- KCM Devices: Use i18n for the created network name. Commit.
- KCM: Remove KDE from "Enable Bluetooth integration" label. Commit.
- Sendfile: Remove contents margins of KFileWidget. Commit. Fixes bug #343827
- Fix build on Qt4. Commit.
- Use the "selected" state for icons in menu items. Commit. Code review #127876
- Kstyle/breeze.h - pedantic. Commit.
- [kdecoration] Give a proper name to the Breeze window decoration. Commit.
- Add BREEZE_STYLE_NAME to BreezeConfig.cmake. Commit.
- REVIEW:127575 Plasma 5.7 wallpaper. Commit. Code review #127575 Plasma 5.7 wallpaper
- Create a BreezeConfig.cmake. Commit.
- Create animation "on demand", that is, when there is at least one animated progressbar. Commit. See bug #356940
- Use default destructor. Commit.
- Add print test page by Jens. Commit.
- [kstyle] Only create Wayland shadows for top-level widgets. Commit.
- Add arcconfig. Commit.
- Removed warning about unused variable when wayland is not found. Commit.
- For buttons that have neither icon nor text, assume custom button and use provided. Commit. Fixes bug #360061
- [kstyle] Fix build on Qt 4. Commit.
- Implement window shadows on Wayland. Commit. Code review #127352
- Also install the assets folder. Commit.
- Properly install GTK+ theme depending on version. Commit.
- Update for GTK 3.20. Commit.
- Fix installation of breeze-dark. Commit. Code review #127465
- Allow overriding common values with cmake. Commit.
- Change spinner from static images to in-cpu rotation. Commit.
- Add arcconfig. Commit.
- Switch from kde logo to plasma logo. Commit.
- Get rid of the Advanced menu. Commit. Fixes bug #363795. Fixes bug #364627
- Make sure the list of updateable packages is updated when the state changes. Commit. Fixes bug #363028
- Use the correct stream to make sure we've read everything. Commit.
- Fix name of translation catalog. Commit. Code review #D1824
- CMake scripts cleanup. Commit.
- --debug. Commit.
- Never expect PackageKit to offer an acceptable screenshot. Commit.
- Bump frameworks version. Commit.
- Better value, at least won't hang. Commit.
- React to errors in KNS. Commit.
- Move Attica::Provider code to KNSReviews. Commit.
- Drop Attica parallel fetching in KNSBackend. Commit.
- Also use the mimetypes for searches. Commit. Fixes bug #363715
- Properly expose enums for introspection. Commit.
- Don't show the stars if there's a null rating. Commit. Fixes bug #363611
- Don't discard includePackagesToAdd call if there's packages to delete. Commit.
- Don't let resources be installed until their state is valid. Commit. See bug #363785
- Minimize refreshes in the frontend. Commit.
- Remove commented code. Commit.
- PackageKit addons are also addons. Commit.
- Split the addons from the rest of categories in the CategoryView. Commit.
- Use static as static. Commit.
- Ask the resources model whether a resource actually being extended. Commit.
- Get back to just loading the packages we're interested in. Commit.
- Remove packages from the actual package list only when fetching. Commit.
- Symetrical resource allocation. Commit.
- Delay deletes, prevent crashes. Commit.
- Load cached ratings, at start. Commit.
- Const &. Commit.
- Remove signal from being public API. Commit.
- Fix compile with gcc <= 4.8. Commit.
- Fix build for marco. Commit.
- Make the packagekit backend refresh only if there's changes. Commit.
- Lessen allDataChanged impact by allowing passing the changing roles. Commit.
- Fix build on QApt backend. Commit.
- Don't initialize too early. Commit.
- Less noisy test output. Commit.
- Show a message if the opened resource wasn't found and get to the initial view. Commit. Fixes bug #363434
- Introduce JustMessageAction. Commit.
- React to remotely executed sessions. Commit. Fixes bug #363433
- Test going up from explicitly loaded resource. Commit. See bug #363432
- Improve knsbackendtest. Commit.
- Remove unused methods. Commit.
- Drop unused public API. Commit.
- Settle shared resources in KNSBackend. Commit.
- Dismiss failed backends. Commit.
- Prevent 2x look-up. Commit.
- Fix debug info. Commit.
- Simplify how the attica manager is set up. Commit.
- Share independent value for all delegates. Commit.
- Make sure we don't request changelogs for an up to date system. Commit.
- Fix binding loop. Commit.
- Request all changelogs in the same API call. Commit. Fixes bug #362848
- Fix how updateable packages are counted. Commit.
- Properly fetch Appstream screenshots. Commit.
- Make test more flexible. Commit.
- Don't assert that the appstream db is present. Commit. Fixes bug #363168
- Update cancelable property upon change. Commit.
- Use cached value. Commit.
- Remove unused interfaces. Commit.
- Remove unused method. Commit.
- Report changed resource states to the model. Commit.
- Remove unused method. Commit.
- Properly test resource installation and cancel. Commit.
- Fix test. Commit.
- Make sense out of transaction cancelation. Commit.
- Remove the Akabei backend. Commit.
- [Updater] Remove custom compactRepresentation and provide toolTipSubText. Commit.
- Use more elegant API. Commit.
- Don't allocate a new buffer for every line. Commit.
- Let a backend update its assets without having to refresh all of it. Commit.
- Create a proper method for printing error messages. Commit.
- Reduce refresh. Commit.
- Improve PaginateModelTest. Commit.
- Fix build, prefer Qt math function. Commit.
- Reduce calls to allDataChanged. Commit.
- Don't check for available languages every time right at boot. Commit.
- Predict container size. Commit.
- Every time we stop fetching, sync m_packages and m_updatingPackages. Commit.
- Add a warning in case it's running as root. Commit.
- Only fetch the packages we actually need for PackageKit. Commit.
- Move Sources page into QML. Commit.
- Verbose on failure, proper mode name mangling. Commit.
- Readability. Commit.
- Fix warning. Commit.
- Make test more verbose. Commit.
- Readability. Commit.
- Simplify. Commit.
- Add missing file. Commit.
- Add tests. Commit.
- Only check modes after initializing the view. Commit.
- Make tests execution slightly faster by excluding transitions. Commit.
- Introduce new KNS categories for translation. Commit.
- Add test. Commit.
- Clean. Commit.
- Fix error. Commit.
- Fix assertion. Commit.
- Rename file. Commit.
- Don't right-align button. Commit.
- Rename the codesnippets file. Commit.
- Comment. Commit.
- First approach to UI for KNS addons for an application. Commit.
- Properly implement extends for KNS. Commit.
- Introduce Kate Snippets as an example of application addons. Commit.
- Let resources specify which appstreamId they're extending. Commit.
- Expose the appstreamId of a resource. Commit.
- Revert "Wait to initialize categories properly". Commit.
- Prefer the last provider, just in case we overrided the default one. Commit.
- If there's no categories, we won't e fetching anything. Commit.
- Wait to initialize categories properly. Commit.
- Increase debug information for kns backends that don't load. Commit.
- Add needed file. Commit.
- Mark as const where possible. Commit.
- Readability. Commit.
- Fix test. Commit.
- Desktop files aren't translated anymore. Commit.
- Reduce the amount of elements in the DummyBackend. Commit.
- Add information about the current test. Commit.
- Disable test that isn't passing on the CI. Commit.
- Keep the debug macro, in case we need to get it through the qml profiler. Commit.
- Fix how KNS ratings are constructed. Commit.
- Remove unexisting variable usage. Commit.
- Fix usage of Helpers in ReviewsPage. Commit.
- Prefer using pointSize to pixelSize. Commit.
- Reduce usage of some weirdly bad API. Commit.
- Don't let ApplicationDetails overflow too much. Commit.
- Show a nice error message when appstream isn't installed. Commit. Fixes bug #361801
- Simplify code. Commit.
- Don't move files while building. Commit. Fixes bug #361983
- Remove deprecated approach. Commit.
- Ensure ratings have the right values. Commit.
- Small qml optimizations. Commit.
- Consistency between desktop and mobile version. Commit.
- Implement PackageKit repositories as PackageKitBackend sources. Commit. Fixes bug #361921
- Remove unused method. Commit.
- Expose change roles. Commit.
- Test more things. Commit.
- Make test more flexible. Commit.
- Make sure the mode is correctly set. Commit.
- Introduce the full amount of selected updates. Commit.
- Flatten the UpdateModel. Commit.
- Remove unused signal. Commit.
- Account for components having no package as installation candidate. Commit.
- Correctly report that the ratings have arrived for PK. Commit.
- Invalidate model when filter or sorting changes. Commit.
- Expose the rating count on the ResourcesModel. Commit.
- Don't crash if the icon is faulty somehow. Commit.
- Simplify the overlay creation code. Commit.
- Enable test mode when testing. Commit.
- Let tests run a bit faster. Commit.
- Don't commit debug information. Commit.
- Don't try to extract value that might not exist. Commit.
- Add a test for search. Commit.
- Improve test infrastructure. Commit.
- Fix property name. Commit.
- Remove unused method. Commit.
- ++const. Commit.
- Prefer positive semantics. Commit.
- Remove unneeded constructor. Commit.
- ++coherent naming. Commit.
- ++const. Commit.
- Mark as fetching when updates are being downloaded. Commit. Fixes bug #361758
- Prefer using the MessageActionsModel than the ResourcesModel property. Commit.
- Remove unused method. Commit.
- Forward the keyboard shortcut through the ActionBridge. Commit.
