تخط المحتوى

كِيدِي للنشطاء

Fight the Power Using KDE Applications.

Developed by humans, for humans

KDE e.V. is a German non-profit foundation, and our software is primarily developed by volunteers from all over the world. Unlike our competitors, we don't seek to make money, but instead seek to make the world a better place. We envision a world where monopolistic corporations and repressive governments don't have too much power over our digital lives. We actually care about data privacy and digital well-being, and we fight for them.

كيدي ايكو

تدعم كيدي برامج FEEP وBE4FOSS لمساعدة المجتمعات الحرة والمفتوحة المصدر على إنتاج برامج أكثر صداقة للبيئة. توفر المشاريع للمجتمعات الإرشادات والدعم لتحسين البرامج لتكون أكثر كفاءة في استخدام الطاقة وتتمتع بعمر افتراضي أطول.

تعرف على المزيد

حصل أوكلار على علامة Blue Angel Ecolabel

في عام 2022، أصبح قارئ بي دي اف متعدد المنصات الشهير وعارض المستندات الشامل أوكلار من كيدي أول برنامج كمبيوتر معتمد بيئيًا من Blue Angel على الإطلاق! Blue Angel هو الإصدار الألماني من علامة Energy Star الأمريكية.

تعرف على المزيد

تعمية بين الطرفيات

Everyone has a right to privacy, but for activists, ensuring the privacy and security of communication can become a matter of life and death.

Keep your emails private with KMail

KDE's email client KMail provides world-class GnuPG integration, which makes it easy to encrypt your emails. GnuPG is a global standard which was for example used by Edward Snowden to communicate with journalists.

KDE also offers Kleopatra, an approachable app to manage multiple cryptographic certificates.

Keep your messages private with NeoChat

For real-time end-to-end encrypted communication, KDE has developed NeoChat, a client for the decentralized and secure messaging protocol: Matrix. It's secure and contains many features that make talking with your community a breeze, including support for multiple accounts, stickers, emoji reactions, and more.

The application is available on Linux and Windows.

Keep your files private with Plasma Vault

Plasma Vault lets you add another layer of security by storing files and folders in a super-secure encrypted container. Plasma Vault can optionally disable WiFi and Bluetooth when unlocked, providing extra protection on an untrusted network.

Plasma Vault can also be used on top of full disk encryption for even more security.


Privacy is one of our core values at KDE. We don't track you, we don't collect any data about you or your behavior, we don't show you personalized ads (or ads at all), we don't throw cookies at you, and we don't sell any data to third parties.

As a general rule, software produced by the KDE Community does not transmit or otherwise transfer information from end-users devices except as a result of an explicit user action. Examples of this would include visiting webpages, sending emails, and downloading new content (such as desktop wallpapers).

Some pieces of KDE software may include telemetry components, which provide details to KDE about the device it's running on. Where this functionality exists, it is always operated on an opt-in basis and disabled by default, with the ability to change your preferences at any time and inspect the data it sends.

بياناتك معك

زامن أجهزتك مع KDE Connect باستخدام شبكتك المحلية بدلاً من تخزين بياناتك على السحابة، مما يستهلك الكثير من الطاقة ويعرض بياناتك الخاصة لمزود السحابة.

KDE Connect on Android showing some features "send files", "multimedia control", "send clipboard"
There is no cloud, just other people's computers

بدلاً من ذلك، يمكنك الاطلاع على نكست كلاود الذي يتيح لك إنشاء سحابتك الخاصة على خادم شخصي خاص، مما يضمن عدم خروج بياناتك من عهدتك أبدًا. تتكامل العديد من برامج كيدي مع نكست كلاود.

انشر الكلمة مع توكودون

توكودون هو عميل لـ ماستودون، وهي شبكة اجتماعية ليست للبيع ولا يسيطر عليها مليارديرات متقلبون لديهم غرور مبالغ فيه.

Tokodon supports most of Mastodon's features, as well as multiple accounts so you can manage your group and personal lives in one app.

Tokodon is also compatible with other fediverse servers like Pixelfed, GoToSocial, Akkoma and more.