. It helps you sign, encrypt, and decrypt emails and confidential messages.

We redesigned Kleopatra's notepad and signing encryption dialog, as well as making the resulting messages and errors clearer. In the notepad, the text editor and the recipients view are now also shown side-by-side.

Kleopatra has a new editor for encrypting messages.

Which brings us to…

…Where the OpenPGP and S/MIME certificates of a contact are now displayed directly in Merkuro Contact. Clicking on them will open Kleopatra and show additional information.

Merkuro displays your contacts key info.


Kdenlive, KDE's acclaimed video editor, keeps adding features and now lets you resize multiple items on the timeline at the same time.

Kwave, KDE's native audio editor, has long been on the development backburner, but is now receiving updates again.

First it was ported to Qt6, which means it will work natively with Plasma 6. After that, the interface received some visual improvements in the way of new and more modern icons and a better visual indication when playback is paused.

Kwave boasts a renewed look.


The latest changes to KDE's file explorer/manager tend heavily towards accessibility* and usability.

For starters, the main view of Dolphin was completely overhauled to make it work with screen readers, and improved the keyboard navigation: pressing Ctrl+L multiple times will switch back and forth between focusing and selecting the location bar path and focusing the view. Pressing Escape in the location bar will now move the focus to the active view. The keyboard navigation in the toolbar has also been improved, as now the elements are focused in the right order.

Dolphin's sorting of files is more natural and "human" in this version: a file called "a.txt", for example, will appear before "a 2.txt", and you can also sort your videos by duration.

When it comes to your safety and checking your files, Dolphin has overhauled the checksum and permissions tab in the Properties dialog to make it easier for you. You will see this improvement in other KDE applications too.

Dolphin makes checking the integrity of files easier.

Finally… Dolphin goes mobile! Dolphin now includes a mobile-optimized interface for Plasma Mobile. After the addition of a selection mode and improvements to touchscreen-compatibility, Dolphin works surprisingly well on phones! That said, more work is still needed and planned over time to more closely align the user interface with typical expectations for mobile apps.

Dolphin's mobile look.

* Many of the accessibility improvements made to Dolphin 24.12 were possible thanks to funding provided by the NGI0 Entrust Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet program.

A less well-known utility, but also very useful, is KCron. UNIX old-timers will recognize this as a frontend for the venerable cron command of yore. For the rest of you, it lets you schedule any kind of jobs to run at any time on your machine.

Once installed, you will find it in System Settings under Session > Task Scheduler. In the new version, KCron's configuration page was ported to QML and given a fancy new look.

KCron simplifies programming scheduled tasks.

KDE Connect is our popular app for connecting your desktop with your phone and, indeed, all your other devices. It allows you to share files, clipboards, and resources, as well as providing a remote control for media players, input devices, and presentations.

Great news: Bluetooth support for KDE Connect now works! Plus KDE Connect starts up much faster on macOS, dropping from 3s to 100ms!

In the looks department, the list of devices you can connect to now shows the connected and remembered devices separately, and the list of plugins can be filtered and comes with icons.

KDE Connect presents devices in a much more orderly fashion now.

If you need to access a remote desktop from your computer, you can start KRDC by opening a .rdp file containing the RDP connection configuration. KRDC now works much better on Wayland too.


The biggest change to your KDE travel assistant is how it handles concert, train, bus, and flight tickets, as well as hotel reservations. Itinerary now groups entries into individual trips, with each of them having their own timeline.

Itinerary suggests an appropriate existing trip when importing a new ticket, and displays some statistics about your trip, like the CO2 emissions, the distance traveled, and the costs (if available). Whole trips can also be exported directly and displayed on a map.

Itinerary shows you details of your trip.

Itinerary can display your trips on a map.

Itinerary can now handle geo:// URLs by opening the "Plan Trip" page with a pre-selected arrival location. This is supported both on Android and Linux.

Itinerary now supports search for places (e.g. street names) in addition to stops, and can show the date of the connection when searching for a public transport connection.

New services supported by Itinerary include:

  • GoOut tickets (an event platform in Poland, Czechia and Slovakia)
  • The Luma and Dimedis Fairmate event ticket sale systems
  • Colosseum Ticket in Rome
  • Droplabs, a Polish online ticket sale system
  • The Leo Express train booking platform
  • Google Maps links
  • European Sleeper seat reservations in French
  • Thai state railway tickets
  • VietJet Air
  • planway.com
  • Koleo
  • Reisnordland ferries
  • Reservix

…And more.

Kongress is an app which helps you navigate conferences and events.

The newest version will display more information in the event list. This includes whether the event is in your bookmarked events and the locations within the event (e.g. the rooms).

Marble is a virtual globe and world atlas. It has recently been ported to Qt6 and its very old Kirigami looks were largely rewritten and modernized.

Mapy Marble
Information about places
Routing in Marble Maps
Routing in Marble Maps

Marble Behaim — a special version of Marble that lets you explore the oldest globe representation of the Earth known to exist — now also works.


Tokodon is your gateway into the Fediverse.