- Remove unnecessary refreshes. Commit.
- Remove unused backend. Commit.
- Filter parent category as well. Commit.
- Make sure kns files are generated. Commit.
- Remove the plugin name. Commit.
- Fix check. Commit.
- Fix warnings. Commit.
- Add debug information to figure out when PackageKit reports an update as done. Commit. See bug #361711
- Assume exporter is not fit to install for now. Commit. Fixes bug #361712
- Adopt icons that match better our semantics. Commit.
- Leverage StackView for creating pages. Commit.
- Fix qml warning. Commit.
- I18n fixes. Commit.
- Fix compilation. Commit.
- Remove unneeded compiler flag. Commit.
- Use Kirigami procedures to build the menu. Commit.
- Use Kirigami as it's what is under development. Commit.
- Test the PopConParser. Commit.
- Make some constructors explicit. Commit.
- Remove unused method. Commit.
- Prefer QVector to QList for Categories. Commit.
- Add a test for categories. Commit.
- Remove unused code. Commit.
- Increase PaginateModel testing facilities. Commit.
- Adapt IconColorsTest for the CI. Commit.
- Don't proceed with the test if the icon is missing. Commit.
- Mark autotests as such. Commit.
- Fix stuff uncovered by the test. Commit.
- More tests. Commit.
- Move modeltest somewhere more easy to predict it's being shared. Commit.
- Deprecate useless logic in the ResourcesProxyModel. Commit.
- Enable model test for the UpdateDummyTest. Commit.
- Remove updater-specific code in UpdateModel. Commit.
- Make test cross-locale. Commit.
- Show the changelog into the updates page. Commit.
- Provide the changelog in the UpdatesModel. Commit.
- Add const where possible. Commit.
- Consistent ratings for dummy. Commit.
- Remove unneeded steps. Commit.
- Remove Updater. Commit.
- Fix crash. Commit.
- Put Plasma addons into a specific category. Commit.
- Name kns plugins after its resource. Commit.
- Generate kns plugin files with knsintegrate. Commit.
- Remove unused information in backend files. Commit.
- Provide an appstream file for Discover. Commit.
- Remove unused argument. Commit.
- Properly use remove_if. Commit.
- Restore feature. Commit.
- Move the UI window into a QQC ApplicationWindow. Commit.
- Address the CI, once more. Commit.
- Move actualWidth and isCompact properties into QML. Commit.
- Make it possible to test warnings. Commit.
- Comment test, CI doesn't have icons. Commit.
- Make sure we sort resources lists as the backend intended. Commit.
- Reduce code duplication. Commit.
- Test more. Commit.
- Remove unused method. Commit.
- Desperate attempt to fix the test on jenkins. Commit.
- Also check that the ResourcesModel is up to date. Commit.
- Make sure Plasma Desktop Widgets categories are being merged properly. Commit. Fixes bug #360672
- Make libDiscoverNotifiers private too. Commit.
- Make libdiscover a private library. Commit.
- Disable session management for kactivitymanagerd. Commit.
- KAMD is not a framework, removing metainfo.yaml. Commit.
- Update metainfo.yaml for new kapidox version. Commit.
- Common/database/Database.cpp - pedantic. Commit.
- Removing the failed attempt to bypass the QtSQL bug. Commit.
- Do only the minimum to make service watching work. Commit.
- Remove code for Qt < 5.3 because 5.3 is required. Commit.
- Updated TODOs. Commit.
- Making it compile with gcc 6.0.0 unreleased version. Commit.
- Enable debug output from kdirwatch, to debug the test more easily when it fails. Commit.
- Disallow ptrace on kdesu on FreeBSD. Commit.
- Simplify makeURL using Qt 5.4's QUrl::fromUserInput(). Fix clang warnings. Commit.
- Fix wrong usage of KDE brand in kcmshell. Commit. Code review #127349
- KCMshell window has no reason to be modal. Commit. Code review #127333
- Xdg-mime parses ktraderclient5's output! So revert to outputting all props by default, and make --short output just paths. Commit.
- Use consistent icon for GHNS in gtk config. Commit.
- Copying colors from color picker history works as expected now. Commit. Fixes bug #364925
- Change the output field of the calculator. Commit. Code review #128131
- Weather applet opacity should be 0.6 instead of 0.5. Commit.
- Update weather applet ui. Commit. Code review #128108
- Optimize konsole scaling fix bug 360988. Commit. Code review #128178. Fixes bug #360988
- [Weather] rename i18n data file. Commit.
- [Weather] Better localization for wind direction, windchill and values. Commit.
- Fix build against latest plasma-workspace. Commit.
- Added keyboard shortcuts to Sticky Notes. Commit.
- [Converter Runner] Fix indentation. Commit.
- Add missing #include . Commit.
- Don't include invalid conversions in result. Commit.
- Port to new Plasma::Applet::busy API. Commit.
- [Weather] use DataEngineConsumer instead of own dataengine object juggling. Commit.
- [libplasmaweather] do not leak symbols of nested Private class. Commit.
- [Weather] more brush-up to API dox of applet classes. Commit.
- [libplasmaweather] no casting from/to ascii. Commit.
- Add i18nc. Commit.
- [Weather] move calculation of tooltip and icon to QML. Commit.
- [Weather] improve some property names. Commit.
- [Weather] move current day temp range string calculation to QML. Commit.
- [Weather] brush over the code a little. Commit.
- [libplasmaweather] More const with methods. Commit.
- [Weather] Remove unneeded includes. Commit.
- Merge labels into button and add elipses as per HIG. Commit.
- [Show Desktop applet] Reflect showing desktop state in icon. Commit.
- [Show Desktop applet] Add "Minimize All Windows" action to context menu. Commit. Fixes bug #354257
- [Show Desktop applet] Cleanup. Commit.
- [Activity Pager] Fix wording of "selecting current desktop". Commit. See bug #360274
- Add .arcconfig. Commit.
- Explicitly set HAVE_XTEST in CMakeLists.txt, fixing mouse button faking in KHotkeys. Commit.
- Right align the distribution logo. Commit.
- [Energy Information] Hide section headers of empty sections. Commit.
- [Energy Information] Locale-format numbers. Commit.
- [Energy Information] Move Capacity down in the list. Commit.
- [Energy Information] Display energyRate in details. Commit.
- Implement style guide by using brackets around if/else statements. Commit.
- Add a label for distro release variant. Commit.
- Now you can set version too. Commit.
- Allow distro version number to be overridden in config file. Commit.
- Add .arcconfig. Commit.
- Update date+releaseinfo to lates change (removal of scsi). Commit.
- Display System Memory on FreeBSD too. Commit.
- Remove all remaining bits of SCSI module. Commit.
- Remove higher-level SCSI references. Commit.
- Remove scsi module desktop file. Commit.
- Fix more icons. Commit.
- Fix icons of categories. Commit.
- Remove K_EXPORT_PLUGIN macro. Commit.
- Fix incorrect usage of KDE brand. Commit.
- Fix incorrect usage of KDE brand. Commit.
- Use non-deprecated API for the window icon. Commit.
- Two small layout improvements in energy module. Commit.
- Rename to Info Center. Commit.
- Fix build. Commit.
- [KMenuEdit] Remove ksystraycmd stuff. Commit. Fixes bug #349242
- Fix build when KHotKeysDBusInterface is disabled/missing. Commit.
- Also write out the font DPI to the font config. Commit.
- Write out scaling in QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS format. Commit.
- Use QObject's parent to memory-manage the timers. Commit.
- Address race condition around setoperation. Commit. See bug #346961. See bug #358011
- Add .arcconfig. Commit.
- Make the serializer a bit more robust. Commit.
- Ix crasher in kscreen kded daemon. Commit. Fixes bug #362586
- Fix the building of tests in parallel. Commit.
- Add some tests for corrupt configs. Commit.
- Fix typo in README. Commit.
- Fix generator autotest. Commit.
- Move README.pam from plasma-workspace and update it a little bit. Commit.
- Port spinbox to KPluralHandlingSpinBox. Commit.
- Workaround problems with Qt::QueuedConnection. Commit. Fixes bug #361008. Fixes bug #361007
- [greeter] Add nullptr check. Commit.
- Add auto test for grace time. Commit.
- Add autotest to verify that screen starts to lock on idle timeout. Commit.
- Find loginctl as runtime dependency. Commit.
- Disallow ptrace on greeter and kcheckpass process on FreeBSD. Commit.
- Change the way SUID bits are managed. Commit. Code review #127341
- Fix path of kcheckpass when passing it to chown. Commit.
- Remove .desktop file, it is unused and unhelpful as the app is called. Commit. Code review #127828
- Include the Slab value in the Cached value. Commit.
- Add comment to desktop file. Commit. Fixes bug #351964
- Clean up includes in ksysguard.cpp and .h. Commit.
- Remove KDELibs4Support dependency. Commit.
- Remove usage of KIO::NetAccess. Commit.
- Port KDoubleNumInput->QDoubleSpinBox and KIntSpinBox->QSpinBox. Commit.
- Remove obsolete include of klineedit.h in .ui file. Commit.
- Add dependency on KIOWidgets since we use e.g. KUrlRequester. Commit.
- Add dependency on KF5Notifications since we use KNotification. Commit.
- Port from KDoubleValidator to QDoubleValidator. Commit.
- Remove two obsolete includes for KStandardDirs. Commit.
- Port from KApplication to QApplication. Commit.
- Port KLocale->QLocale and KStandardDirs->QStandardPaths. Commit.
