- Pk: Have the notifier listen to the correct for offline events. Commit.
- ApplicationPage: Fix license button tooltip. Commit.
- Set correct installation directory for kconf_update script. Commit.
- Use only GTK Module for managing window decorations CSS. Commit. Fixes bug #428322. Fixes bug #428120. Fixes bug #428842
- Fix weather widget crash when going to Units tab for the second time. Commit. Fixes bug #419709
- The comic applet previously attempted to use the url associated with the. Commit.
- Scene: Fix window pixmap traversal order. Commit.
- Screencasting: fix build. Commit.
- Screencast: support BGRx format for backwards compatibility with WebRTC. Commit.
- Always emit sensorMetaDataChanged() when receiving a metaData update. Commit.
- Revert: bf7d64b3 . Fixes panel height adjusting fails when the panel is on top / left. Commit. Fixes bug #430050
- Reparse the key repeat rate config when we try to load it. Commit. Fixes bug #418175
- Fix the order of the actions of the emojier. Commit.
- [kcms/users]: Make sure avatar grid doesn't escape bounds. Commit. Fixes bug #428899
- Use Instantiator to create drawer actions to improve startup time. Commit. See bug #429855
- [kcms/users] Avoid race condition on startup. Commit. Fixes bug #429314
- Fix password entry jumping to different networks with wifi scanning, by pausing the scan when appropriate. Commit.
- [kcm] Read text color from proper theme. Commit.
- Recent Documents Runner: Strip trailing slash in subtext. Commit.
- [applets/systemtray] Fix missing expander arrow. Commit. Fixes bug #430569
- [Notifications] Check popup being null. Commit.
- Move keyboard positioning in the keyboard itself. Commit. Fixes bug #427934