Developers of KDE's desktop and phone app have worked hard to improve your experience when accessing Mastodon for the first time. We have redesigned the welcome page, and, more importantly, Tokodon now fetches a list of public servers to simplify the registration process.

We have also focused on safety, so now you can forcibly remove users from your followers list. A safety page has been added to the Tokodon settings to manage the list of muted and blocked users.

So you can travel further through the Fediverse, Tokodon has improved the support for alternative server implementations, such as GoToSocial, Iceshrimp.NET, and Pixelfed. Tokodon has also added "News" and "Users" tabs to the Explore page.

Tokodon guides you in your exploration of Mastodon.

We also added a new "Following" feed, to quickly page through your follows and their feeds. It's now easier to start private conversations or mention users right from their profile page.

Converse with your followers using private messages.

Tokodon now supports quoting posts, and when you are writing a post, your user info is on display, which is useful if you post from multiple accounts. Right clicking on a link on a post will show a context menu allowing users to copy or share the URL directly.

Finally, a proper grid view for the media tab has been added in the profile page.

Examine the media you posted in a grid.

NeoChat gives you a convenient way to interact with users on the Matrix chat network.

As your trust and safety are important when talking with strangers, you now have the option to block images and videos by default, and we implemented a Matrix Spec that redirects searches for harmful and potentially illegal content to a support message.

Besides that, when replying to users you ignored, your message will not be shown, avoiding accidentally interacting with disagreeable people. We have also improved the Security settings page to be more relevant and useful to normal users.

NeoChat's looks and usability have also improved and include a nicer emoji picker, more room list sorting options, a more complete message context menu, and better-looking polls.

NeoChat's improved emoji selector.


Instead of big features, devs have concentrated on the small things this time around, aiming to improve the overall experience. For example, Kate now starts up faster and gives visual cues of the Git status ("modified" or "staged") within the Project tree.

The order of the tabs is correctly remembered when restoring a previous session, and the options of the LSP Servers are more easily discoverable as they are no longer only available via a context menu, but also within a menu button at the top.

Kate's inline code formatting tooltips have been improved and can now also be displayed in a special context tool view, plus plugins now work on Windows, and have been expanded to include an out-of-the-box support for Flutter debugging.

The Quick Open tool lets you search and browse the projects open in the current session, and a Reopen latest closed documents option has been added to the tab context menu.

And all this too…

  • Francis, the app that helps you plan your work sessions and avoid fatigue, lets you skip the current phase of work or break time in its new version.
  • Konqueror, our venerable file explorer/web browser, comes with improved auto-filling of login information.
  • The Elisa music player supports loading lyrics from .lrc files sitting alongside the song files.
  • Falkon comes with a context menu for Greasemonkey. Greasemonkey lets you run little scripts that make on-the-fly changes to web page content.
  • The Alligator RSS feed reader offers bookmarks for your favorite posts.
  • Telly Skout, one of the newcomer apps for scheduling your TV viewing, comes with a redesigned display that lists your favorite TV channels and the TV shows that are currently airing.

Telly Skout lets you schedule your TV viewing.

Kompletní seznam změn je zde

Kde získat Aplikace KDE

Ačkoliv plně podporujeme distribuce, které dodávají náš software, aplikace KDE Gear 24.12 budou zanedlouho dostupné také na těchto linuxových aplikačních obchodech:


Pokud byste nám chtěli pomoci dostat více aplikací KDE do aplikačních obchodů, rozšířit podporu více aplikačních obchodů nebo lépe tyto aplikace zaintegrovat do našich vývojových procesů, pojďte nás pozdravit v našem chatovacím kanálu All About the Apps.

Ber na vědomí, že balíčky v tomto vydání nemusí být v čase tohoto oznámení dostupné na všech distribucích. Stránka wiki pro stažení balíčků

Kompilace KDE Gear

Kompletní zdrojový kód pro KDE Gear 24.12.0 lze zdarma stáhnout. Instrukce jak jej zkompilovat a nainstalovat jsou dostupné na informační stránce KDE Gear 24.12.0.

O prostředí KDE

KDE je mezinárodní technologický tým, který tvoří svobodný a open source software pro stolní i přenosné počítače. Mezi produkty KDE jsou: moderní systém pracovní plochy pro Linuxové a UNIXové platformy, ucelené kancelářské sady pro produktivitu a spolupráci, stovky softwarových titulů v mnoha kategoriích včetně aplikací pro internet, multimédia, zábavu, vzdělávání, grafiku a vývoj softwaru. Software KDE je přeložen do více než 60 jazyků a je sestavován pro snadné použití a s myšlenkou na moderní principy přístupnosti. Plně vybavené aplikace KDE je možné spouštět na Linuxu, BSD, Windows, Haiku i macOSu.

Poznámky k ochranné známce.

KDE® a K Desktop Environment® logo jsou registrované obchodní známky KDE e.V.
Linux je registrovaná obchodní známka Linuse Torvaldse. UNIX je registrovaná obchodní známka The Open Group ve Spojených státech amerických a dalších zemích.
Všechny další obchodní známky a autorská práva odkazované v tomto oznámení jsou majetkem jejich odpovídajících vlastníků.

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