- Port KUrl->QUrl and KFileDialog->QFileDialog. Commit.
- Port from KDialog to QDialog. Commit.
- Port from KDebug to QDebug. Commit.
- Port from KLineEdit to QLineEdit. Commit.
- Proofread ksysguard docbook for kf5. Commit. Code review #124495
- [kwindowsystem] Remove unused include. Commit.
- Update KF5 dependency to 5.23. Commit.
- [windowsystem] Implement (un)minimizeWindow through KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow. Commit.
- [windowsystem] Only log warning messages by default. Commit.
- Add a test case for KIdleTime. Commit.
- On Wayland never try to create a WindowPixmap from an X11 pixmap. Commit.
- Paint the software cursor directly in SceneQPainter. Commit.
- Render cursor in multi-screen setup in QPainter Compositor. Commit.
- [platforms/drm] If mapping a DrmBuffer for a cursor fails, fallback to software cursor. Commit. Fixes bug #364740
- [platforms] Call setSoftWareCursor in init instead of ctor. Commit. Fixes bug #356328
- Properly clip the damage region and windows in SceneQPainter. Commit. See bug #356328
- Stop composite timer when Workspace gets destroyed. Commit.
- Properly trigger repaint for sofware cursor. Commit. See bug #356328
- Update Keyboard focus when the Surface of the active client changes. Commit.
- Install a signal handler for SIGABRT and SIGSEGV for kwin_wayland. Commit.
- Revert "Remove saving and loading (and client matching by) WM_COMMAND.". Commit. See bug #362671
- Don't crash if a decoration doesn't get created. Commit.
- Verify that windowPixmap<>() does not return a nullptr before accessing the children. Commit.
- Drop not needed include to sys/sysmacros.h from logind.cpp. Commit.
- Do not activate on-screen-display windows. Commit.
- Cache the caption of ShellSurface in ShellClient. Commit.
- [Effects] QDBusAbstractInterface needs valid object path. Commit.
- Handle ShellClient::windowShown in Workspace. Commit.
- Fix the ignore struts multi-screen handling. Commit. Fixes bug #363804
- Set internal ClientConnection to null after destroying it. Commit.
- [platforms/drm] Apply new global position on DrmOutput for a changeset. Commit.
- Move the loadTexture for X11 pixmap functionality to the EglOnXBackend. Commit.
- Properly call Toplevel::setSurface for wl_surface_id X11 client message event. Commit.
- Update window geometry when creating the decoration in ShellClient. Commit.
- Introduce a RequestGeometryBlocker in ShellClient. Commit.
- Request the resize of ShellSurface after Decoration updated the borders when maximizing. Commit.
- Ensure that WaylandServer::shellClientAdded only gets emitted once. Commit.
- SceneXRender::Window uses a static XRenderPicture which it didn't clean up. Commit. See bug #363251
- [libkwinxrenderutils] Clean up static blend picture before going down. Commit. See bug #363251
- UpdateClientArea from ShellClient::doSetGeometry if the ShellClient has a strut. Commit.
- Fix the strut handling for wayland clients. Commit. See bug #167852
- [drm] correctly initialize the second cursor. Commit.
- Emit the maximizedChanged and friends signals in ShellClient like in Client. Commit.
- Pass the maximized signal to DecoratedClient. Commit.
- Require Frameworks 5.23. Commit.
- Fix calculation of the shadow size in the OpenGL compositor. Commit.
- Verify that the Shadow has a valid size before trying to create it. Commit.
- [autotest/wayland] Add a test case for maximize windows. Commit.
- [autotests] Skip PlasmaWindowTest::testLockScreenNoPlasmaWindow on build.kde.org. Commit.
- Call destroyWindowManagementInterface from ShellClient::destroyClient. Commit.
- Set ShellClient on all desktop depending on Plasma Surface role. Commit.
- Don't setup PlasmaWindowManagement integration for lock screen windows. Commit.
- Restrict when to expose a ShellClient to PlasmaWindowManagement. Commit.
- Integrated FakeInput touch events into InputRedirection. Commit.
- [autotest/wayland] Force kscreenlocker_greet to QMLSCENE_DEVICE softwarecontext. Commit.
- [autotests/wayland] Add a test case for PlasmaWindow. Commit.
- [libinput] Properly handle threaded Device creation. Commit.
- [libinput] A not valid LibInput::Context should return -1 as filedescriptor. Commit.
- [autotest/libinput] Add a basic test for Context. Commit.
- [plugins/qpa] Handle case that qtvirtualkeyboard plugin is not available more gracefully. Commit.
- Fix broken build. Commit.
- Integrate QtVirtualKeyboard into KWin/Wayland. Commit.
- [autotests] Correct the expected values from 1a23ab7cf05ecf44cb105db43ebbd5db515d31ee. Commit.
- [autotest] Add test case exposing problem of bug 363804. Commit. See bug #363804
- [platforms/virtual] Support setting random screen geometries. Commit.
- [autotest/libinput] Verify that Event::create can handle a null argument. Commit.
- [autotest/libinput] Add a mocked test for Libinput::TouchEvent. Commit.
- [autotest/libinput] Add a mocked test for Libinput::PointerEvent. Commit.
- [autotests/libinput] Add include_directories for libinput. Commit.
- [autotest/libinput] Add a mocked test for Libinput::KeyEvent. Commit.
- [autotests/libinput] Add test case for Device::setEnabled and isEnabled. Commit.
- Trimm the buttonsToString in debug console. Commit.
- Add the Device to the input event summary. Commit.
- Pass LibInput::Device* through the event handlers. Commit.
- [libinput] Add the Device to Event. Commit.
- Revert "Fix build.". Commit.
- Don't look out for libis. Commit.
- [autotests/libinput] Add test case for Device::isAlphaNumericKeyboard. Commit.
- Fix build. Commit.
- [autotest/libinput] Two more test cases for testLeftHanded. Commit.
- [autotest/libinput] Add test case for the supported pointer buttons. Commit.
- Fix auto-complete failure. Commit.
- [platforms/drm] Only show cursor if a pointer device is available. Commit.
- Bind seat hasKeyboard capability to alphanumeric keyboard availability. Commit.
- [libinput] Track all created Devices in Device. Commit.
- [libinput] Expose whether an alpha-numeric keyboard is connected. Commit.
- [autotests/libinput] Use GUILESS_MAIN in TestLibinputDevice. Commit.
- Support touch events on KWin internal windows. Commit.
- [autotests/wayland] Try to make PointerInputTest::testMouseActionActiveWindow more robust. Commit.
- Destroy decoration when DecorationBridge is destroyed. Commit.
- [decorations] Don't recreate Renderer once the Compositor is destroyed. Commit.
- Destroy ShellClient when the SurfaceInterface gets destroyed. Commit.
- [autotest] Add a test case for KWin::LibInput::Device. Commit.
- Don't update decoration when ServerSideDecoration gets destroyed and ShellClient is unmapped. Commit.
- Fix X-DocPath in kcmkwineffects.desktop. Commit. Code review #127907
- Move the OpenGL unsafe check into the Platform. Commit.
- If glx is not available try to create egl backend. Commit.
- Destroy static Client helper window before application goes down. Commit.
- Make Toplevel::window() no longer virtual and introduce ::windowId(). Commit.
- Provide functionality of CompositingPrefs through Platform. Commit.
- Move requiresCompositing from Application to Platform. Commit.
- Support touch events in DecorationEventFilter. Commit.
- [plugins/qpa] Add support for QT_WAYLAND_FORCE_DPI env variable. Commit.
- Bind sending frameRendered to whether we have a Wayland Server not to operation mode. Commit.
- Don't reset InputDevicesModel when devices change. Commit.
- Add docbook for kwineffects kcm. Commit. Code review #124341
- Do not limit mouse actions to titleBarArea but allow on complete titleBarPosition. Commit. Fixes bug #362860
- Unmap PlasmaWindowInterface instead of deleting directly. Commit.
- [Rules Widget] Change decoration fallback color from "Oxygen" to "Breeze". Commit.
- [libinput] Support toggleTouchpad. Commit.
- [lbinput] Support setting pointer acceleration. Commit.
- [libinput] Support for left-handed pointer. Commit.
- [autotests] Add test case for verifying that (un)shade keeps window geometry. Commit. See bug #362501
- Disallow ptrace on greeter and kwin_wayland process on FreeBSD [... for the future]. Commit.
- Move everything KCrash related from Application to ApplicationX11. Commit.
- Add KRunner and Activity Manager screen edge. Commit. Fixes bug #358627. Fixes bug #245979
- [libinput] Try to fix build on build.kde.org. Commit.
- [libinput] Add a wrapper class Device for a libinput_device. Commit.
- Honor input mask set on internal windows. Commit.
- Add nullptr checks to SurfaceTreeModel. Commit.
- [autotests] Use -displayfd as argument to start Xephyr. Commit.
- Actually create the outputmanagement interface. Commit.
- Don't call xcb_damage_subtract for Wayland windows. Commit.
- Don't depend on operation mode in WindowPixmap. Commit.
- Only create damage_handle for Toplevel's without a Wayland Surface. Commit.
- Only destroy damage_handle if a damage_handle got created. Commit.
- Connect Application::screensCreated to WaylandServer::initOutputs. Commit.
- Make integration with KScreenLocker optional in WaylandServer. Commit.
- Add override to bufferForScreen. Commit.
- [autotest] Remove workaround in ScreenEdgeTest with Qt 5.6.1. Commit.
- Cancel the EffectLoader query on clear. Commit.
- Destroy Workspace after unloading all effects. Commit.
- Conditionally compile tests which depend on XCB_ICCCM. Commit.
- Get the logind session to take over through env variable instead of own PID. Commit.
- [platforms/hwcomposer] Remove integration with VirtualTerminal. Commit.
- [plugins/drm] Drop dependency on VirtualTerminal. Commit.
- Integrate libinput only through Logind instead of relying on VirtualTerminal. Commit.
- Switch virtual teminal through logind seat. Commit.
- Get the Logind seat for our logind session. Commit.
- Fix build with future glibc (major/minor macros). Commit. Code review #127662
- Update kwindecoration docbook to 5.6. Commit. Code review #127653
- Hook up virtual_desktop_changeable state. Commit.
- Hook up movable and resizable states. Commit.
- Create screen edge through the Platform. Commit.
- Add ::window() and ::approachWindow as virtual methods to Edge. Commit.
- Remove the AreaBasedEdge class. Commit.
- ShellClient's m_shellSurface might be null. Commit.
- Move ShellClient initialization code into a dedicated init method. Commit.
- Switch to naming suggested by native speakers. Commit.
- Expose client shade state to kwayland's interface. Commit.
- Warp the cursor pos to the specificed global position in a NET::Move request. Commit.
- Don't check window system when creating SceneQPainter. Commit.
- Don't check for waylandServer() when accessing the platform in Compositor. Commit.
- Move clients/ to plugins/kdecorations/. Commit.
- Move the EglOnXBackend to the x11 platforms. Commit.
- Move glxbackend to x11 standalone plugin. Commit.
- [plugins/platforms/drm] Fix includes. Commit.
- Strut sanity checking: ignore struts which would exclude a complete screen. Commit.
- [plugins/platforms] Dedicated logging category for X11 standalone platform. Commit.
- Add an explicit dependency to Breeze to find decoration plugin. Commit.
- Move XRandrScreens to the x11/standalone plugin. Commit.
- Load and init the KWinX11Platform plugin in main_x11. Commit.
- Add a very basic x11/standalone platform plugin. Commit.
- Move the x11 plugin sources into a x11/windowed directory. Commit.
- Move backends/ to plugins/platforms/. Commit.
- Testing whether m_lastCreatedSettings is not null before calling its method. Commit.
- Checking whether the m_textTexture is not null before dereferencing it. Commit.
- Checking whether m_topLevel is not null before getting its property. Commit.
- Rename abstract_backend.(h|cpp) to platform.(h|cpp). Commit.
- Rename AbstractBackend to Platform. Commit.
- Drop backend() -> AbstractBackend* from WaylandServer. Commit.
- WaylandServer()->backend() replaced by kwinApp()->platform(). Commit.
- Provide the platform() -> AbstractBackend* in KWin::Application. Commit.
- Announce support for subcompositor protocol. Commit. Fixes bug #361403
- Render sub-surfaces in OpenGL compositor. Commit.
- Properly update EGL Texture for sub-surface buffers. Commit.
- Create sub OpenGLWindowPixmap for sub-surfaces. Commit.
- Render child WindowPixmap in SceneQPainter. Commit.
- Use new surface() method in WindowPixmap::updateBuffer. Commit.
- Add a SurfaceInterface *WindowPixmap::surface() const. Commit.
- Add support for SubSurface to WindowPixmap. Commit.
- Make Scene::Window::window() and WindowPixmap::toplevel() const. Commit.
- Consider change in sub-surface tree as a full damage. Commit.
- Fix search keywords between Desktop Effects KCM and Compositing KCM. Commit. Fixes bug #361436
- [autotest] Validate set options in PointerInputTest::testModifierClickUnrestrictedMove. Commit.
- Use a QTabWidget for the different modes in DebugConsole. Commit.
- Use a QTabWidget for the different modes in DebugConsole. Commit.
- Input events mode in debug console. Commit.
- [autotests] Fix heap-use-after-free. Commit.
- Revert "desktop grid: zoom hovered window". Commit.
- Add a surface tree to DebugConsole. Commit.
- Drop xcb-shm usage from QPainterWindowPixmap. Commit.
- Split drm_backend.{h,cpp} into separate files. Commit.
- Add a debugging console to KWin. Commit.
- Adding .arcconfig. Commit.
- Implement a TerminateServerFilter to handle XKB_KEY_Terminate_Server. Commit.
- First part of outputmanagement wayland interface. Commit.
- Use a global static for animation ids. Commit. Code review #127276. Fixes bug #360068. See bug #352254
- Use QVector and QLatin1String, and range-based for. Commit.
- More creative output type detection in xrandr backend. Commit. See bug #364044
- Don't override static cout in lambda. Commit.
- Show information about output type in kscreen-doctor -o. Commit.
- More whitespace and connect improvements in kscreen-doctor. Commit.
- Provide .mailmap file to fix broken locale in git logs. Commit.
- Fix typo in kscreen-doctor --backends. Commit.
- Tighter scope for configReceived lamba. Commit.
- Comment cleanup. Commit.
- Add primary output info to kscreen-doctor -o. Commit. Fixes bug #364091
- Fix crasher on application quit, bump Qt dep to 5.4. Commit.
- [Backend Manager] emitBackendReady() only after fetching the config finishes. Commit. Code review #128074
- -Wpedantic. Commit.
- Validate the config before checking if it can be applied. Commit. See bug #362586
- Warnings--. Commit.
- Be a bit less chatty. Commit.
- [doctor] consider positionalargs when relaying actions. Commit.
- Correct logging categories in autotests. Commit.
- Verify rotation when updating screen size in XRandR backend. Commit. Fixes bug #356228
- Be lenient about physical size in qscreen backend tests. Commit.
- Use the QScreen backend for the inprocess test. Commit.
- Add arcconfig. Commit.
- Allow preferring a specific backend in backendloader. Commit.
- DPMS is only supported on wayland. Commit.
- Remove failing test. Commit.
- Clean up dpms test. Commit.
- Remove screen name test. Commit.
- Small cleanup. Commit.
- Make setting dpms off work. Commit.
- Start internal server for our test. Commit.
- Set output name to model name. Commit.
- Set output name to model name. Commit.
- Fix wayland dpms autotest. Commit.
- Hook up dpms client to the command-line tool. Commit.
- DPSM client class. Commit.
- Use baseName rather than fileName.startsWith. Commit. Code review #127421
- Make sure backends are always sorted. Commit.
- Add new test to build. Commit.
- Make KScreen Doctor a QGuiApp. Commit. Code review #127420
- Add test for dpms interface in server. Commit.
- Add dpms interface in wayland testserver. Commit.
- Create OutputInterfaces in wayland test server. Commit.
- Address more comments. Commit. Code review #127405
- Consider the case where KSCREEN_BACKEND_INPROCESS=false. Commit.
- Backendloader defaults to in-process loading unless x11. Commit.
- Fix crashes. Commit.
- Show inprocess in kscreen-doctor -b. Commit.
- Test backend loading fallback to QScreen. Commit.
- Document fallback. Commit.
- Backendmanager falls back to QScreen backend. Commit.
- New kscreen-doctor --backends. Commit.
- Autotests for new backend loading logic. Commit.
- Refactor the backend loading code. Commit.
- Basic autotest for backendloader. Commit.
- Start to factor out plugin picking logic from backendmanager. Commit.
- Add docs, pass features flag by ref. Commit.
- Autotest for supported features of qscreen backend. Commit.
- Xrandr backends support writing and primary display. Commit.
- Initialize supporteFeatures to None. Commit.
- Mark kwayland backend as writable. Commit.
- Unit tests for kwayland backend's supportedFeatures. Commit.
- Unit tests for config->supportedFeatures() API. Commit.
- Add API for supported features of backends. Commit.
- Warnings--. Commit.
- Fix typo in condition. Commit.
- We need to decide early on which method to use. Commit.
- Revert logic for readability. Commit.
- Set default mode to InProcess for everything not XRandR. Commit.
- Fixup. Commit.
- Pick kwayland backend by default when we're on wayland. Commit.
- Improve help. Commit.
- Clean up cli interface and improve help. Commit.
- Implement mode setting in kscreen-doctor. Commit.
- No need to warn, since we correct for this case. Commit.
- Clean up output a bit. Commit.
- Some cleanups. Commit.
- Exit codes work. Commit.
- Doctor exit with error codes. Commit.
- Application description. Commit.
- Argument parsing. Commit.
- Allow to switch off debugging for kwayland backend. Commit.
- Implement enabling and disabling displays. Commit.
- Colorized output. Commit.
- Basic showOutputs implementation. Commit.
- Command-line options for enable, disable, outputs and json. Commit.
- Port to categorized logging. Commit.
- First bits of kscreen-doctor. Commit.
- Add note how to set the WAYLAND_DISPLAY to test server. Commit.
- [ResultDelegate] Allow manually specifying actions and don't break if used outside the list. Commit.
- Use selected icon color on menu items. Commit. Code review #127898
- Oxygen windeco: Fix use-after-free for pixmap in QCache. Commit. Code review #127837
- [kdecoration] Give a proper name to the Oxygen window decoration. Commit.
- [kstyle] Only create Wayland shadows for top-level widgets. Commit.
- Add .arcconfig. Commit.
- Fixed compilation for kde4. Commit.
- Create animation "on demand", that is, when there is at least one animated progressbar. Commit. See bug #356940
- Removed warning about unused variable when wayland is not found. Commit.
- [kstyle] Fix build with Qt 4. Commit.
- [kstyle] Implement window shadows on Wayland. Commit. Code review #127390
- [Panel Containment] Fix containment size for right-to-left-layout. Commit.
- Adapt to api change. Commit.
- [Smart Launcher Backend] Use KSharedConfig::openConfig. Commit.
- [Panel Config Overlay] Make spacer size handles narrower. Commit. See bug #362417
- Drop outdated comment. Commit.
- Drop legacy Task Manager applets. Commit.
- [Task Manager ToolTipDelegate] Match DesktopEntry for associating window/launcher with player. Commit. Fixes bug #361965
- [FolderModel] Use mostLocalUrl() to properly resolve desktop:/ URLs. Commit. Fixes bug #363991
- --warnings;. Commit.
- Same effect as b9c0aa37294 with less frequent layout calcs. Commit.
- Remove senseless negative margin. Commit. Fixes bug #364539
- Do a layout pass when TasksModel.launcherCount changes. Commit. Fixes bug #364537
- Don't set width and height in a layout. Commit. Fixes bug #360321
- Don't hide tooltip when closing one of a group's windows from it. Commit. Fixes bug #364467
- Add back ungrab-on-delegate before showing context menu. Commit. Fixes bug #364439
- Give the subtext label a minimum size. Commit.
- Fix sizing. Commit.
- Fix tiny logic error. Commit.
- Speed and memory optimizations. Commit.
- Cleanup use of TasksModel data roles. Commit.
- Avoid asking model to create string-serialized icon data where possible. Commit.
- [Kicker] Use KRun::runService instead of new KRun. Commit.
- Different try to fix dependency issue while building in parallel. Commit.
- Expose separate-launchers toggle in config. Commit.
- Fix kicker launching. Commit.
- Fix file to install. Commit.
- Fix file name. Commit.
- Fix install path. Commit.
- Add Appinfo metadata file. Commit.
- Use correct delegate height to size dialog. Commit.
- Expose inline grouping mode. Commit.
- Add string context on translator request. Commit.
- [Task Manager] Allow minimizing/restoring windows/groups by middle clicking. Commit. Fixes bug #345081
- [Panel] Fix warning and don't cause side-effects in binding. Commit.
- [Compact Applet] Hide tooltip when showing contextual actions. Commit.
- [Pager] List minimized windows in the tooltip. Commit. Fixes bug #357545. Code review #127332
- [Pager] Scale borders with dpi. Commit.
- [Pager] Don't offer changing virtual desktops when KCM access is restricted. Commit.
- [Pager] Use KCMShell import in KQuickControlsAddons to open Pager KCM. Commit.
- [Pager] Use a Qt.binding on plasmoid.action rather than a Binding {} which is told the action. Commit.
- [Pager] Use declarative bindings for the color properties. Commit.
- [Panel] Reduce duplicate enabled borders calculation. Commit.
- [Pager] Don't update models when not visible. Commit.
- Kcm_keyboard: Don't require libxcb-xinput. Commit.
- Update mouse kcm docbook to 5.6. Commit. Code review #128070
- [Task Manager] Fix adding launcher. Commit.
- [Task Manager] Don't show "Move To Desktop" menu when there is just one virtual desktop. Commit.
- Fix names for legacy applets; got lost in review revision. Commit.
- Import Task Manager widgets ports to the new library. Commit.
- Rename Task Manager applets out of the way of rewrites. Commit.
- [Desktop Containment] Remove debug elements. Commit.
- Kfontinst: Port away from Kdelibs4Support. Commit.
- Kfontinst: Port to Qt widget classes. Commit.
- Add dependency to kded_keyboard. Commit.
- Fix build. Commit.
- Command is add_dependencies. Commit.
- Fix flaky build. Commit.
- Kfontinst: Port away from kde_file.h. Commit.
- Kfontinst: Port to QMimeDatabase. Commit.
- Kfontinst: Port to QSaveFile. Commit.
- Kfontinst: Port to QFileDialog. Commit.
- Kfontinst: Port away from KIO::NetAccess. Commit.
- Kfontinst: Port to QDebug. Commit.
- Kfontinst: Port to QApplication and QCommandLineParser. Commit.
- Kfontinst: Port to QTemporaryDir. Commit.
- Kfontinst: Port away from KStandardDirs. Commit.
- Kfontinst: Port to QDialog. Commit.
- [kcm/componentchooser] Improve text of tooltip. Commit.
- Change name of translation domain to not clash with kdelibs4. Commit. Code review #127943
- Applications and favorites in Kickoff are now locked when widgets are locked by KIOSK restrictions. Commit.
- Revert "Bump required Frameworks version to 5.23". Commit.
- Bump required Frameworks version to 5.23. Commit.
- [Kickoff/Trash] Offer KCM access only if allowed. Commit.
- Fix Messages.sh, subdir was removed. Commit.
- [Desktop Toolbox] Hide "Leave" option if "logout" KDE Action Restriction is in effect. Commit.
- Remove unused duplicated code. Commit.
- [kcms/touchpad] Disable kded module on platforms != x11. Commit.
- [Kickoff] Remove cruft. Commit.
- [kcms/input] Make mouse KCM work on non-X11. Commit.
- Fix typo in TooltipDelegate. Commit.
- Don't show knetattach in the menu, it's only useful from within a file manager/dialog. Commit.
- Fix usage of string "shutdown" and "restart". Commit. See bug #352058. Code review #127790
- [Touchpad KDED module] Show OSD when toggling touchpad with keyboard shortcut. Commit.
- [Widget Explorer] Enable eliding on the header. Commit.
- [Widget Explorer] Clear filter button text when unsetting filter. Commit.
- Install plasma-themes.knsrc. Commit. Fixes bug #362040
- Add Help button to desktop theme KCM. Commit.
- Show text field when typing. Commit.
- Fix keyboard navigation. Commit.
- Same title layout as the activity manager. Commit.
- Muon-discover => plasma-discover. Commit.
- New Desktop Theme KCM. Commit.
- Update desktopthemedetails kcm docbook to 5.6. Commit. Code review #127640
- Fix hover effect on desktop in pager. Commit. Fixes bug #361392
- Add missing countChanged. Commit. Code review #127567. See bug #360492
- Fix word puzzle. Commit.
- Add ellipsis to dialog opening button. Commit.
- Add KUIT markup to i18nc. Commit.
- Improve strings in activitymanager. Commit.
- Add ellipsis on action that opens dialog. Commit.
- AppletConfiguration: Respect button visibility preference of KCModules. Commit.
- [Applet / Wallpaper Configuration] Load config page with initial cfg properties already set. Commit.
- Fixed a memory leak when creating the layout preview. Commit.
- The one who creates the Rules object is responsible for deleting it. Commit.
- Fixing invalid check for the folder model not being null. Commit.
- [runners] Add a KWin runner to open KWin's debug console. Commit.
- Kcm_activities: Add colons to labels for line edits. Commit.
- Kcm_activities: Add KUIT i18n contexts. Commit.
- Fix untranslatable string. Commit.
- Fix assigning undefined to double warning on startup. Commit.
- Port the interactive console runner. Commit. Code review #127413
- Fix KDE -> Plasma in keyboard kcm strings. Commit. Code review #127417
- Panel cleanup. Commit.
- Document Complementary. Commit. Fixes bug #360607
- Properly initializing activity configuration dialog. Commit.
- Allocating the dialog and loading QML only once per application instance. Commit.
- New implementation of wallpaper updating in the activity switcher. Commit.
- Fix building on Linux with clang/libc++. Commit.
- -Wmissing-include-dirs. Commit.
- Don't try to scale the pager to Infinity. Commit.
- Deleting a forgotten file. Commit.
- Disabled toggling of act. switcher immediately after it has been toggled. Commit.
- Removed support for old Qt (pre 5.4) from activities kcm. Commit.
- Expand to full representation in panels when the applet gets reasonably large. Commit. Fixes bug #360354
- [Folder View] Add "Icon Size" to "Icons" context menu. Commit. Fixes bug #360351
- Give Folder View a minimum size. Commit. See bug #360354
- Use smallMedium for toolbox. Commit.
- Fixed validation of whether an icon is set. Commit.
- Removing the copy of KAStats from the plasma-desktop. Commit.
- Making it compile with gcc 6.0.0 unreleased version. Commit.
- Removing SwitcherActivityModel now that it exists in KActivities. Commit.
- [kcms] Remove window manager component chooser. Commit.
- KAStats pot file renamed. Commit. Fixes bug #360045
- Remove unused code. Commit. Code review #127781
- Set KFileDialog overwrite option for saving to follow the Qt option. Commit. Code review #127944. Fixes bug #360666
- Rename project from FrameworkIntegration to PlasmaIntegration. Commit.
- Add highlevel test for icon theming. Commit.
- Use correct scope for variable. Commit.
- Don't open kdeglobals explicitly in font/hint settings. Commit. Code review #127780
- Fix loading of widgetStyle in KHintsSettings. Commit.
- Auto-test to verify that the empty defaults are loaded correctly in KHintsSettings. Commit.
- [autotest] Work around "cannot assign undefined" warning. Commit.
- Fix reading from default lnf package. Commit.
- Depend on Breeze to set the default style name. Commit.
- Add X11Integration for xcb qpa workarounds. Commit. Fixes bug #361296
- Add PROJECT_VERSION to CMakeLists.txt. Commit.
- Dding context to translations. Commit.
- Stop removing QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII. Commit. Code review #127612
- Store password into NetworkManager by default when KWallet is not enabled. Commit. Fixes bug #322219
- Add .arcconfig file for plasma-nm. Commit.
- Avoid appending superfluous \n. Commit.
- Reset the whole model instead of emitting dataChanged() for each item. Commit. Fixes bug #346118
- Make sure we show correct icon when a VPN connection with type of tun gets default route. Commit. Fixes bug #357816
- Applet: disable dynamic sorting while password dialog is displayed. Commit. Fixes bug #362700
- Make the size of popup applet slightly bigger. Commit. Fixes bug #356342
- Right-align labels in IPv4/IPv6 dialogs. Commit. Code review #127643
- Applet: do not hardcode width for password field. Commit. Fixes bug #361812
- Update tooltip when connection name gets changed. Commit. Fixes bug #361348
- Improve tooltip displaying current active connections. Commit. Fixes bug #360668
- Editor: fix indexing for 802-1x authentication. Commit.
- Filter out Tun connections. Commit.
- Avoid blocking DBus call to kded. Commit. Code review #127382
- [PulseObject] Use application.process.binary instead of application.binary. Commit.
- Make sure to unmute when changing volume with hotkeys. Commit. Fixes bug #364686
- KCM: Show separator between notification and application streams. Commit.
- Use smaller icon size instead of removing the bottom margin. Commit.
- KCM: Remove bottom margin of volume slider. Commit.
- Move documentation one extra sub-directory again so that releasme knows which .po files to hunt for. Commit.
- Fix a double free in ~Context when the PA daemon wasn't running. Commit.
- Applet: Add settings for maximum volume and volume step. Commit.
- Implement volume overdrive. Commit. Fixes bug #351438
- Add Event Sounds stream to Applications list. Commit. Fixes bug #355470
- Remove invalid asserts. Commit.
- Add mute microphone global shortcut. Commit. Fixes bug #353102
- Applet: Move Application streams with drag and drop. Commit.
- PulseObjectFilterModel: Allow to set more filters. Commit. Fixes bug #353436
- Use model roles directly in delegates. Commit.
- PulseObject: Add iconName property. Commit. Code review #127467
- Use TextMetrics instead of an hidden Label to make room for "100%" in the volume slider. Commit. Code review #127710
- Applet : Delete an unused QML item. Commit. Code review #127710
- Move sourceIndex and sinkIndex properties to a generic deviceIndex in the Stream class. Commit. Code review #127710
- Applet : Use a common list item for sources and sinks. Commit. Code review #127710
- Applet : Drop sub component support for list items as it's not used anymore. Commit. Code review #127710
- Exclude "pulsesink probe" from application streams. Commit.
- Show OSD also when changing volume with wheel on applet. Commit.
- Make sure there is always default sink/source. Commit.
- Fix typo in docs. Commit.
- Fix typos in docs, remove extra file. Commit.
- Applet: Use Flickable.StopAtBounds for main ScrollArea. Commit.
- Refactor models. Commit.
- Fix minor typo. Commit.
- Move to proper subdir to install lang docbooks to correct place. Commit.
- Rm entities for sebas, they are already in frameworks/kdoctools/src/customization/entities/contributor.entities. Commit.
- Integrate pasma-pa kcm docs properly into helpsystem. Commit. Code review #127585
- Filter out virtual streams from both the applet and the KCM. Commit. Code review #127540
- Fix icon and name of virtual streams in the applet and the KCM. Commit.
- Add a new property to the Stream class to identify virtual streams. Commit.
- Enable build of docs. Commit.
- Use GLOB for QML sources dummy target in applet. Commit.
- Use default output device when changing global volume. Commit. Fixes bug #352370. Fixes bug #357214. Fixes bug #352727
- Add arcconfig. Commit.
- Set default debug level to QtWarningMsg. Commit.
- KCM: Don't disable port combobox when muted. Commit.
- KCM: Use ToolButton for mute button. Commit.
- KCM: Add button to set default devices. Commit. Code review #127485
- Cleanup warnings. Commit. Code review #127498
- KCM: Add possibility to move stream to other devices. Commit. Fixes bug #353232. Code review #127492
- VolumeObject: Add channels and channelVolumes properties. Commit. Code review #127507
- Fix build after (re)moved files. Commit.
- Add Applications tab to applet. Commit. Fixes bug #352042. Code review #127484
- [Plasma Engine Explorer] Don't crash on invalid engine plugin info. Commit.
- Readd cuttlefish appstream file once more, something screwed us over. Commit.
- Readd the file that got dropped for some strange reason. Commit.
- Fix crash when running plasmoidviewer without arguments. Commit.
- Drop useless shebang. Commit.
- Add arcconfig. Commit.
- Fix typo. Commit.
- Install appstream metadata for cuttlefish. Commit.
- Add appstream metadata file for cuttlefish. Commit.
- Rename cuttlefish.desktop to reverse domain name. Commit.
- Orrect window icon for cuttlefish icon viewer. Commit.
- Make absolute and relative paths work as -a parameter. Commit.
- Guard KIconLoader access. Commit.
- Rename themeexplorer po file. Commit.
- I18n: Ok -> OK. Commit.
- KDevelop plugin: Use kdevplatform_add_plugin macro. Commit.
- Engineexplorer: Add space in front of spinbox suffix "ms". Commit.
- Fix reviewboardrc. Commit.
- Make Qt5Test really optional, fix plasmate dependencies. Commit. Code review #127365
- Make QtWebKit optional. Commit. Code review #127339
- Clean up task comparisons. Commit.
- Set system tray applet to RequiresInput when a popup is showing. Commit. Fixes bug #364847
- Make activeTask a property. Commit.
- [System Tray] Hide popup when user configuring. Commit.
- Improve comment. Commit.
- Fix the hack for kcmshell. Commit.
- Add missing API doc for separateLaunchers. Commit.
- Drop outdated comment. Commit.
- Drop support for preferred://windowmanager. Commit.
- Revert "Remove legacy session management support.". Commit. See bug #362671
- Trigger launcher re-filter also when a startup task is removed. Commit. Fixes bug #364612
- --noise;. Commit.
- --noise;. Commit.
- Create logging categories via CMake. Commit.
- Set System Tray AppletItem width properly. Commit. Fixes bug #364543
- --noise. Commit.
- Don't try to reorder an item before itself. Commit.
- Revert "Do tests for startup notification filtering against state-filtered task list.". Commit.
- Do tests for startup notification filtering against state-filtered task list. Commit.
- Invalidate cached launcher count also when the source model changes. Commit. See bug #364537
- Use different icon for "Entries". Commit. Fixes bug #364545
- Match Prison version exactly. Commit.
- Fix launchers getting lost on DND resorts when using 5.6-style config. Commit. Fixes bug #364492
- Keep an i18n alive after the revert as we know we're going to be using it soon. Commit.
- Revert "New login screen". Commit.
- Revert "[Lock Screen] Use generic Plasma blue background". Commit.
- Revert "Keep forceActiveFocus hack from old SDDM theme to new theme". Commit.
- Revert "[Login Screen] Avoid binding source to visible". Commit.
- Revert "[Login Screen] Add large clock". Commit.
- Revert "Correct margin for user search". Commit.
- Revert "Make faces size bigger". Commit.
- Revert "[Splash Screen] Change design to match new login screen". Commit.
- Revert "[Splash Screen] Take into account device pixel ratio". Commit.
- Revert "[Login Screen] Add hint about active caps lock". Commit.
- Revert "Use correct icon for user select". Commit.
- Revert "Fix i18n". Commit.
- Revert "Restore last selected user". Commit.
- [System Tray] Properly position plasmoid context menu. Commit.
- Restore last selected user. Commit. Fixes bug #364432
- Drop unused var. Commit.
- Improve window-on-screen intersection test. Commit. Fixes bug #364280
- Add a LauncherUrlWithoutIcon data role as a speed optimization. Commit.
- Fix cache invalidation for TasksModel::launcherCount. Commit. Fixes bug #364378
- Drkonqi mappings: Move baloo_file* to "frameworks-baloo|Baloo File Daemon". Commit.
- Fix i18n. Commit.
- [Holiday Events] Handle holidays spanning multiple days. Commit. Fixes bug #364345
- Use correct icon for user select. Commit.
- [Login Screen] Add hint about active caps lock. Commit.
- Finish implementation of mode in which launchers are not kept separate. Commit.
- Fix transaction parameters for moves over flattened-out groups. Commit.
- [Service Runner] Use KRun::runService with tempFile argument. Commit.
- Fix crash/assert due to empty list, this method is only to be called if sorting is manual. Commit.
- Fix crash on kquitapp/logout. Commit.
- [Calendar Applet] Show day or week number in icon. Commit. Fixes bug #343467
- [Media Controller] Set sourceSize. Commit.
- Device notifier applet size. Commit. Fixes bug #360886. Code review #128180
- [shell] Properly position DesktopView on Wayland. Commit.
- Add an inline grouping mode. Commit.
- [Containment Actions] Offer "Remove this panel" option only when panel is being edited. Commit. Fixes bug #360300
- [startkde] Call KSplash dbus after checking for kinit. Commit.
- [Splash Screen] Take into account device pixel ratio. Commit.
- [BreezeBlock] Use QtRendering for time label. Commit.
- [Splash Screen] Change design to match new login screen. Commit.
- Make faces size bigger. Commit.
- Correct margin for user search. Commit.
- [Login Screen] Add large clock. Commit.
- [Weather] --deprecated call. Commit.
- [Login Screen] Avoid binding source to visible. Commit.
- Keep forceActiveFocus hack from old SDDM theme to new theme. Commit.
- [Lock Screen] Use generic Plasma blue background. Commit.
- TasksModel: cache launcherCount(). Commit.
- [XWindowTasksModel] Ignore when client is transient for itself. Commit.
- [System Tray AbstractItem] Hide tooltip when clicking item. Commit.
- [DrKonqi] Add config to directly show backtrace. Commit.
- Similar ksplash change for wayland. Commit.
- Prepare KSplash for KDED dropping KSplash support. Commit.
- [System Tray] Fix current item highlight. Commit.
- [Calendar] Show date in the popup in the same way as digital clock does it. Commit.
- [Calendar] Fix binding. Commit.
- Improve agenda view in digital-clock applet. Commit. Code review #128052
- Manually disable qt auto scale factor. Commit.
- Write out QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS instead of deprecated QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO. Commit.
- [PanelView] Fix build... Commit.
- [DrKonqi] Remove heartbeat icon. Commit.
- Merge commit '9ffcb3178cea8b06fdf964fd05cf28319d1ffc8b'. Commit.
- Tasks model: don't load 4 icon sizes to then just use one. Commit.
- Fix compilation with gcc <= 4.8. Commit.
- Revert "Remove unneded X-KDE-Library entry". Commit.
- Use the whole geometry for the struts. Commit.
- Less debug output. Commit.
- Fix runtime warning on startup of digital-clock. Commit.
- Remove debug output on dbus services appeared. Commit.
- Add a prop to toggle the special grouping behavior for tasks in demanding-attention state. Commit.
- [Device Notifier] Be more declarative. Commit. Fixes bug #362992
- Add rule for chromium to taskmanagerrulesrc for proper grouping.`. Commit.
- Systemtray container: fix m_internalSystray nullptr crash. Commit.
- Remove unneded X-KDE-Library entry. Commit.
- Fix alignment of panels in left and right screens. Commit.
- Minor - -Wpedantic and some -Wunused-params. Commit.
- [weather] Document & align data types and values set for weather stations. Commit.
- Add missing hasChildren() implementation. Commit.
- Don't call a plugin "something plugin". Commit.
- Fix i18n in plasmacalendarintegration. Commit.
- New login screen. Commit.
- Bump minimum requirement to Qt 5.6.1. Commit.
- [Device Notifier] Add option to disable popup on new device. Commit. Fixes bug #351592
- [PanelConfigView] Set enabled borders on PanelShadow. Commit.
- [PanelView] Expose enabled borders as property and also forward it to PanelShadows. Commit.
- Fix compilation for Plasma 5.7 release depending on frameworks 5.23. Commit.
- Give a screen to systray applets. Commit.
- Install to correct directory. Commit.
- Install config-X11 as it is used in task.h. Commit.
- Libtaskmanager: bump soversion from 5 to 6. Commit.
- Cleanup and guard against empty URLs where necessary to avoid false matches. Commit.
- [OSD] Enable wrapping into two lines. Commit.
- [Libtaskmanager] Add support for regular expression mapping. Commit. Fixes bug #358277. See bug #356609
- Save code by using newly-added KActivities::Consumer signal. Commit.
- [OSD] Make volume OSD thresholds consistent with Volume Applet. Commit.
- [KRunner] Disable high-dpi scaling. Commit.
- [Service Runner] Don't use KRun::runService. Commit. Fixes bug #361917
- Drop FIXME; addressed in kwayland by D1773. Commit.
- [startkde] Set QT_WAYLAND_FORCE_DPI from startplasmacompositor. Commit.
- Import next-gen libtaskmanager. Commit.
- Rename libtaskmanager to liblegacytaskmanager to make way for rewrite. Commit.
- [Battery Monitor] Silence a bunch of warnings. Commit.
- [Notifications] Don't use
tag if not neccessary. Commit. - [Notifications Operations] Fix typo. Commit.
- [Notifications] Unbreak notification actions. Commit.
- Fix available calendar plugins checkboxes being stacked on top of each other. Commit.
- [System Tray] Don't iterate keys(). Commit.
- [PanelView] Check whether we're X11 before calling QX11Info::connection(). Commit.
- Drop KScreen dependency from PlasmaShell. Commit. Code review #125451
- Bump minimum requirement to Qt 5.6.0. Commit.
- Port all instances of Kauthorized action/shell_command to shell_command. Commit.
- QDebug -> qCDebug. Commit.
- Wrap text of event title in calendar. Commit.
- Add ScrollArea to events view in calendar. Commit.
- Fix saving of calendar events plugins and holidays regions. Commit.
- [Services Runner] Add launched applications to recently used list. Commit. Fixes bug #182887
- [OSD] Add OSD for when on-screen keyboard is enabled/disabled. Commit.
- Revert "Bump required Frameworks version to 5.23". Commit.
- Bump required Frameworks version to 5.23. Commit.
- [Battery/Clock] Offer KCM access only if allowed. Commit.
- Add microphone volume OSD. Commit.
- [System Tray] Don't try to popup empty QMenu. Commit.
- [Powermanagement Dataengine] Use "lock_screen" rather than "action/lock_screen". Commit.
- [Powermanagement Dataengine] Expose "Logout" as Sleep State. Commit.
- Don't run krunner if the user isn't allowed to use it. Commit.
- Check user is allowed to run krunner when forwarding key events. Commit.
- Clean up configure checks, none of the code here use PAM anymore. Commit.
- Alternatives: Add new applet only after the old one was removed. Commit. See bug #358827
- [KRunner] Remove duplicate call to QCommandLineParser::addVersionOption(). Commit.
- [KRunner] Honor KAuthorized lineedit_text_completion. Commit.
- Battery tooltip no longer shows "0% charging" for computers with wireless mouse/keyboard. Commit. Fixes bug #362924
- [Shell Runner] Add "Run in Terminal" option. Commit.
- [Places Runner] Add mimeDataForMatch. Commit.
- Remove superfluous KAuthorised check with new name. Commit.
- [Location Runner] Cleanup. Commit.
- [PanelShadows] Cache access to QX11Info::display(). Commit.
- Start struts timer in resizeEvent. Commit. Fixes bug #362887
- [System Tray] Use units.longDuration for transitions. Commit.
- [System Tray] Forward keyboard input to expanded representation. Commit.
- [System Tray] Fix assigning global shortcuts to applets from the config interface. Commit.
- [System Tray] Ensure pin is always on top. Commit.
- [Device Notifier] Remove cruft. Commit.
- [calendar] Add "No events for today" in the agenda when no events are available. Commit. Code review #127818
- Show klipper in non-kde desktops. Commit.
- Weather IONS: Commented out an unused member variable. Commit.
- Fix usage of string "shut down". Commit. Fixes bug #352058. Code review #127791
- Add method to run a script from DBus directly. Commit. See bug #217950. Code review #125648
- Add simple calendar events plugin based on KHolidays. Commit. Code review #125862
- Revert "Revert all of the Calendar-agenda changes". Commit. Code review #127734. Fixes bug #357642. Fixes bug #349676
- [Notifications] Don't group job finished notifications. Commit. Fixes bug #360156
- [Service Runner] Remove context checks in the loops. Commit.
- [Service Runner] Search for Jump List Actions. Commit.
- [Media Controller[: Fix playing next/previous song seeking. Commit. Fixes bug #362473. Code review #127789
- [kioslave/desktop] Ensure there are no multiple / when creating the file path. Commit.
- Add WiFi, Mobile Broadband, Bluetooth, and Touchpad OSD infos. Commit.
- Fix memory leak in system tray. Commit.
- Improve usage of Qt containers. Commit.
- Fix unused argument warning. Commit.
- Properly iterate Qt containers. Commit.
- [OSD] Load QML file on demand. Commit.
- Guard m_controller with a QPointer. Commit. Fixes bug #361985
- Fix SDDM test data. Commit.
- Small cleanup. Commit.
- [shell] Commit surface after removing it's shadow. Commit.
- [weather] make credit lines shorter, use no-break space in composed names. Commit.
- [weather bbcukment] Fix: wrong data key "Humidity Field" -> "Humidity Unit". Commit.
- REVIEW:127575 Plasma 5.7 wallpaper (splash). Commit. Code review #127575 Plasma 5.7 wallpaper (splash)
- Use MouseEventListener to close popup on click. Commit. Fixes bug #361531
- Close popup upon item select. Commit. Fixes bug #361629
- Minimum sizes should be the smallest size to reasnobly show all contents. Commit. Fixes bug #360380
- Disable the plasmashell tests on Qt 5.6.0. Commit.
- Systemtray: Align menu to item's topleft corner. Commit.
- Systemtray: Disable tooltip when applet is expanded. Commit.
- [weather] do not leak symbols of nested Private class. Commit.
- [weather] less casting from ascii in envcan ion. Commit.
- [weather] more improved string handling in bbcukmet & wettercom ions. Commit.
- More specific dialog title. Commit.
- "Runner" is jargon, don't show it in the UI. Commit.
- Clarify usage of display number in strings. Commit.
- Remove useless debug output. Commit.
- Guard KPluginInfo access. Commit. Fixes bug #360927
- [Slideshow Wallpaper] Fix seconds always set to 1 when opening config dialog. Commit. Fixes bug #350828
- [weather bbcukmet] parse search result properly as json. Commit.
- [weather] less casting from ascii in bbcukmet, noaa & wetter.com ions. Commit.
- [weather] Use modern signal/slot connection. Commit.
- [weather] Improve signature of WeatherEngine::dataUpdated. Commit.
- [weather] brush up WeatherEngine header. Commit.
- [weather] inline WeatherEngine::init(). Commit.
- [weather] less casting from ascii. Commit.
- [weather] remove dead code. Commit.
- [weather] NULL -> nullptr. Commit.
- It's not necessary to provide a shell plugin for the shell anymore. Commit.
- Added the comment why a handler must exist. Commit.
- No need to QStandardPaths::findExecutable if proc is null. Commit.
- M_interactiveConsole can be null. Commit.
- [weather] more comparison with qlatin1strings. Commit.
- [weather] inline init() methods of all ions. Commit.
- [weather] code style: align ion headers. Commit.
- [weather] code style: no else after return. Commit.
- Fix slot signature normalization. Commit.
- Fix typo in comment. Commit.
- [weather] cleanup includes. Commit.
- [weather] Align code of http calls to data providers. Commit.
- [weather] use QHash for all kjob-based tables. Commit.
- [weather] this is C++, no need for (void) as parameter list with methods. Commit.
- [weather bbcukmet] Translate data credit string. Commit.
- Models import not used anymore. Commit.
- Add a template for Weather Ion dataengines. Commit.
- Fix position of tooltips in systemtray. Commit.
- Bind directly stackBefore stackAfter. Commit.
- Experimental port to ObjectModel. Commit.
- Use consistent data for xembed SNI IDs. Commit. Fixes bug #356655
- Make one more DBus call async. Commit. See bug #359611. Code review #127475
- [Lock Screen] Support "plugged in but not charging" state. Commit. See bug #350068
- [Battery Monitor] Support explicit "not charging" state in tooltip. Commit. See bug #350068
- [Battery Monitor] When in doubt the battery is not charging. Commit.
- [Powermangement Dataengine] Support "NoCharge" state for cumulative battery. Commit. See bug #350068
- [Battery Monitor] Add a "plugged in but not charging" state for the tooltip. Commit. Fixes bug #355922
- A small margin for icons. Commit.
- Try harder to center vertically/horizontally icons. Commit. Fixes bug #338382
- [Logout Dialog] Add context to translation. Commit.
- Simple cleanup in geometryByDistance. Commit.
- Allocate the watcher on the stack. Commit.
- Make sure length() is at least 1. Commit.
- Api to rename activities in desktop scripting. Commit.
- Et activity name even if activity is recycled. Commit.
- Reintroduce dbus calls for kwin script console. Commit. Code review #127412
- Cleanup resize. Commit.
- Don't set min and max size of window twice. Commit.
- Remove invalid emit. Commit.
- Don't set min and max size of window twice. Commit.
- Make Tray upper-case for consistency. Commit.
- Remove systray menu from context menus. Commit. Fixes bug #360559. Fixes bug #360301
- [phonon] Do not set RPATH. Commit. Code review #126210
- Use fixed width for digital clock applet. Commit. Fixes bug #347724. Code review #127102
- Emit that the default layout has been set up. Commit. Code review #127346
- Infrastructure for Plasmoid integration testing. Commit. Code review #127346
- Generate a debug header for Plasma Shell. Commit.
- Fix mouse interaction with xmebed sni proxy applets in new tray. Commit. Fixes bug #360332
- Use "org.kde.plasma:force-create". Commit.
- Remove unused file. Commit. Code review #127322
- Inform applet to update menus before using them. Commit. Code review #127320
- Fix layering of the glass. Commit.
- Top and bottom anchors are useless when we are already setting the height. Commit.
- [Splash Screen] Silence warning. Commit. Fixes bug #360367
- Add missing overrides. Commit.
- [OSD] Don't unset the icon when it hides. Commit.
- Fix warnings. Commit.
- Shut down warnings about deprecated KF5Plasma API being used. Commit. Code review #127329
- Removes some small issues I found while reading other code. Commit.
- Remove double look-up. Commit.
- Backport 70326bdbed9b3e2f74990e170cb400f1e6769c8d to new systemtray. Commit.
- No spacing. Commit.
- Handle KIO URLs which proxy for local URLs in Icon applet. Commit. Fixes bug #356548
- [Battery Monitor] Be more declarative. Commit.
- Opening the activity switcher as a delayed call. Commit.
- Finish port of the plasmoid list. Commit.
- Forcing the creation of the systray containment even if plasma is not mutable. Commit. Fixes bug #360265
- Not (experimantal) anymore. Commit.
- Watch for and notify about XDG_DESKTOP_DIR changes. Commit. See bug #356548
- Remove references of the old private plugin. Commit.
- [Media Controller] Remove padding hack. Commit.
- Complete applet rename. Commit.
- Replace the systemtray with new implementation. Commit.
- [Device Notifier] Use new media-mount icon. Commit. Fixes bug #358875
- [KRunner] Allow deleting individual entries from the history. Commit. Fixes bug #359983
- Fix context menus. Commit.
- Remove internal systray when container removed. Commit.
- Fix items height in the same way as the old systrauy. Commit.
- Port popupPosition from old systray. Commit.
- Support for SecondaryActivate on middle button. Commit.
- Set proper PROJECT_VERSION. Commit.
- Better management of tooltips in SNIs. Commit.
- Mouseover effect for statusnotifiers. Commit.
- Call it just system tray. Commit.
- A bit of spacing. Commit.
- Disable transition. Commit.
- Put newest entries at the beginning. Commit.
- Replace own config action with the internal one. Commit.
- Renamed applets. Commit.
- Fix categories. Commit.
- Default arrow pointing up. Commit.
- Hide expander arrow when no hidden items. Commit.
- Better layouting. Commit.
- Put item related things in subdirectory. Commit.
- Add pulseAnimation for needsAttention. Commit.
- Support wheel. Commit.
- Upport context menus for SNI. Commit.
- Mplement hiding by category for plasmoids. Commit.
- Implement category filtering fir SNIS. Commit.
- Use a single repeater for statusnotifieritem. Commit.
- Restore always shown/always hidden config. Commit.
- Only one datamodel. Commit.
- Actually fix applet addition/removal. Commit.
- Fix adding/removing applets. Commit.
- Insist to have lastScreen -1. Commit.
- Layout fixes. Commit.
- Support plasmoids context menus. Commit.
- Less animation happy on the current highlight. Commit.
- Nstantiate stuff on UiReadyConstraint. Commit.
- Force horizontal formfactor when planar. Commit.
- Qml warnings --. Commit.
- Get rid of ui/Compactapplet. Commit.
- Common subclass for items. Commit.
- Remove dead code. Commit.
- Support custom theme paths. Commit.
- Mouse over current menu item. Commit.
- Put the hidden icons view in separate file. Commit.
- Rework expanded representation. Commit.
- Use a transition animation. Commit.
- Don't slide when opening. Commit.
- Better page transition. Commit.
- A single framesvg highight. Commit.
- Propagate size hints. Commit.
- Initialize internal containment in startupcompleted. Commit.
- Make the container an actual real qml applet. Commit.
- Correctly embed. Commit.
- Don't close popup when switching applet. Commit.
- Fix restore. Commit.
- Propagate location and formfactor. Commit.
- Use IconName or Icon. Commit.
- Better stackview behavior. Commit.
- Slightly better working current applet selection. Commit.
- Labels. Commit.
- Full config ui. Commit.
- Move expanded rep in own file. Commit.
- E a custom CompactApplet. Commit.
- Separate applet to contain the systray container. Commit.
- Try to hide the popups. Commit.
- Rename TaskWidget. Commit.
- Almost working plasmoid population and shared popup. Commit.
- First rough port of dbus activation. Commit.
- Add a C++ component. Commit.
- Ystray basic working. Commit.
- Initial commit. Commit.
- Disallow ptrace on polkit agent on FreeBSD. Commit.
- Revert "Make NetworkManagerQt and BluezQt optional". Commit.
- Make NetworkManagerQt and BluezQt optional. Commit.
- Improve peripheral device notification wording. Commit.
- Remove PowerDevil::BackendLoader. Commit.
- Make udev seriously mandatory. Commit.
- Notify about low peripherals when plugging them in. Commit.
- Remove m_batteriesUdi QStringList. Commit.
- Improve wording of notifications. Commit.
- Notify about low peripheral devices on startup similar to what we do with the laptop battery. Commit.
- [Profiles KCM] Add spinbox for changing the low peripheral battery threshold. Commit.
- Initial support for peripheral battery notifications. Commit.
- Use "pluggedin" notification for notifying that we stopped the auto suspend timer. Commit.
- Close critical notification when timer is stopped. Commit.
- [Profiles KCM] Get rid of tab icons. Commit.
- Add .arcconfig. Commit.
- Fix usage of string "shut down". Commit. See bug #352058. Code review #127792
- Replace keyword by Qt macro here too. Commit.
- Add wireless energy saving actions. Commit. Code review #127263
- Replace all keywords by Qt macros. Commit. Code review #127325
- Remove cognate word. Commit.
- Revert "Enable animated brightness change also for Sysfs helper". Commit.
- Revert "Enable animated brightness change also for Sysfs helper". Commit.
- Initial support for peripheral battery notifications. Commit.
- Port avatar gallery from kcm_useraccounts to user-manager. Commit. Code review #126151. Fixes bug #354001